
Chapter 261 Transformation of Mind and Soul

Chapter 261 Transformation of Mind and Soul

After the strange book of "The Heart of Inaction" absorbed a bolt of the original source of thunder, the original source of thunder came down one after another, and each original source of lightning was so terrifying.

However, such a terrifying source of thunder and lightning was honestly absorbed when encountering the strange book "The Heart of Inaction".

"Heart of Inaction" is constantly absorbing the original source of lightning, and the original energy of the five elements and the original energy of yin and yang are running crazily.The original source of lightning was absorbed, except for the four characters of the heart of inaction, the four characters of the source of thunder did not appear, which made Ouyang Yayu very surprised.

However, the original energies of the five elements and the original energies of yin and yang form a whole that operates independently, and a large whole is formed between the two independent wholes.In the past, Ouyang Yayu always felt that there was something missing in this big whole, but he didn't understand what was going on until now that the source of thunder, thunder and lightning, was absorbed.

The original source of thunder, thunder and lightning, is continuously absorbed by the strange book "The Heart of Inaction". Between the large whole formed by the original energy of the five elements and the original energy of yin and yang, when the original source of thunder, lightning, is absorbed, this large whole is constantly perfected.

At this time, Ouyang Yayu is like a bystander, but he feels that this big whole is getting more and more perfect. If the original source of thunder, lightning, is absorbed, this big whole will be perfected to the best state.

Just when Ouyang Yayu felt that he had nothing to do, suddenly, a terrifying thunderbolt, the source of thunder, hit his soul and primordial spirit before he had time to react.

It’s over.

Although it was too late to react, when the source of thunder and lightning hit his soul, Ouyang Yayu thought of these two words.

There was no time to dodge, and there was no time to think about how the source of thunder, thunder and lightning, hit his soul and primordial spirit. Isn't it being absorbed by the strange book "The Heart of Inaction"?

Ouyang Yayu only felt a bang, and instantly entered a half-dream and half-awake state.I don't understand, I seem to be sleeping but not sleeping, I am not awake, it is very weird.Ouyang Yayu didn't even know what to do in this state, this weird feeling of wanting to wake up but unable to fall asleep kept tormenting him.

The source of thunder is still constantly bombarded by lightning, and the strange book of "The Heart of Doing Nothing" is naturally absorbed. In the strange book "Heart of Inaction", the original energy of the five elements and the original energy of yin and yang are running crazily, and the light of the heart of space and the heart of time and space is constantly shining.Only the four big characters of the heart of doing nothing that just appeared not long ago, there is still no movement.

The large whole formed between the original energy of the five elements and the original energy of yin and yang is continuously absorbed by the original source of thunder and lightning, and this large whole is constantly perfected.

This state continued, and after an unknown amount of time, the original energy of thunder finally stopped coming down, probably because it had been absorbed.

At this time, the large whole formed between the original energy of the five elements and the original energy of yin and yang, also reached a perfect state at the moment when the original source of thunder and lightning was absorbed.An extremely mysterious large body appeared, and various mysterious spells and script scripts kept flashing.

The original energy of the five elements, the original energy of yin and yang, and the original energy of thunder that is hidden somewhere are all integrated into this big whole.

Then, the eight original energies are divided into two branches, which flow into the heart of space and the heart of time and space respectively.The inflow of the eight original energies this time is different from the previous few times. In the previous few times, the original energy of the five elements and the original energy of yin and yang flowed into the heart of space and the heart of time and space respectively. among.

But now, the eight original energies have flowed into the heart of space and the heart of time and space.The heart of space and the heart of time and space flickered in an instant, and it had been brewing for a long time. At the same time, an unknown energy flowed out from the heart of space and the heart of time and space, and injected it into the topmost heart of inaction.

Needless to say, this unknown energy is transformed from the eight original energies. These eight original energies are very interesting. After a level of conversion, after injecting the heart of inaction.


The strange book "Heart of Doing Nothing" has changed again, unexpectedly, the second page of the strange book "Heart of Doing Nothing" has been opened.

The avenue is inaction.

On the top of the second page of the strange book "The Heart of Inaction", these four big characters are unusually eye-catching.

Below the Dao of Inaction are the Ancestral Realm of Inaction, the Exalted Realm of Inaction, and the Beginning Realm of Inaction.The three realms of inaction are all on the second page of the strange book "The Heart of Inaction".

However, Ouyang Yayu didn't know what had happened, at this moment he just wanted to wake up but couldn't sleep, he was in pain!
Just like that, Ouyang Yayu was immersed in this strange feeling of half-dream and half-awake, ignorant, half-awake, half-sleeping.

Time passed continuously, and after an unknown amount of time, Ouyang Yayu woke up abruptly.


It feels like the whole world has changed.

"Is this~~~ the beginning of inaction?" Ouyang Yayu murmured.

"Huh? It seems wrong again." Ouyang Yayu suddenly gasped in surprise again.

He just suddenly felt that everything had changed, thinking that he had reached the realm of the beginning of inaction, but then he knew it was not.He feels that everything has changed because of the transformation of his mind and soul.

Yes, it is a transformation, Ouyang Yayu's mind and soul have undergone transformation again.Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be related to the origin of the thunder that came over without warning.

At this time, Ouyang Yayu was surprised and excited, his mind and soul had been transformed, and he could no longer see it.

The original soul that had converged into the seven-star space had disappeared at this time, as if it had been blown away by the source of thunder that suddenly came over.But what made Ouyang Yayu feel strange was that the soul soul was blown away, but he could feel the existence of the mind and soul, which was extremely weird.

Now, Ouyang Yayu doesn't know whether he has a soul or not.If there is, but don't know where the soul is?If he said no, he could really feel the existence of the mind.Although Ouyang Yayu didn't know why this happened, he knew that it was good for him, at least he felt better now than ever.

In fact, the source of the sudden thunder came from the strange book "The Heart of Inaction".Otherwise, the strange book of "The Heart of Inaction" is constantly absorbing the source of thunder, how can the source of thunder bypass it and bombard Ouyang Yayu's soul primordial spirit?
Ouyang Yayu was secretly lamenting the change in his mind, and it took a long time before he turned his attention to the strange book "The Heart of Inaction".

At this time, the strange book "The Heart of Inaction" has opened the second page, and the four big characters of Dao Wuwei are particularly eye-catching.Under the Dao of inaction, the beginning state of inaction, the respectful state of inaction, and the ancestor state of inaction.These words are radiant and introverted, and there seems to be nothing special about them.

But Ouyang Yayu knew that these words might not be that simple.After all, not to mention that those words happen to be the cultivation realm of the Wuwei Realm, just because it appears in the strange book "The Heart of Wuwei", it should not be underestimated.Think about the words on the first page of the strange book "The Heart of Inaction", and you will understand why it is said this way.

"The state of the beginning of inaction, this should not be the same as the five elements and the origin of yin and yang, what kind of energy do you need to absorb?" Ouyang Yayu murmured to himself.

Probably not, as soon as the words came out, Ouyang Yayu immediately denied this idea.These words happen to be the realm of cultivation in Wuwei Realm, and they don't have any energy, so the previous ideas are not valid.

So, what is the purpose of these big characters on this page in the realm of the beginning of inaction?Ouyang Yayu stared at the big characters of the realm of the beginning of inaction, thinking secretly.

Huh?Ouyang Yayu suddenly gasped in surprise again, this realm of the beginning of inaction seems to be able to immerse his mind in it.Ouyang Yayu observed it carefully and immediately concluded this idea.

I know that the strange book "Heart of Inaction" is not simple. Now the state of beginning of inaction, does it mean that the state of beginning of inaction is in it?If so, then post it, Ouyang Yayu couldn't help getting extremely excited.

If only the state of the beginning of inaction is there, although he will be excited, but not as exaggerated as now.The reason why he is so excited is because the realm of the respect of inaction and the realm of the ancestor of inaction are just above the big characters of the realm of the beginning of inaction.If these various realms are in the corresponding words, then ~~~ thinking about it will make people excited.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, try first before talking, Ouyang Yayu thought so far, and his mind suddenly invaded the big characters of the realm of the beginning of inaction.


It's like entering the ocean of realm.

Ouyang Yayu instantly affirmed that this~~~ is the state of the beginning of inaction that everyone yearns for, as long as one understands the things inside, one's cultivation will naturally reach the state of the beginning of inaction.
PS: Sweat, there is no guarantee for tomorrow’s third watch, let’s see what happens, try to~~~ Uh, it seems to be a new week in the early hours of this evening, if you have a recommendation vote, please vote, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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