The boss will turn black, be careful!

Chapter 467 My Saint, You Are So Sweet

Chapter 467 My Saint, You Are So Sweet (8)

No trace of struggle, migration, or victimization was found, and the kind that completely disappeared.

After a person who had just returned home discovered the problem, he quickly reported the matter to him, and Xilin also got the news not long after.

The entire village and town did not leave any popularity, and the originally bustling village and town suddenly became desolate.

After Shu Ge found out, she guessed that this might be the bad thing she had foreseen, but she could also feel that this matter was not over yet.

Two days later, the same thing happened in another village a few miles away. Also, no clues could be found, leaving only empty villages and towns, giving people a feeling that this village was originally such that no one lived there.

People panicked for a while, and Shu Ge suggested that Xilin better go and check it himself to see what's wrong.

This time, Xilin did not take it lightly, and went to check it in person, and naturally found some minor problems.

In these villages and towns, not only people disappeared, but also the existing food in the family was taken away, only the unplucked land and the livestock that had not been killed in the family remained.

This also reflects a question, someone definitely did it on purpose, but how did they do it?Xilin couldn't figure it out.

Another two days later, Shu Ge had the feeling that something big was about to happen before going to bed.

Not long after she fell asleep, she had a dream. She dreamed that the people in a village seemed to be controlled by something, and suddenly they all fainted to the ground.

After waking up, like an unconscious puppet, he went back to his home and moved all the existing food out and walked in one direction in an orderly manner.

There was no fuss, everything was carried out in such a very quiet atmosphere.

Shu Ge didn't see where they were going, so he woke up to the maid's yelling.

He found himself lying on the table and fell asleep like this.

Thinking of the situation in his sleep, Shu Ge has an intuition that this is the truth about the disappearance of all the people in the village and town recently.

He hurriedly went to find Xilin, and after telling Xilin about the matter, Xilin also realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly sent someone to find the priests and elders of the temple.

In front of everyone, Shu Ge once again narrated the scene in his dream.

At the same time, he also asked Shu Ge to briefly describe the general appearance of the village he saw.

Xi Lin went to those two villages and towns to investigate later, and naturally found that Shu Ge was not talking about any of the two villages that had disappeared.

He quickly asked Shu Ge to roughly draw the village, and at the same time sent people to find nearby villages and towns that met the requirements.

But after all, the conditions are limited, even if Shu Ge had foreseen it in advance, it was still a step too late.

When they first found out that the village was heading for it, the village was already empty.

However, they also made an unexpected discovery. According to Shu Ge's reminder, they more or less found footprints in the direction the villagers left.

With the clues, there is immediately a direction to search, and even the two previous villages have found some clues nearby.

There was also a small breakthrough in the mass disappearance of people in villages and towns.

Searching all the way according to this breakthrough, everyone quickly found the place where the disappeared villagers were located.

But because there were guards around them, the people who found the villagers didn't startle them.

After reporting the news, Xilin personally led people to rescue the villagers, but failed to catch a single survivor.

(End of this chapter)

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