good luck

Chapter 393 Gifts

Chapter 393 Gift ([-])

This Christmas, Lu Jinnian did not disappoint me as usual.Ahh.Obviously very happy.Obviously this is a gift from the National People's Congress that I deeply like.Obviously this is really a very precious thought.But why am I so unhappy?Standing on the side, Su Xiaoxiao's body became a little stiff.How many years of memories about gifts swept over, like a wave, almost knocking her over and rushing to a distant place.Or the truth is, she was really swept away by the great wave of memory.Otherwise, how could she say disgusting things to her most cherished person.

"Yes. As for perfume, I personally like MISS DIOR CHERRY more. And the bottle design is also what I like."

Lu Jinnian's expression was not surprised at all, as if he had expected it. "That's it. It seems that I miscalculated again. Think about it carefully. The bottle of that perfume is square, with clear water chestnuts, which is indeed more suitable for your personality." Su Xiaoxiao has had her own opinions like this since a long time ago. Straightforward character.Seeing that Su Xiaoxiao didn't reply, Lu Jinnian added another sentence, "If you really don't like it, just throw it away."

Throw it away.Su Xiaoxiao really scolded the Huasheng child, buying such a precious thing for herself, and throwing it away if she doesn't like it, it's shameful to waste it. "Anyway, it's more than 1000 yuan. If it's what you said, you might as well discount it to me..." Su Xiaoxiao really felt that she only let him off for the sake of Christmas. Otherwise, he would really beat him hard.

"..." Discounted?After hearing the word Su Xiaoxiao, Lu Jinnian was shocked and speechless.Really miser.

"Lu Jinnian, don't look at me with such contemptuous eyes, don't you just want to say that I am a money worshiper? You are really right, there is nothing wrong with it!" Su Xiaoxiao disliked Lu Jinnian the most Eyes, especially towards yourself.

"...I didn't say that." Lu Jinnian replied.

"Isn't that what you think in your heart!" Su Xiaoxiao didn't believe it.

"I feel that my kindness as Santa Claus is not reciprocated." Lu Jinnian didn't intend to continue arguing.He and Su Xiaoxiao's temper as happy enemies is not a matter of one or two days, it seems that it has always been like this since the time they met.In the future, together, maybe it will still be like this.

together?Lu Jinnian really didn't think that he used this word, but together he just said that the relationship is still the same as now, not love. "

It is impossible for him to love Su Xiaoxiao, nor can he love her.

Thinking to this point, Lu Jinnian remembered that he came to see Su Xiaoxiao today for another purpose, which is also the main purpose.

"Su Xiaoxiao, how long are you going to stay here, do you want to become a mummy?" Lu Jinnian reminded kindly.

"I'm still confronting you." Su Xiaoxiao came to her senses and walked into the room with a gift.

"That's what you thought alone." Lu Jinnian looked at Su Xiaoxiao's back and said to himself.

After returning to the room, Su Xiaoxiao put the perfume back into the packaged gift box, and wrapped it up intact.Open the drawer and put the box in.

This drawer is full of gifts that Lu Jinnian has given to Su Xiaoxiao for a long time.If you look carefully, you will find that almost all of them are cosmetics.all of them.And the price is not cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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