Chapter 53


Looking at the closed door, the proprietress showed a gratified smile on her face, "It's true that I entrusted their brothers and sisters to you..."

After leaving the room, Fang Tang saw that the two little guys were feeding Bai Lusha fruit, and they looked very happy together.

"Big brother..."

The siblings also saw Fang Tang and greeted him.

"Well, have you finished eating?" Fang Tang asked, and after getting an affirmative answer, he continued: "Hadi, go say goodbye to the proprietress, and come back later to repay her for all these years." Kindness..."

It just so happened that the proprietress also came out of the room at this time, holding a few tidied clothes in her hand.

"Aunt Ke, thank you for taking care of our brothers and sisters these years. Without you... maybe we would have starved to death. When I create a career with my elder brother, I will definitely come back to repay you!"

Hardy brought his younger sister Janya to the proprietress and said that both brothers and sisters had red eyes, but they held back their tears.

If it is really a poor family, the children are in charge of the family early, and they are more sensible...

"Silly boy, Auntie doesn't need you to repay anything, just be nice, Hardy... These are the clothes I prepared for you, and you must protect your sister well. Although she is very sensible, she is not as knowledgeable as you after all. I don't know The society is dangerous, listen to your elder brother more in the future..."

After all, the proprietress is a person who has experienced a lot, and she is somewhat reluctant to part with the two children, but her face is completely happy to find a way for the two children, and there is no expression of reluctance. This is the biggest encouragement for the brothers and sisters...


The tavern where the three of them left was on the street.

"Brother, you said that we will be pirates in the future... What kind of pirates are we? Also, brother, we don't seem to have a boat. I heard them say that you seem to be pulling a small boat with a big turtle. It's..." Hardy said suddenly.

This silly little fat man is really not stupid. . .

"Ah... oh... I originally wanted to find a partner to form a pirate group, but I didn't expect to meet you two brats first, let's wait to form a pirate group, at least find a guy who can fight! "Fang Tang heard Hadi's words and replied, seeing that Hadi was a little embarrassed after hearing his reply, he continued:

"As for what kind of pirates we will be in the future... This is a matter of personal style. It is equivalent to a person. If you do something harmful to nature, you are a bad person. If you help all living beings, you are a saint. In the future, the pirates will absorb There are only two requirements for members, that is not to betray your companions! Not to harm ordinary people innocently!"

Fang Tang roughly gave Hardy an answer, but this answer was simple but very general. Not hurting ordinary people innocently does not mean that you can't hurt them. From his tone just now, it can be heard that the main thing is actually the three words 'no betrayal'!

Fang Tang attaches great importance to these three words, because the pirate group he wants to form is very similar to the one-man pirate group, he is Edward Newgate!
Whitebeard Edward Newgate!The Four Emperors of the New World, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the current holder of the title of World's Strongest Man!
The Whitebeard Pirates are like a family, and all the crew members are the 'sons' of the captain Whitebeard.

certainly!Didn't Fang Tang want to find a bunch of 'sons' like Whitebeard, he didn't have that habit, if he wanted a child, he could have a baby with Hancock...why did he find a bunch of godsons.

Fang Tang wants to form a family-like team, not the kind that must be called relatives, such as brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, and so on. He is not the pervert of the Pirate Four Emperors!He said that family is the kind of person who can treat you unreservedly like a relative, help you desperately when you are in trouble, and greet you without hesitation when you need help, pure feeling...

There are many names for this feeling and emotion, and the most common name is comrade-in-arms!It's just that Fang Tang likes to use the name 'family', which may have something to do with his country's past...

"Brother... are you okay?" Fang Tang was awakened by Janya's voice, and it turned out that after he finished speaking just now, he fell into his own thoughts.

Hearing Janya's words, he immediately smiled and said, "'s okay, I was just thinking about something, Hardy just asked about our ship, right! Aren't there many ports? Just grab one!"

"Ah... grab the pirate ship!" Both brothers and sisters were a little dazed.


Fang Tang was amused by the funny looks of the two of them, so he stopped joking and said, "I'm kidding you, even if we snatch it, we can't drive it away, I don't know much about navigation."

"Ah... Brother, you scared me to death, snatch the pirate's ship!" Hardy said in a low tone.

Zhan Ya's face was flushed, and Fang Tang looked a little confused, so she was excited, frightened, or ashamed!Anyway, Fang Tang didn't see it.

"Then, brother, how do we go?"

What Fang Tang didn't expect was that this question was asked by Zhan Ya, who seemed quiet and submissive even when she spoke.

So Fang Tang replied honestly this time: "We will leave on that merchant's boat, I believe he will take us, let's go to the next island first."

"Oh..." The brothers and sisters agreed this time.

In fact, Zhan Ya is not very timid and shy of others. Most people can understand that she has been silent after seeing Fang Tang before. I will follow this big brother named Fang Tang with my brother. After a short period of observation, I also know that Fang Tang is a good talker, so I try to get in touch with him. As for the voice, it is natural, there is no way!

"Brother, do we still have something to buy?" Hardy said naively.

"Haha, of course you don't need it. In fact, this is what I just thought of. There will be food for us to eat when we arrive on the merchant ship, so we don't have to bother to buy it. Let's go, let's go to the port now." Fang Tang said and walked to the port first. Go, followed by two tails, one big and one small, and of course Bai Lusha who really has a tail...

In the tavern, Fang Tang inquired about the owner of the merchant ship, and knew that he was at the port ready to set off, otherwise Fang Tang would not have gone to the port with such confirmation.

When he arrived at the port, he found that the big businessman was directing his subordinates to arrange the goods. Fang Tang immediately walked behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Huh? Who... ah! Great, my lord!"

The big businessman turned his head indifferently, but when he turned his head and saw Fang Tang, he immediately screamed and straightened his posture.

"Oh, don't be afraid, I don't want to trouble you, I just want to take your ride, and I will pay you..." Fang Tang was helpless when he saw the panicked look of the big man. This courage is completely inversely proportional to the reminder, Not as good as children.

Hearing Fang Tang's intention of coming, the businessman breathed a sigh of relief, and when he heard Fang Tang wanted to pay, he immediately said, "No! Just sit down, my lord. I will give you the best treatment for everything. You don't need to spend money, my lord. As you know, we businessmen want peace of mind when we make a profit, so you must pay attention to my sincerity, my lord."

Fang Tang nodded, not bothering about these things, since he is asking for peace of mind, let's go along with him, anyway, he has achieved his goal, if he is trying to evade, maybe people will think he has some evil intentions.

But Fang Tang still made a joke in his heart. . .

 Extraordinary and extraordinary...the author has updated again...^_^o~
(End of this chapter)

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