good luck

Chapter 786 Gain and Loss 1 Heart Knows, Insufficient for Outsiders

Chapter 786
The library of University C is relatively deserted except for Fridays when there are more people.

Xia Weiliang likes to borrow books on Mondays.The library opens at two o'clock in the afternoon, and she usually goes there at 01:30. In the extra time, she just stands outside the door and waits, eating chocolate non-stop.She never seems to worry about gaining weight or anything like that. The must-have snacks in her bag are chocolates, of all kinds.She is not the kind who eats a piece occasionally, but eats it habitually until she can't eat any more, and even feels like vomiting.But for the time being, no one knows that she has this bad habit.

Remember who had told her that eating chocolate would excite the nerves and make a downhearted person happy.However, Xia Weiliang doesn't feel that way at all, many times when she eats chocolate, she feels very depressed, or she is extremely bored, such as now.At 52:10 Beijing time, I came earlier than usual today, and I went downstairs at 12:14, and I waited for nearly an hour. Fortunately, the library opened in only [-] minutes.She tore open another piece of chocolate, this is No.[-] piece.Xia Weiliang didn't feel any joy factor boiling, but felt a bitter taste in his mouth, very bitter.There are not many people in the stairwell. Occasionally, a few students will come to see if the library is open, but when they are only two meters away from the door, they turn around and leave, and throw out a sentence, oops, Why haven't you opened the door yet?Xia Weiliang was still leaning against the wall. When she ate No. [-], the beautiful librarian finally arrived late.

It should be a freshman student, and the dress is a bit exaggerated.She is obviously a very naive little girl, but she deliberately made her look mature, making her look like someone in her twenties.Long curly hair, dyed wine red.He is not tall and a bit chubby, wearing red suspenders and blue shorts.The face is heavily made up, probably smoked, and the eyes seem to have been beaten.I applied blush, but it was very uneven.What is even more unbearable is the pair of big sparkling earrings.It's downright vulgar.Xia Weiliang showed a disgusted expression on his face, and took a bite of the chocolate.

Xia Weiliang thought it would be too harmonious for such a person to be a librarian.It's just unbearable.

Probably aware that someone had been staring at him, the librarian was a little uncomfortable, but he recovered quickly, and even showed a certain complacent expression.Do you think you are attractive?Xia Weiliang threw all the wrapping paper in the trash can.

The library is still the same.The innermost ones are full of old books, and when you walk in, you can smell a strong musty smell.The outermost are some bestsellers.In other words, for free reading books, the ones that are often borrowed are basically new books from outside.Very few people go to the bookshelves inside to find books.

Xia Weiliang just likes those books that no one cares about.

This time she was looking for "Chekhov's Short Stories".Fortunately, I found it right away. The book has turned yellow, and the old one is fine.Turning to the first page, you can even touch the dust with your fingers.Because there are old books inside, the musty smell of damp always comes to the nostrils.Subconsciously looked at the library card, the last time it was lent out was in 2000, nine years ago.No wonder.Xia Weiliang smiled meaningfully, and took the book to leave.

"Hey, I'm Pu Anhao." A cheerful female voice came to the eardrums.

Are you talking to me?Xia Weiliang followed the voice and looked.

(End of this chapter)

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