Chapter 362 Hello Broker (37)

Thinking about it, Junci also asked this question.

Shu Ge raised his eyebrows, without elaborating on the reason, but simply answered that it's useless, don't worry about it, and continued to drink coffee.

Jun Ci was inexplicably angry: "What about the previous one? You said that there was a better candidate there, so you canceled it, but is that true? What happened? You want to cancel so many activities, even now Pick up activities that are not the best?"

Shu Ge stared blankly at Junci's sudden outburst, and put down the coffee in his hand. The whole process was still very dull.

"You are too tired now, and you can't bear it at all given your current situation, and you need to move forward steadily, so during this period of time, you should first settle down and improve yourself, and I will arrange the rest freely."

After speaking, Shu Ge got up and left directly.

When she left, she also said: "I will take over all these activities for you. I will negotiate the schedule. You just need to be prepared."

Jun Ci sat there alone, after a long time he laughed out loud, but there was no joy on his face.

From then on, the emperor's words changed.

In the next few days, Jun Ci's performance in the crew got better and better. The director and others praised him for his obvious improvement, but Zheng Shuge felt that he had changed.

Although he still looks the same when he gets along with everyone, Shu Ge feels that this is not his real appearance. He seems to wear a mask to hide his real self, and even Shu Ge can't see through him What exactly do you want to do.

Every time Shu Ge wanted to mention this to him again, Junci just changed the topic in a few words.

Shu Ge began to wonder if she had made a mistake in her previous decision, and the current Junci didn't know why she had a strange feeling.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for Jun Ci and Shu Ge to participate in the annual awards selection.

Shu Ge said hello to Fairey Moss in advance, so the trip for her to take Junci back to China went very smoothly.

Although it was inevitable that the fans would find him this time, but because they were prepared in advance, there was no trouble.

The fans who came to pick him up at the airport also met their idols smoothly, but Junci didn't stay for too long.

Some fans posted the photos taken at the airport pick-up on Weibo, but a small number of people saw a sense of distance from the photos. It seems that Junci has become like everyone else with a mask. up.

On the day of the annual selection, Jun Ci followed Shu Ge's arrangement. Shu Ge had already been amazed when he brought Yao Qian and others, so there was no panic, and everything was proceeding step by step.

When he was about to get out of the car and enter the arena, Junci said a bit nonsensically: "Does it mean that as long as I win the award, I can prove my strength?"

Shu Ge didn't react for a while, and asked back: "What did you say?"

Jun Ci looked into his eyes, and smiled at Shu Ge two seconds later: "It's nothing, I'll go in first, and I'll come back with the prize."

After speaking, he quickly opened the door and got out of the car, followed by Shu Ge.

Because Jun Ci had to walk the red carpet to take pictures, sign autographs, etc., Shu Ge waited at the door.

Jun Ci didn't stay on the red carpet for too long, and the entire award presentation didn't take long, but it still took a lot of time to complete the whole process.

The final result was also expected by Shu Ge, Jun Ci won the Best Actor and Best Newcomer awards.

(End of this chapter)

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