fake marriage trial

Chapter 242 Flesh and Blood Connection

Chapter 242 Flesh and Blood Connection (5)

"Dong Junlin, Dong Junlin, by the way, what's your name?"

Su Qing looked at Ling Fei and asked.

"My name is Ling Fei. I don't know what our nickname was before?"

Ling Fei asked curiously.

"At that time, you haven't been officially named. You only have nicknames. He is Baobao, and you are Beibei."

Su Qing's eyes instantly fell into memories again.

"Babe, baby, baby, it's so good."

Ling Fei said happily, "At that time, you must have loved us very much."

"Since you were pregnant, your dad had to stick to my belly every day when he was free to listen to your fetal movements and chat with you. When you were born, he even cried on the spot. He didn't look like a man at all. Holding you like a treasure, he even fantasizes about you getting married in the future, what should he do, haha."

Su Qing's voice carried the ethereal and bitterness of memories.

If Mo Xiaomo hadn't appeared that day, Su Qing and Qin Qinghe would have loved each other very much, the family of four might have been able to be together happily, and Dong Junlin would have been able to grow up healthily, without having to experience poverty, discrimination, or meeting Lin Xiaojuan , then, the direction of fate will not be as degraded as it is today...

That Mo Xiaomo, what kind of mentality did they use to cause their lovers to break up in the end?

"Mom, Dad still loves you very much, can't you forgive him?"

Ling Fei asked.

Su Qing pursed her lips and did not make a sound.

"Mom, I want to know what kind of existence that Mo Xiaomo is to you? Is there a crack in your good relationship because of Mo Xiaomo?"

Ling Fei asked.

Su Qing frowned, "Xiaomo is my best friend, we are so close to each other, so I let her live in our house, and from then on, various problems began to appear in my relationship with Qinghe, And she kept analyzing the problem for me. The more she analyzed, the bigger the problem became, and the more sensitive and suspicious I became. Qinghe even broke into Xiaomo's room to sleep. How could he treat me like this? That's my best friend. I really can't Forgive him."

"He said it was because he was drunk and couldn't tell the room apart."

"Xiaomo said that no one in this world is really drunk. They only use drunkenness to do what they usually think in their hearts, but they dare not do things when they are sober. Being drunk is just an excuse..."

From her words, Ling Fei knew clearly that Su Qing trusted and relied too much on Mo Xiaomo, and this was really the root cause of the breakup between her and her father.

——Actually, love is a matter between two people, if one more person comes out to point fingers, there will be problems.

——So, when there are problems in the relationship between two people, don't consult others. Others may unintentionally play a role in fanning the flames.Why don't you just calm down and think about it, and use your intuition to feel whether your love is suitable or not.

——The intuition of love is often more accurate than the third party's finger pointing.

"Then why did she say that King's Landing and I were dead?"

Ling Fei asked.

"At that time my mother died of illness and I had to go back to attend the funeral. The two children had to be taken care of by Xiaomo. As a result, a big earthquake happened. Xiaomo told me that she had no time to transfer you, and you were buried in the ruins to die. I went crazy to dig the ruins, and then my head was hit by something suddenly, and I fell unconscious. I woke up, and it’s now.”

Su Qing's eyes were red, she looked at Ling Fei puzzled and asked, "Why did Xiao Mo lie to me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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