Chapter 15 Lost
In the early morning of the second day, before the sun rose, Fang Tang stood on Ju Ran's head, and Ju Ran took him to Nine Snakes Island.

Standing on Ju Ran's broad head, Fang Tang looked at the calm sea and always felt that there was a potential crisis around him, and Ju Ran didn't march in a straight line, but made a bend every once in a while, or even made several turns in succession.

Looking at the calm sea again, Fang Tang finally understood what was going on. He had lived on Beast Island for nearly two years and forgot that he was in the calm zone. This is the lair of sea kings. There is a reason for the abduction, it turned out to be avoiding Neptunes.

That's true, juran's current size is really a little guy compared to the Neptune, but with the current careful method, he should be able to find Nine Snake Island without incident!

I was really afraid that something would happen. As soon as Fang Tang finished speaking, a sea king with the shape of a seal surfaced in the direction Ju Ran was heading, and a huge shadow directly covered Fang Tang and his party.

Looking at the big sea king in front of him, Fang Tang swallowed his saliva, and muttered in his heart: "This car with a white beard is bigger than the Dick, it should be very docile, after all, not all sea kings It's all brutal."

While Fang Tang was muttering to himself, the sea king with the appearance of a seal finally looked at Fang Tang and his party beside him.

"Gulu~" Fang Tang swallowed, praying that this sea king would not care about his little flesh.

Suddenly, the seal looking at Fang Tang showed a humanized expression, but this expression was very playful.

Seeing the expression of the seal, Fang Tang sighed inwardly, "It's over!" Because the expression of the seal was very similar to the expression of a cat encountering something interesting, especially the look, which was full of exploration, but Fang Tang didn't want to be a cat. the object of his search.

So he kicked Ju Ran, and Ju Ran also swam back fully in cooperation, but the seal-shaped Neptune came back after not swimming far, and Fang Tang yelled, "Run! "

The giant ran under its feet immediately swam desperately, there was no way, although it tasted the sea for food, it never dared to provoke sea kings, every time it saw it, it would run as far as it could.

Seeing that his newly discovered plaything wanted to run away, the seal was naturally unwilling, and immediately swung its tail and set off a huge wave to shoot at Fang Tang and Ju Ran. As for Bai Lusha?That guy has been hiding in the water all along, and now he doesn't know where he went.

Faced with a huge amount of tens of meters, Fang Tang had no way to hide. He didn't know how to step on the air and ran to the sky, so Fang Tang was directly thrown into the sea by the huge waves. After falling into the sea, Fang Tang was shocked!At the same time, his hairs stood on end, and he finally knew what a sea king's lair was. Looking around the sea from Fang Tang's perspective, there was a sea king at a certain distance, and there was even a sea king below him whose size was beyond description. giant.

But now is not the time to be shocked, Fang Tang immediately swam to the sea after a short period of distraction, and Ju Ran was rolled several times by the waves, at this time he also adjusted and swam to Fang Tang's side.

Fang Tang hugged Ju Ran's seven inches immediately, after all, no matter how fast he swam, he couldn't swim faster than Ju Ran, let alone that sea king.

Keeping this situation, Fang Tang grabbed Ju Ran and ran quickly to the distance under the sea surface, and the seal-shaped sea king saw that the little thing hadn't surfaced for a long time, and finally dived into the water to look for it. There is also the shadow of Fang Tang...

"Ahem...ah!" Fang Tang, who had finally escaped to a piece of land, coughed lying on the beach. He choked on several mouthfuls of seawater just now, and the giant python next to him was also lying on his back on the beach, his lungs heaving up and down. He looked exhausted, but in Fang Tang's opinion, he was scared, after all, it was too exciting just now.

At this time, a white line floated over the sea, and it turned out to be Bai Lusha.

As soon as Bai Lusha reached the shore, she climbed up to Fang Tang's side and rubbed her head against Fang Tang's.

Fang Tang sat up and patted it on the head, and said, "Okay, I don't blame you for running first, you were right at the time, after all, if you know you're invincible and don't run, you're going to die, and if you die, you die for nothing. It is right to have the strength to come back for revenge after running away."

There was no way around it. Bai Lusha's ability was very strong, but she couldn't use it in the sea at all, and even if she could use her ability, it would be difficult for Bai Lusha to cause fatal damage to creatures of that size with her current strength.

At this time, Fang Tang began to check the surrounding situation. There was a piece of grass behind where he was standing, and it was only 20 meters from the grass to the sea. This 20 meters was the sandy beach under his feet. Looking far away, there is a forest. It is not difficult to see that there are many animals here from the birds flying up from the trees.

"Sigh..." Fang Tang raised his head and sighed. If he had known earlier, he would not have let Yingcao and the others leave. Back then, there was nothing on the island that could threaten him, so Fang Tang asked Yingcao and the others who had been standing there to return to Nine Snakes. Dao, if he had been smarter at the beginning and let Yingcao leave a phone bug, he wouldn’t be able to go back to Jiu Snake Island by himself, and now he doesn’t know where he is. If he didn’t want to go back suddenly to surprise Hancock, but To be honest, Hancock, who visits him on the island every month, doesn't have to get lost now.

"Oh, it's useless to regret anything now, let's take a look at the situation where I am now." After complaining about himself, Fang Tang immediately cheered up and began to investigate the surrounding situation.

After telling Ju Ran not to run too far around here, Fang Tang took Bai Lusha to the distant jungle. The small grassland was very quiet, only occasionally a few normal rabbits passed by, but Fang Tang knew, If there are herbivores like rabbits, there must be their natural enemies, wolves!Then there are not a few other carnivores.

In a few minutes, Fang Tang rushed to the outside of the jungle. When he walked into the jungle, all kinds of birds chirped. Although Fang Tang was surprised that there were so many birds in this forest alone, he didn't take it too seriously. It’s true that he wanted to run away when he saw sea kings, but he didn’t need to see birds, even though there were a lot of birds here.

Fang Tang continued to walk in, looking at the birds in the surrounding trees was also interesting, but he didn't notice a red mosquito biting the back of his neck.

Fang Tang continued to walk inside, but at this moment he finally realized that it was too wrong, why did he say it was too wrong?
Because Fang Tang noticed that the birds around him were all looking at him, they stopped singing, and the surroundings were quiet. At this moment, Fang Tang remembered that he still had knowledgeable arrogance, and thought to himself that he was an idiot. Then what are you learning!
Turn on the domineering color of knowledge and information, and immediately know the situation within a radius of 50 meters.

"There is nothing, except for the chirping of birds and insects on the trees, huh? No..." Fang Tang, who had just finished his conclusion, suddenly sensed a few people lurking towards him. Fang Tang just When he raised his guard and prepared to meet the lurking people, his eyes suddenly flickered, and then he felt the world spinning for a while, and his eyes went dark and he fell to the ground.

And Bai Lusha anxiously lay on his body and neighed...

(End of this chapter)

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