I hide my concubine in a golden house

Chapter 119 Why did it pass?

Chapter 119 Why did it pass?

Quan Juan is amazingly rational.

Wei Yu looked at him, his skin was so transparent that there was no trace of blood, tears flowed from the reddish eye sockets, and the beautiful eyes lost their original luster: "Why did you pass? Why?"

Girls are all made of water, and tears fall as soon as they are said. Quan Juan has already fully learned this from Su Tian. He did not comfort Wei Yu, but said: "No one will wait for you forever."

"Brother Nine..." Wei Yu suddenly rushed forward and grabbed Quan Juan's hand tightly, his fingertips were bluish-white, and the voice that came out was sobbing, very light, thin and soft, with a trembling sound, as if he was falling Will cry in a second.

"Let go." Quan Juan's eyes were icy cold.

Wei Yu didn't move, grasping tightly with five fingers, begging with open eyes: "I'm wrong, please, don't keep doing this, I beg you, I'm so scared."

"Weiyu, are you also afraid?" Quan Yu's eyes were hard to distinguish.

Back then, although he was still young, he also knew that a man would do what he said.

Agreeing to marry Wei Yu is not a joke, nor is it a whim.

During a dispute that year, Wei Yu turned around and went back to the Western Wei Dynasty, but never heard from her again.

"Ninth Brother..." Wei Yu looked at him with strong uneasiness in his heart.

"Weiyu, you're right. It's my fault. I shouldn't promise to say so easily." After Quan Yu finished speaking, he peeled off her hands one by one, turned and left.

The air outside is extremely cold, Wei Yu doesn't know what's wrong with her, looking at Quan Juan's leaving back, she suddenly feels that all the strength in her body has been sucked away, she knelt down, buried her head in her arms, His arms hugged him, and his shoulders trembled uncontrollably.


It seems like a long time has passed.

Someone said: "Don't cry."

Wei Yu raised his eyes, looked at her weakly, and said, "I want to be alone, can't I?"

"No." Su Tian held the stove filled with charcoal in her hand and slowly squatted down in front of Wei Yu, and said seriously.

"You're so annoying." Weiyu silently turned around, with his back to her, and said hoarsely, "I hate you."

"It just so happens that I don't like you very much, it's just each other." Su Tian looked at Wei Yu and said slowly.

"Ninth Brother is mine!" Wei Yu suddenly frowned and said.

"You are wrong, Quan Juan is mine." Su Tian stood up, looked down at Wei Yu, and stated to her lightly: "We are in love with each other."



When Quan Yu returned from outside the hall, it was already lunch time in the hall.

"Where's Your Highness?" Quan Juan asked casually before entering.

"His Royal Highness is still asleep." A palace official reported.

When Quan Yi heard the words and stepped into the bedroom, he lifted the layers of bed curtains, and saw Su Tian who was sleeping heavily on the bed surrounded by a soft brocade quilt.

She was sleeping on her side, curled up slightly, with half of her face buried in the soft brocade quilt.

Quan Jue stretched out his hand, carefully brushed across her eyebrows, and finally landed on the bright red lips.

Quan Jue leaned over and kissed gently.

Su Tian moved her body slightly, as if she was about to wake up, Quan Jue straightened up quickly and looked at her.

Su Tian turned over and continued to sleep.

Quan Juan took off his outer clothes, gently lifted the brocade quilt and lay down, hugged Su Tian into his arms, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

After a while, Su Tian, ​​who was supposed to be asleep, slowly opened her eyes, looked at Quan Juan who had fallen into a deep sleep, frowned slightly, and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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