Chapter 95 Life experience (1)
Hanlu's uneasiness, Ouyang Shi's puzzlement, and Yu Jian's eyes were all seen, but she couldn't explain it. She just smiled and said, "I'll come when I go. Sister, rest for a while, don't worry about me!" She clapped her hand on hers. Hands, let her feel at ease.

After leaving the garden, Qin Zilai took them to the yard where he lived, and Mu Di was guarding outside, not allowing anyone to approach.

It was raining in the courtyard, and the air in the room was very dull. Standing in front of the door, Yu Jian slightly raised her head to watch the rain slip falling intermittently on the eaves, like the bead curtain in Hanlu's room.

Qin Zili poured her a cup of tea, but she didn't take it, just waiting indifferently for the answer she wanted.

Su Dongsheng calmed down and asked, "What do you want to know?"

She sneered, and said word by word: "I want to know why you gave her worry-free soup! Why do you insist on using me to open the treasure after using worry-free soup?"

The corners of Su Dongsheng's lips moved slightly, but he didn't answer why.

She moved her eyes away from the rain curtain outside the window, glanced at Qin Zi, and looked at Su Dongsheng: "Worriless Soup, as the name suggests, people will be carefree after death! Master, you did this because Can't bear to see Princess Hanlu suffering from illness? Heh... I really don't understand. Is there really any immortal medicine in this world? If the emperor didn't come to watch this farce, if she couldn't survive , if she doesn't call me sister, what are you going to do to me? You are trying so hard and desperately to get the Xianyin treasure, is it really to save Princess Hanlu?"

"Yujian, you hate Master. Master has nothing to say, but I don't regret what I have done!" Su Dongsheng was still lonely and cold, but his eyes were filled with pain that melted into his flesh and blood. He said in a deep voice: "Xianyin The family has always taken pleasure in the world, and the peace of the world, but the sky has no eyes, and wants to destroy our family! The methods of the Wu family are so cruel. Do you know what kind of corpses are scattered under the snow-capped mountain? How many lives without Gu were buried..." His eyes were clouded, and he smiled coldly: "Of course you don't know about this, but that doesn't mean it has nothing to do with you! At that time, you were only two years old, and how much your parents had done for you A heavy price! Do you know that your happiness over the years has been paid for by their lives! Over the past ten years, I have swallowed my anger and tried every means to find you, just to restore the treasure of Xianyin one day and seek justice for them. Avenge my blood, kill the witch clan, and eliminate harm for the world!"

Su Dongsheng's heartbroken heartbroken, to Yu Jian at this moment, he just heard a funny story: "To eliminate harm for the world? This is a good excuse!"

Su Dongsheng stood up, pointed at her, trembling his fingertips, and reprimanded sharply: "How can you be so indifferent? They are your people, your relatives, your father..."

"My parents?" She dismissed him, interrupted his words, and looked at him with a bit of dumbfounding: "My father is indeed dead, but he didn't die at the hands of the Wu clan, let alone what you said Sect master! What is the difference between what you did today and the Wu clan? You have brought me here by any means and disrupted my life. Have you ever thought about my mother, she has no husband and lost her daughter , how should she live!"

"Ah Jane..."

Qin Zili took her hand to comfort her, but she threw it away heavily. She widened her eyes, with tears in her eyes, and looked at him with a smile. Her voice began to tremble, and she almost exhausted her strength to ask, "What is he?" For revenge, for the sake of the world, what about you? Why?"

Her heart is bleeding, but why isn't his heart not?Qin Zi avoided her gaze and was speechless at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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