fake marriage trial

Chapter 220 Family Contest

Chapter 220 Family Contest (4)

After the family meeting, comes the family dinner.

After the dinner, Qin Jiacheng asked Ling Fei and Gu Nanfeng to accompany him for a walk.

"Grandpa always prefers sister Feifei and brother-in-law."

Dong Junlin looked at the backs of the three of them, and couldn't help saying to Qin Qinghe and Qin Fenfei.

Qin Fenfei didn't speak, but turned and walked away.

He didn't envy his grandfather's preference for Ling Fei, what he envied was that Qin Qinghe and Dong Junlin always stood very close together, like a real father and son, while he was like someone else.

"Dad, do you really have no objection to Grandpa's choice?"

Dong Junlin couldn't help but ask Qin Qinghe.

"Your grandpa has always been a dictatorial man who always said what he said, and the things he decides will never change. The reason he makes this choice now is not to ask for our opinions, but to inform him."

Qin Qinghe reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "However, don't be depressed, I will give you 5.00% of the shares, so that you and Feifei Xiaofei have the same property. After I die, I will make a will , and leave the remaining 5.00% of the shares to you."

"Dad, haven't you read your divorce agreement?"

Dong Junlin asked with a wry smile.

"What's the deal with the divorce agreement?"

Qin Qinghe asked puzzledly.

"I flipped through it just now, and it says that you want to distribute 5.00% of the shares to Aunt Huang. If you give me another 5.00%, what about you?"

Dong Junlin asked.

"Huh? She actually wants my 5.00% shares? Isn't it split from my father?"

Qin Qinghe cried out in surprise.

Dong Junlin looked at him, and really wanted to call him an idiot. No wonder Qin Jiacheng has never given him real power in Daqin for so many years, and only let him hang up a false job.

"Dad, it's divided from your shares. If you didn't do property notarization before marriage, she does have the right to share half of your shares."

Dong Junlin replied.

"For so many years, I have treated her badly, and it is right to give her half of the shares, but..."

Qin Qinghe hesitated a little.

"Dad, if you don't want to give it to her, you can transfer all the shares to me before the divorce and dispose of the property in advance. In this way, she has nothing to do."

Dong Junlin said, "Anyway, we are father and son, and if I have it, it means you have it."

"Can this work?"

Qin Qinghe asked.

"Okay, I study law, and I can take advantage of legal loopholes in this regard, don't worry."

Dong Junlin said.

"Well, let me think about it."

Qin Qinghe nodded.

"Dad, it's not too late. If you postpone it any longer, you may not be able to transfer it."

Dong Junlin looked at him and said, "Dad, don't you even believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you. If you really do it like this, I'm afraid that Mingzhu will make a fuss, and Xiaofei will also have objections."

Qin Qinghe said slightly worried.

"Don't you have no relationship with them? Why are you afraid of them making trouble?"

Dong Junlin said disapprovingly, "As for Xiao Fei, he didn't even fight for Grandpa's share, so does he still care about your share?"

"I owe Xiaofei too."

Qin Qinghe lowered his head slightly and said, "Because of Mingzhu, I have never been close to him. He always thought that I didn't love him. In fact, I love him too, but I just don't know how to express it."

"He has 5.00% of the shares himself, and I have nothing. He has no right to object."

Dong Junlin said sadly, "Grandpa distributed the shares to sister Feifei and brother-in-law, but not to me. I feel that I am a disgusted existence in this family."

Qin Qinghe looked at him guiltily, "Dad doesn't dislike you, Dad will make up the shares to you as soon as possible, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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