good luck

Chapter 452 I Think I'm In Love With You

Chapter 452 I Think I'm In Love With You
 【6】Will you continue to love
When everyone was persuading me to let go and start a new life as soon as possible, Zhao Xianning asked me, "Will you continue to love?" If they listened to this, they would have to scold her and pay her a month's food.

"I don't know either. It will be fine when it stops loving me." I pointed to my heart and said expressionlessly.

"Don't force it, some things will be forgotten when the time is up. You don't need to deliberately." Since when has Zhao Xianning been so gentle? I looked at her waist-length hair and marveled that we are almost four Years later, she was finally able to stop mispronouncing my name.Sometimes she would even say alfalfa faintly, what a beautiful name.

I will say more quietly, people live up to their name.People live up to their name.

Usually at this time, Zhao Xianning would yell and rush over to hug me.Reflexively, I also yelled in fright very cooperatively.Juli once saw the two of us having nervous attacks in the dormitory. She looked disgusted and said with contempt, I really hope we don't know each other!I always thought I was normal, but as long as I was with Zhao Xianning, I was crazy and out of shape.I have no doubt that the crime between good friends is contagious, because after a while, the glamorous and noble Queen Chrysanthemum also joined us.

"Clover, I haven't asked you why you broke up." Wang Siqi has always been a gentle and considerate boy in Zhao Xianning's heart, and has always taken care of her emotions.Yes, mood, Clover's mood always becomes very bad for no reason, in the carnival of a large group of people, sometimes she will suddenly become silent.Zhao Xianning has seen that kind of alfalfa many times, and Wang Siqi has also seen it many times.Wang Siqi didn't say a word, but held her hand tightly, holding it very hard.It was silent strength, telling her that he was there.Zhao Xianning watched her brows gradually relax, and his uneasy heart fell to the ground.After all, she is attached to him, and he is the one who understands her sorrows and joys.

"He said he didn't love me anymore."

"Then do you believe it?"

"I didn't believe it at first.... I couldn't believe it. It was impossible. But then... then I believed it."

"...Do you think he will come to you again?"

"……No way"

"You want him to come back to you?"


"Do you still love him until now?"


"No matter what the final result is, no matter who is right or who is wrong, I, Zhao Xianning, will stand by your side. Absolutely."

Was poked in tears again.

Outside the window is a gray winter day, and the cold wind blows the leaves swaying, rustling, rustling.

"Do you think it will snow this Christmas?" Let's go to press the road together and walk along the Xiangjiang River until we reach Huangxing South Road.

"Probably. It will snow in Changsha at about that time." Zhao Xianning thought for a long time before saying this.

"Ah. I like snowy days the most." I always feel that heavy snow can cover and bury all filthy things, and the whole world is plunged into pure whiteness, just like a fairy tale world.

"Ye Xiaolu doesn't like it, she's afraid of the cold."

"Then she really shouldn't stay in Changsha. The weather in Changsha is extremely abnormal. You can see that the summer is so hot that people can't live."


"This is fate, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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