The last feng shui master

Chapter 241 More and more fun

Chapter 241 More and more fun

The shop owner muttered: "Today is really strange. Several terminally ill people came to eat mutton hotpot."

I didn't take what the boss said seriously. If I really met a terminally ill patient, it was still a fate, at least it wouldn't make Lord Hua feel ugly.

The most uncomfortable thing to eat at a mutton hotpot restaurant is of course Xiaojian, whose proud soul is very dissatisfied with the extreme anger expressed by such a group of diners.After barking twice, the owner of the store saw that Xiao Jian finally stopped barking, fearing that he would be killed and made into dog meat hot pot.

I accidentally looked over, and saw that the person sitting in the westernmost section of the hotpot restaurant was an old beggar eating mutton hotpot, but this time his clothes were a little tidier.And sitting next to him, the silvery white body should be another terminally ill patient in the boss's mouth.

Isn't this a silver-armored corpse, isn't this three golds?
The shop owner was probably puzzled, there were really many terminally ill patients here today.One has silvery white skin and a face that looks dead.Suddenly, I saw another person with a dry face with almost no meat.It is estimated that one is albinism and the other is esophageal cancer. It is because of starvation that he has not had enough food for many years.

The shop owner has a distant cousin who suffered from esophageal cancer many years ago, and later became Hua Chongyang.I couldn't eat anything, and my mouth was watering when I looked at it. In the end, I could only eat vermicelli, which was sucked into my stomach one by one.So the shop owner specially brought over a plate of rice noodles and looked at Hua Chongyang sympathetically.There were many people in the store, and the fog rose.I looked at Sanjin.Sanjin also looked at me.

The old beggar is Guo Jue.He suddenly looked over.Guo Weixin said that Guo Jue had a dispute with his grandfather, and he also planted the Yin on my body before.It's just that Guo Jue showed up at the Hong Kong mutton hotpot restaurant with a silver armor corpse like this. I don't know how he escaped the customs and brought Sanjin in.

Guo Jue motioned to me, stretched out his chopsticks to pick up two pieces of mutton and handed them to Sanjin.Sanjin started to bite, took two mouthfuls, but didn't spit out the bone.Looking at Lord Hua again, he was very happy after eating the mutton, but the good thing about Lord Hua is that he can spit out bones.

After a while, Guo Jue brought the Silver Armored Corpse and Sanjin over to fight for seats.Xie Xiaoyu looked at Sanjin vigilantly, and I patted her cold hand to reassure her not to be afraid.Lord Hua has been busy eating mutton, looked up at Guo Jue, and shouted: "Boss, add two pairs of bowls and chopsticks."

The shop owner saw the two sitting together, one black and the other silver, and hurried over to add more bowls and chopsticks, but felt that the two were too pitiful.The shop owner said: "You guys have a good meal, this one is my treat."

Master Hua heard the boss's words, and shouted: "You can add more meat." The shop owner hurriedly asked the waiter to add more meat. It is estimated that it is the last moment, how much more meat can be eaten.Guo Jue didn't speak either, picked up clean chopsticks, picked up the mutton in the pot and put it in San Jin's mouth.

One of the most absurd things in life is to go out to eat hot pot, and there are two old zombies sitting opposite.

Guo Jue fed it patiently.Lord Hua ate carefully.It's not like someone with a grudge at all.Xiaojian was even more angry, but she still gave up resisting, felt that she shrank her head back, and kept her four legs and one head. Fortunately, she didn't stew herself into a hot pot.

Lord Hua ate about the same: "It's still a bit worse. Xiao Qi, your dog must taste good. It will be good when you can eat it." Guo Jue said: "Yes. It must not be bad."

I was even more puzzled in my heart.Didn't Guo definitely take the silver-armored corpses to the headquarters of the Hua family?Now we can still sit together and eat mutton, and we also have a friendly discussion about stewing my little dog brother into a hot pot.If I hadn't seen the silver-armored corpse go to Hua's house with my own eyes, I would have thought that the two of them were very good friends. They hadn't seen each other for so many years, so they hurried over to eat hot pot together.

I asked, you two, are you sure you won't fight here, if you fight, I will hide away, and I will come out after you finish fighting.

Guo Jue picked up a piece of mutton and ate it by himself. After eating, he said: "Who is free to fight every day? We are good friends for many years. It is not normal to have some hot pot after meeting."

Hua Chongyang also responded: "Yes. Master Xiao, why do you want us to fight?"

I was even more confused, Guo Jue rushed to Hua's house with the silver-armored corpse.The first time I met Hua Chongyang, he thought I was from the Guo family and almost killed me, but now he tells me that I wish I could fight.

I shook my head and said, "I don't understand you a bit?"

Guo Jue said: "You must have fallen into the ecstasy soup of that kid Guo Weixin. Is he still going to marry his granddaughter to you? The descendants of the ghost sect are all outstanding people. I didn't expect that your generation would become like this gone."

Guo Jue went on to say: "Guo Weixin even took out a letter to tell you. He said that your grandfather and I knew each other. Then he didn't even think about telling you. Don't talk back when you say you are stupid. He just wants you to understand. It's just a secret to open the copper pot."

I took out the copper pot and said, "Then why did he return the copper pot to me?" Guo Jue muttered, pulled back his long braided hair, and said, "This old boy is willing to come He must have poured dirty water on me, he must have said that I killed Long Youshui. Damn it. That letter was originally sent to me."

Guo Jue said here.I couldn't help thinking that the beginning of the letter was "Brother Guo." Both of them have the surname Guo, so it is possible to call them Brother Guo.According to what Guo Jue said, Guo Weixin is also suspected.

I used to think that my IQ was not low, but now after dealing with a group of monsters, I started to become stupid.Complete rookie level.After Hua Chongyang was full, he said to Guo Jue, "Why are you here too, aren't you looking for death? I'm here, isn't your little silver armored corpse my side dish?"

Guo Jue's expression changed, and he replied: "Hua Chongyang, you old monster. I, Sanjin, have been with me for many years. If you dare to attack him, I will try my best to kill you. Strip your bones Come down and make a crutch. Your bones are hard anyway."

Hua Chongyang laughed and said, "Why don't you give it a try!" Guo Jue got up and shouted: "Three golds. Let's go." Hua Chongyang shouted: "No more." Wait until Guo Jue left with the silver armored corpse.I asked Hua Chongyang what was going on.

Hua Chongyang smiled and said: "He feels sorry for the silver armor corpse, but I can deal with the silver armor corpse, so he is afraid that I will suck the silver armor corpse dry?"

"Sucked dry? Isn't this the magic of the Abe family?" I asked.Abe sucked up the old corpse Bai Jingren with his lips. This kind of magic technique is designed to suck people's anger, or the corpse's breath in the zombie's body, and turn it into his own use.Hua Chongyang snorted: "Please don't compare me with the Japanese, okay? I am different from them. I sucked the corpse's breath out for the sake of justice, while they did it for cultivation and turned into old monsters."

Only then did I understand why the Guo family was so afraid of Hua Chongyang. It turned out that they still had this skill.I laughed in my heart, I am an old monster.

I asked, "Then are you a human or a zombie?"

Hua Chongyang stood up, stretched his waist, and shouted: "Let's go. I didn't eat dog meat. It's almost the same after eating mutton. I don't know if I will get angry tomorrow." Hua Chongyang held the gown in his hand, and his body was full of With a happy look, I am afraid that it has been many years since I have eaten so happily and played in the bustling city.

After leaving the hot pot restaurant, a group of people ran straight towards us with long knives in their hands.The leader shouted in Cantonese: "Brother, that's him. I think he and the people from Jin Sanjia are laughing people." Hua Chongyang was very angry and said: "Isn't this forcing me to do it? Master Xiao, come here Solve it."

I'm really worried that Hua Chongyang will make a move, and if a group of people turn into jerky, this matter will become bigger.I turned around and went back to the hot pot restaurant, took a foldable stool in my hand, and shouted, "Are you guys fighting in groups?"

It looked like a gang fight. Two people tied their knives to their hands with white cloth strips. They rushed up and started to fight. I hit the folding chair head-on. Before the two of them got down, they hit their faces. A few teeth fell on the ground. on the ground.Hua Chongyang shouted: "That Master Xiao, the beating action is still very chic."

I cursed in my heart, of course you feel chic.

A group of people surrounded me, shouting louder and louder.Xie Xiaoyu also stood aside and watched, but did not step forward.Three times, five times and two times, a group of people were too weak to fight, and I put them on the ground.What didn't go far was that Hua Chongyang, Xie Xiaoyu, me, and I were taken back to the police station, and a dozen ruffians entered the police station, creating a scene of chaos.

Hua Chongyang was soon released on bail by Mr. Hammer and his lawyer.But Lord Hammer held a grudge against me, told lies to the people in the police station, said he didn't know me, and let Xie Xiaoyu and I stay in the police station overnight without bail.

I took out a business card from my pocket and looked at the name "Zhao Banshan..." and the number on it.He wanted to sell my paintings for money, so I just called him and asked him to bail me out.Maybe it will work.With the mentality of giving it a try.I called Zhao Banshan, and within half an hour, I saw Zhao Banshan bring a lawyer to the police station to release me on bail.

Zhao Banshan also had a white parrot in his car.He clucked and said a few words of bird language, but I didn't hear them anyway.Zhao Banshan said: "It means to welcome you."

I said apologetically, "Mr. Zhao, please excuse me."

Zhao Banshan said: "Why did you fight with people from Blue Star? Are you from White Star?" I shook my head and said, "Maybe they misunderstood me." It must be when I rescued laughing, someone follow me.Later, I saw Yu Qian and I were together.

It seems that this society called Blue Star wants to compete with the White Star Society for business.And this business was brought by Dai Hao.It's just that it's too shameful for me to be so blatant and chop me up in the street.

Zhao Banshan said with a warm smile: "Where does Mr. Xiao live, I will take you back."

I said embarrassedly: "Please trouble Mr. Zhao!"

The white parrot called again: "You're welcome. You're welcome." Zhao Banshan said: "This parrot is called Xiaofei. It has been following me. Mr. Xiao, if you need help, just let me know. I will be happy to help you."

I wondered: "You and I are strangers, how can I ask you to help me?"

Zhao Banshan parked the car at the door of the hotel where I was resting: "Mr. Xiao. The first time I saw you, I knew you were the descendant of Mr. Long Youshui. I should help you."

I asked: "Long Youshui is my grandfather. I don't know why Mr. Zhao is so righteous."

Zhao Banshan smiled lightly: "This matter is a small matter to Mr. Long, but it is a great favor to me. It doesn't matter if I say it or not. I saw you came to Sotheby's, maybe it is for the gold pot ?”

The little bitch let out a mischievous cry, and the white parrot shouted in fright: "Bad guy...bad guy..."

Seeing me hesitant, Zhao Banshan said, "I also saw the news about the copper pot. I have been waiting at Sotheby's for the disciple of my benefactor to come over. So after I met you that day, I proposed to buy your painting, but in fact I just wanted to verify Do you have that jade ruler with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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