Chapter 360 Hello Broker (35)

When returning home at night, Junci asked, "Brother Shu, have I been doing any domestic activities recently?"

Shu Ge still replied no, without any hesitation or thought.

Jun Ci's heart sank.

Continued: "That's really a pity. Originally, I thought that I didn't have any role in the past few days. I could just go back to China to see it. Foreign countries are still different from domestic ones. I'm not used to life abroad. I didn't expect that There is no domestic activity."

After listening to Jun Ci's words, Shu Ge thought for a while and said, "Then let me help you pay attention, and I will let you know if there is any need."

Junci heard the words and nodded.

Back to the temporary small apartment where the two of them lived abroad, Shu Ge didn't hesitate, and went directly to the room, leaving Jun to resign.

During this period of time, she also saw Junci's self-consciousness, and she was very relieved of him.

Seeing Shu Ge enter the room, Junci walked out from the stairs leading to the training room, took a deep look at the direction of Shu Ge's room, and then quietly walked towards the study with a somewhat apprehensive heart.

Shu Ge usually works in the study, and he also knows some of her habits. After arriving in the study for a while, he directly finds what he wants from a pile of documents on the desk-a pile of various activities, large and small, Invitation to the program.

Jun Ci probably glanced at it, and there are some things that suit him here, but Shu Ge didn't pick it up for him at all.

After reading a few more copies, Junci's eyes were fixed on the last few copies, and his breathing became a little rough.

Fingers were a little stiff and he opened the document.

Isn't this one of the activities promised before!
Just as Jun Ci was about to continue scrolling down, Shu Ge's voice came from behind him.

Jun Ci subconsciously trembled, and turned back to the page he was grasping, but because Jun Ci had his back facing her, Shu Ge didn't notice it.

Walking in and looking at the pile of documents in Junci's hand, Shu Ge had a bad feeling in his heart, glanced at the documents on the table, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

You must know that at the bottom of this pile of event invitations, there are still those canceled events that she mentioned!
Pretending to be calm, he took the document back from Junci's hands, and at the same time glanced at the copy that Junci found, and his heart was slightly relieved.

Said: "It just so happens that you are here, didn't you say that you wanted an invitation to a domestic event, just now I remembered that I just printed out some invitations to events today, I haven't read them yet, let's look together to see if there is any suitable one. "

As he spoke, he divided the documents into two stacks, and handed the top stack to Jun Ci.

After Jian Junci took over, Shu Ge sat in his seat and began to read these documents.

Junci glanced at her, and finally sat on the sofa next to her and looked at her seriously.

After reading it carefully, Junci reduced his doubts a little. It is true that this pile of documents has not been processed yet.

Regardless of the good and bad specifications, he actually found an invitation for an underwear advertisement in it.

If Shu Ge saw an invitation like this, he would just throw it in the trash can, and he wouldn't let him see it here.

Looking up at the profile of Shu Ge who was reading the document, Jun Ci felt ashamed.

Mingming Shuge has always been for his own good, but now he is doubting him.

Little did he know that Shu Ge was so nervous.

She originally came out to have a sip of tea, and when she saw the light in the study room was on, she wanted to ask Jun Ci to go to rest early, but she didn't expect Jun Ci to be looking at the pile of event invitations.

Fortunately, Junci, who reacted quickly, hadn't seen there yet, and she had a chance to play tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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