Chapter 399
Chapter 399

Ji Fan's daily life is simple and busy. Apart from taking care of the children to do housework, he just goes to the fields.

Ji Fan thought that Dashan would not help her weed anymore, but he didn't expect that the grass in the field would be pulled out again and again.

But Ji Fan never saw Dashan again.

Ji Fan took the children to Nana's house that day. When he came to Nana's house, he found that something seemed to have happened to Nana's house. They were all gathered around the house, not knowing what they were doing.

"What are you doing?" Ji Fan stood at the door and asked.

Kuangshi turned around and looked over. At this moment, Ji Fan saw Nana lying there. Nana's face was pale, as if she was in a coma, but she still had a painful expression on her face.

"What's wrong with Nana?" Ji Fan looked at it, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Kuangshi's expression was not very good either, and he said, "Nana went to the river today, and fell into the water for some reason, and almost died."

Ji Fan knew that Nana couldn't swim, and the females here were just ordinary women, which had nothing to do with their species.

"Did it fall into the water accidentally?" Ji Fan asked, but she felt it was unlikely.

There is a large shallow water area by the river, even if Nana reaches the shallow water area, it is impossible for her to fall.And Nana had drowned before, so she was extra careful every time she went to the river.

Kuangshi shook his head, "I don't know what happened at the time. Nana went to the river by herself. Now it seems that I can only find out when she wakes up."

Ji Fan nodded.

Kuangshi went to boil hot water, Ji Fan watched Nana from the sidelines, Nana slept very restlessly, obviously she was frightened before.

Kuangshi had already changed Nana's dry clothes, and he wiped Nana's face with hot water.

Nana finally woke up after trembling a few times.

She looked at Kuangshi, then at Ji Fan, as if she was relieved.

"It's good to see you." Nana said, she smiled, but her face was still pale.

"What stupid things are you talking about? You'll be fine." Ji Fan said.

Nana smiled and coughed a few more times.

"Why did you fall into the water? If there were no orcs passing by, I..." Kuangshi was a little excited at this point, but he controlled it again.

Nana frowned, and said, "I was only washing my hair in shallow water, but I don't know what was pulling my feet in the water and dragging me down."

"I was also very scared at the time. I struggled hard and asked for help, but no one came. I thought I was going to die." Nana still felt lingering fear when thinking about the situation at that time.

"Is there something pulling you in the water?" Ji Fan asked solemnly.

Nana nodded.

She pointed to her ankle, Ji Fan and Kuang Shi only now realized that there were some bruises on her ankle.

Ji Fan took a closer look at the mark, it didn't look like it was left by human hands.

"Could it be aquatic plants?" Kuang Shi asked.

"No, no, I can feel that it's a living thing, and it's very powerful, and it's suddenly entangled me." Nana said.

Besides, there are no aquatic plants in places with shallow water.

"Could that be a snake?" Ji Fan asked.

Nana thought for a while, "I can't tell. I was too scared at the time. I only knew it was a living thing."

Ji Fan frowned and pondered, if it wasn't for the orcs who were secretly making trouble, then their tribe had mixed in with other things.

"It's best to wait for Luofeng to come back and deal with it. You don't need to take any action yet." Ji Fan and Kuang Shi said.

She was worried that Kuangshi would go into the water by himself to check, and if he encountered any danger.

Kuangshi nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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