Chapter 88 Deer Shit Tavern (Updated)
Since the ad was sent out, Yamashiro Oki has received all kinds of ridicule every day, some say he is Cai, and some call him 2B.

But when the reality came into contact, Yamashiro Oki realized that all of them were rookies, not to mention the kage-level strength, not even the level of a jonin.

The co-authors are all keyboard warriors.

The body light technique made them unable to climb up.

Over time, Yamashiro Oki also got bored.

He thought, if they fight one by one, how long will it take?
But if you don't fight, it's not very good.

Akatsuki's organization is currently in the recruitment period, and the scale of the organization is expanding, and it also means facing the world.

Many people who couldn't beat the mountain city of Omu finally changed their minds and chose to join Akatsuki.

Join if you can't beat it, and they practice it very well.

It's just that I didn't expect that Yamashiro Oki underestimated the media of Naruto World.

Many people came here admiringly, just to have a touch with the reality of Yamashiro Damu.

Yamashiro Oki really can't cook well, it's very annoying.

Until later, he really had zero tolerance for those rookies.

From the original "I want to fight ten" to the current "I want to fight a hundred", in the end, I didn't even fight at all, and went directly to a cutscene, blasting the first door of the eight-door Dunjia, and knocking out the nine-tailed and guarding cranes. Power, and the power of several movie-level powerhouses exploded, scaring a bunch of keyboard warriors on the spot.

after that……

Yamashiro Oki didn't even bother to explode.

Just teach Yahiko some fists and let them help them resist the harassment of some rookies below Chunin.

This way you can filter it.

Yahiko and Nagato Konan have a bit of background because they originally wanted to be ninjas.

So after Yamashiro Oki taught them some ninjutsu, they learned it very quickly, and they were able to persuade many keyboard players to quit.

Like some wrestlers and samurai, they are not their opponents at all, and naturally they have no chance to bother Yamashiro Oki.

If they want to fight him as a boss, those people must beat Yahiko and the others.

However, what Yamashiro Oki never expected was...

Because of this checkpoint system, it has aroused the interest of many people.

What's more, even play him as a game.

This is too much!

Yamashiro Oki is very angry, I want to fight honestly, but you guys actually want to play me? !

"Xiao", became a copy.

Every day, there are people who come here especially to challenge Yamashiro Oki, but they all bow down to him.

The most annoying thing is...

Those people are just playing, and they are still calculating, at what point, Shancheng Damu will sit in the battle in person, so that they will have the opportunity to compete with him in person.

They set up a Wild Raiders group to deal with Yamashiro Omu.

Yamashiro Oki: "..."

"Aren't you really afraid of death?"

Yamashiro Damu was furious.

Originally, I was afraid that those rookies would accidentally hurt Yahiko and the others by playing dirty tricks, so I specially made a "point to stop" agreement, both opponents can surrender, and the surrender will not hurt their lives, otherwise they will be beaten to death.

And this rule is invalid for Yamashiro Oki.

But now it seems...

This rule has actually become a hindrance to his mountain city, and it has become a tasteless policy.

If it is cancelled, the screening will inevitably hurt the members of the Akatsuki organization, and the gain outweighs the loss.

If it is regarded as a copy, it is a copy, and it doesn't matter anyway.

Mountain City Damu Xindao.

He even felt that this was feasible for a period of time. After several layers of screening, the strong with shadow-level strength will be screened out. In this way, Yamashiro Oki killing them is equivalent to the end of an assembly line. Inheriting the shadow-level strength will be more systematic. Also more convenient.

Moreover, as this screening method became more and more perfect, Yamashiro Ohki really killed a shadow-level powerhouse.

It is a wave ninja named "Juyue Manxian".

The inherited ability is unparalleled charm, and the powerful ability to green the entire country.

Yamashiro Oki: "..."

Scorpion's puppet army can conquer a country, and this guy's ability to cuckold others is also a country.

In a way, are they similar?
But it's a miracle that this person didn't get beaten to death so many times!
This means that his hiding level is very high, and his escape method is extremely clever, and even when he is discovered by others, he can become a brother with the green person.

Is it strong?

If you look at it from this aspect, it is indeed a movie-level strength.

Strange abilities added...

In order to ensure that this screening system is more perfect.

Yamashiro Oki decided to set up a special venue, otherwise he would always fight in the company organized by Akatsuki, which would be a bit weird. People who didn’t know would not dare to come in and consult business, thinking that Akatsuki’s organization taught boxing.

This time, Yamashiro Damu spent his own money to buy a tavern that was about to close down in the most prosperous and affluent place in the Land of Rain.

There are seats and wine in the tavern, allowing those who come to challenge to drink a glass of light beer while waiting.

In this way, they will not be impatient while waiting, and then give up the challenge.

Moreover, the sale of wine in the tavern can also be used as the expenses of the Xiao organization, and to a certain extent, it can also provide certain subsidies to the economy of the Xiao organization.

In short, Yamashiro Oki is very satisfied with this tavern.

After paying the money and completing all the formalities, the owner Huang of the tavern ran away with his sister-in-law.

Yamashiro Oki originally planned to parachute a person from the Akatsuki organization as the leader to control the tavern, but after thinking about it, a tavern is actually unnecessary, anyway, he does not really make money from this thing, everything can be done by strengthening his own strength. benchmark.

Therefore, he retained the waiters in the tavern and the senior bartender Yin Yangren Baobo.

Baobo is very good at talking, and Yamashiro Damu is "happy" every time he chats with him, so he thinks that with such a sweet-voiced Yin Yangren Baobo bartender, his screening business will definitely be booming.

In the end, in order to let more people discover this tavern, the boss of Shancheng specially spoke for it and posted an advertisement.

"The Deer Shit Tavern is great. I like this place very much. The people here speak nicely, and everyone is talented..."

As a result, excellent ninjas came here one after another, some came to sit in the Deer Shit Tavern, and some came to challenge the "ladder match" of Yamashiro Oki, everyone spewed out elegant and fragrant words, "well played ", "Awesome", "Thank you" and other civilized words filled the entire tavern.

Until one day, the arrival of the scorpion changed the atmosphere of the entire tavern.

"Where is your boss?"

Xie's tone was very aggressive, he asked Baobo.

Baobo is very calm, he has seen many such grumpy people.

"If you want to defeat the boss, you must first defeat all opponents on the ladder. Although it is difficult, I will support you secretly, so don't tell others."

 If you say zero o'clock, it will be zero o'clock, and the miscellaneous fish capsules will do what they say.

  Ask for votes!Ask for support!

(End of this chapter)

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