Chapter 373 Hello Broker (48)

After Shu Ge found out, he made a phone call to his elder brother, and with a guarantee, he was quickly approved by the emperor.

The filming of the mysterious country continued, but the location was changed to China.

Because of the large number of crew members in the Mysterious Kingdom and some personnel reasons, the news spread almost immediately after they arrived.

Fortunately, Shu Ge was well prepared and made an appointment with his elder brother to arrange someone in advance, so he arrived at the scheduled shooting location relatively smoothly.

There are multiple access controls on the shooting site, so the paparazzi journalists were blocked from the site, and they couldn't enter unless someone took them.

But sometimes some people will come in to watch and take pictures, after all, it is necessary no matter how hot it is.

The fans who went in were also very supportive. No one came to disturb or anything. They just watched from the sidelines, or interacted with their favorite idol confessions during the break, and they lived relatively comfortably.

Because of the different environments required for shooting, Jun Ci and others also changed the venue several times. When they left, they would always send out some beautiful pictures or videos of the beautiful scenery they took there. The photos and videos alone have attracted a lot of attention.

The beautiful scenery not only drove some other film crews to come to scout and shoot, but also drove the development of tourism in these areas. Some people who were going to travel also came to talk about these beautiful scenery.

Relevant departments seized the opportunity to guide the reasonable development of tourism in these places, and the originally deserted places became lively.

Because of this, Junci was also praised by relevant departments, which greatly improved his reputation and status.

And with the official guarantee, Junci became an unshakable mountain.

Because of this, Mysterious Nation has attracted more people's attention, and more people are looking forward to the end of the filming of Mysterious Nation.

The shooting of the mysterious country was also very smooth, not only did not extend the shooting time because of changing the location and re-shooting at the beginning, but also ended a week earlier.

In the middle of the show, because of the resignation of the king, Furley Moss and the others had new ideas and added a few Chinese characters to the play. As long as Chinese people participated, and the participants were considered very promising in China. Fame is only a person, and he is a powerful faction.

Their joining also made more people look forward to the release of the mysterious country, even in other countries, there is no such high enthusiasm as Huaguo.

After Furley Mers found out, he waved his hand and put the premiere of the mysterious country in Huaguo.

For this reason, there are still many people abroad who think that Frey Moss is afraid of going crazy, and actually puts his focus on China.

After it was released, the people of Huaguo were also very supportive, and the box office was soaring that it became the country with the highest box office among several countries, suppressing all other countries.

At the same time, more people realized the benefits of Huaguo's box office, and put some activities in Huaguo.

However, the people of Huaguo are not easy to be fooled. They absolutely support good works, and resist 100% of those who want to cheat the box office. Gradually, the image of people in other countries towards Huaguo has also changed a lot.

The people of Huaguo also seized the opportunity to hit foreign markets.

Jun Ci's influence is getting bigger and bigger, there is almost no suspense, Jun Ci won the crown of best actor at the end of the year.

(End of this chapter)

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