The boss will turn black, be careful!

Chapter 306 You Are My Spirit

Chapter 306 You Are My Spirit (31)
At this time, many people realized that the spirits are not all bad people, they also have good people.

There are even some people who are better than humans, but they just keep hiding their edge.

And a certain long-distance running champion issued a statement that he is not a human being, but a spirit world.

Since he made this statement, many people have accused him, but he didn't make any excuses, just posted a picture of the award he won for his country.

Although he is not a human being, he has used his own advantages to contribute his power to his country.

Since then, many well-known people have also publicly exposed their identities as beings from the spiritual world, which has greatly changed human beings' views on people from the spiritual world.

At this time, the news that the Mie Ling family was preparing to slaughter the people in the spirit world and the people in the spirit world who had their identities exposed were assassinated also spread, and the scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

Nan's mother was sitting at home, and there was a strange chess set in front of her. Obviously no one was moving the chess pieces, but the chess board was changing.

Nan's mother watched, and suddenly her face changed drastically. The crisis came quietly, and the darkness was ready to go.

How is this possible?I clearly calculated that it would be a few years before I arrived, how could it be so early?

The chess board was very chaotic and unstable, and it seemed to be collapsing. Nan's mother hurriedly blessed and repaired it, trying to change this phenomenon.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the board to stabilize.

Is this still a turnaround?Sure enough, danger and opportunity coexist, but how can I let him suffer these dangers.

Nan's mother intervened on the chess board again, trying to change something, but her power could not be penetrated at all, and the entire chess board was out of her control, moving in an unfamiliar direction.

Nan Sheng felt more and more bored through the "friendly" relationship with Ling Qi in the spiritual world.

He originally thought that he was an ordinary person, but that memory and the aura in his body told him that he was not an ordinary person.

This also made him doubt the identity of himself and Nan's mother.

Maybe go home and ask mom, she should know something.

With the idea of ​​leaving the spirit world and going back to the human world, Nan Sheng has been absent-minded, he doesn't know what to say to Ling Qi.

Shu Ge naturally felt it when he showed such an obvious performance, but she wouldn't say it out loud, she just made some other preparations for Nan Sheng's departure.

But before she could arrange everything, Nan Sheng left the spirit world first.

When Ling Qi got the news that Nan Sheng had left the spirit world, she was dealing with the affairs of the Mie Ling Family and Bai Xun.

Originally, they thought that after she had dealt with it well, there would be no major problems when Nan Sheng returned, but no one expected that Nan Sheng would leave early.

Back at his own home, seeing Nan's mother waiting for him there, she didn't have the slightest doubt about his disappearance for so many days. Instead, she handed him a cup of tea, as if she knew that he would come back.

Just as she was about to ask, Nan's mother had an extra scroll in her hand. She opened the scroll and a burst of energy wrapped the two of them inside.

Before Nan Sheng asked her questions, Nan's mother's performance had already explained some facts.

"Mom, who are we?" Nan Sheng couldn't help asking.

Nan's mother smiled and did not answer, but handed him the opened scroll: "You will know after reading it."

After finishing speaking, it didn't matter whether he opened it or not, so he continued talking.

"Originally, I thought it would be good for you to spend this life in an ordinary way, but I didn't expect you to break through my seal."

(End of this chapter)

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