The Great Bandit in Kangxi Year

Chapter 137 Strategic Planning

Chapter 137 Strategic Planning
The next day, Jiang Tao saw off his old uncle, and he blamed himself for a moment. Where could he go to find his cousin who left home in the vast crowd?
He looked at the emerald green river surface, the waves are rippling, the water patterns are flat, the river surface will always calm down, thousands of small water droplets dissolve in water, but they exist alone. Now, although the Black Tiger Army has temporarily established a foothold in the Dabie Mountains, it is very important to the entire Chinese Empire. It is so small.

By the way, why did I forget about guerrilla warfare and base areas?
Only by establishing a dense network of base areas can the iron-blooded will of the Black Tiger Army blossom everywhere.

In this way, not only can the intelligence of various places be detected, but also the strength of the Black Tiger Army can be increased. When the main force of the Black Tiger Army comes out of the mountain, no matter where it goes, the Qing Army's movements cannot be hidden from itself. You can break out without staying at the base.

Today, only Hefei, Hangzhou, and Gushi counties have the forces of the Black Tiger Army. Although it has been quite effective, it is far from enough.

However, such a base is completely out of surveillance, and candidates must be loyal and reliable, and they must be refined, have experienced bloody battles, and must have the ability to rely on themselves.

Jiang Tao did some calculations, only to find that there are a lot of people needed. Today, excluding the three northeastern provinces, Tibet, Xinjiang and other ethnic minority areas, there are eighteen provinces and more than 300 counties. It is not something the current Black Tiger Army can afford.

The main thing is not just to pull someone casually.

Jiang Tao thought about it carefully, and couldn't make up his mind for a long time. At this moment, a guard came to report: "See General, Vice-General Wang is back."

"Okay, just in time!" Jiang Tao let go of his worries for the time being, and went straight back to the Black Tiger Hall.


In the Black Tiger Hall, Jiang Tao said with a hearty smile: "All the generals, please sit down, brother, will the Qing army be honest along the way?"

Wang Junyi didn't even dare to scream, and said respectfully: "Report to the general, the Qing army has dropped sharply, obviously they have been mobilized again, and they were blocked by the fire. When they chased again, they were caught in an ambush by us and lost more than a thousand soldiers. horse, and then withdrew."

"Okay!" Jiang Tao applauded loudly, looking at Wang Junyi differently in his heart, and they were intertwined, no matter how many Qing troops there were, they couldn't stop them.

Unexpectedly, Wang Junyi pulled out one person, and said with a light smile, "It's all Captain Han's ingenious plan, and the general dare not take credit for it in the end."

Jiang Tao was taken aback, isn't this the Xueyiwei's captain Han Yong?I saw his heroic demeanor, and the frail scholar in the past is now a vigorous and personable general of the black tiger, so all-round talents in civil and military must be reused.

Wang Dashan was overjoyed, and also praised: "Brother Han, you can do it."

Jiang Tao sighed, and said solemnly in a flash: "Lieutenant Han has repeatedly made great achievements and was promoted to the rank of commander. He can walk in the Black Tiger Hall and has other uses."

"Obey!" Han Yong was overjoyed, because walking in the Black Tiger Hall was already a great value, so he would be separated from his colleagues, and he felt a little bit reluctant.

"Okay, all the soldiers have made great contributions. This time, the general will reward the three armies. In addition to property, the soldiers who have made great achievements can go to the Women's Army to choose the girl they like. Haha, don't be discouraged if you haven't made great achievements. There will be plenty of opportunities to make contributions in the future. Cheng County The chief will announce the meritorious persons immediately, and we can hold a collective wedding in the Black Tiger Hall in the future."

In fact, this was arranged by Jiang Tao long ago. The navy and the army selected a total of [-] bloody elites, including generals and soldiers, all based on their merits, mainly to boost morale.

In fact, many officers and men have married privately, all of whom were civilians under the rule of the Black Tiger Army. However, there was no incident of robbing civilian women, so Jiang Tao just turned a blind eye. Although the Black Tiger Army is professional soldiers, But they can't be prevented from getting married. Human relations and normal conditions cannot be contradicted.

He arranged these, leaving only Wang Junyi, Wang Dashan, Han Yong and others, and told about the establishment of the base.

"General, good or bad, I'm afraid I can't take care of it. Now the Manchu Manchus are staring at me like a tiger. Second, our black tiger army is not many elites. Besides, one person from each county may not be of much use?" Although Wang Junyi applauded loudly in his heart, he said the concerns in my heart.

"One person's power is small, but the power of the people is great. This person has a heavy responsibility, and he can be recruited and expanded slowly. It is impossible to accomplish anything." Jiang Tao also knows the difficulties. Seeing Han Yong hesitated to speak, and hurriedly chuckled: "Commander Han has something to say, just say it."

Han Yong then said seriously: "General, my subordinates think that now that Wu Sangui is rebelling, the main force of the Qing army is in the south, and the north must be empty. Since there are not many people, why not send some elites to the northern provinces to develop base areas?"

"It makes sense."

Jiang Tao was slightly moved when he said this, but thinking of the massacre of Zhong Sanlangxiang in several northern provinces and the strict Baojia system, it would be difficult to mobilize the masses with a small number of people.

Let’s talk about Pingchuan in the north, the Qing army was supported by Mongolian cavalry, and the people’s armed forces in the base area did not have elite soldiers and sharp weapons, so they couldn’t stop it at all.

But the south is different. All kinds of systems must be incomplete if they are disturbed by the war, and whether it is Wu Sangui's army or the Manchu army, they don't care about the lives of the people at all. The Qing army put down Wu Sangui's rebellion, and the population of Sichuan was almost extinct. Others such as Hunan and Yunnan were also killed by the Qing army.

Moreover, after the Qing army entered the customs, most of the massacres were in the south. As much as the oppression, there will be as much hatred and resistance.

Only when the snipe and the clam fight each other can the fisherman benefit. The black tiger army with few people will be the fisherman and let them rob the city. The black tiger army only needs to gain a foothold in the countryside.

The more Jiang Tao thought about it, the clearer his thinking became, and he said seriously: "No, go to the south, everyone think about it, the landlords are powerful and hate us very much, but after the war in the south, the strength of the powerful will definitely be weakened, and the war between Manchu and Wu will inevitably ignore Ruying Yingzhihuo's Black Tiger Army base, but Yingying's Fire can start a prairie fire, and both Man and Wu will suffer. Our Black Tiger Army must already be quite powerful, but while blocking the river, we can quickly defeat the exhausted Manwu army, divide the fields, and fight against the enemy. Local tyrants, as long as they guard the front line of the Yangtze River, it won’t take a few years, hehe.”

Wang Junyi, Han Yong, etc. were not only moved, but immediately became clear in their hearts that this matter is not impossible. Jinzhai County today is a clear example. mighty!"

"Hehe, there are several difficulties in this. The first is the development and growth of the base area, the second is that we must defend the base, and the third is that we must train an army that is more powerful than the Qing cavalry and green battalion soldiers. That's it. With Wang Junyi as the leader, Wang Dashan, Han Yong, Jiang Dazhuang, Jiang Hu, and Yijin as deputy, this general will select hundreds of elites, and must first establish bases in the seven provinces of Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. , and when we have gained a foothold, we will slowly infiltrate into Yunnan, Guizhou, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi. As for the base areas such as Hefei and Hangzhou, they are also under the control of the big brother, and the success or failure of the Black Tiger Army depends on you!"

Jiang Tao looked at the three of them trustingly, and said solemnly.

Wang Dashan really wanted to stay, but he sighed when he saw that what the young master said was unquestionable, while Wang Junyi and Han Yong were excited, with such a heavy responsibility and such trust, they could only die, and they all responded loudly: "Will you be a general?" Go through fire and water!"

"No, we all have to live for the revival of China!" Jiang Tao shook his head again and again, then looked at the three of them and said: "As for the selection of candidates is very important, we will transfer all the strong bow guards, and then join the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Blood Clothes Guards, Iron Guards The gun battalion selects 500 elites, um, and selects [-] older young sergeants from the military academy, making a total of [-] people, just let it go and do it.”

The first update, I hope you will support me a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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