doomsday survival

Chapter 407 Approaching Reconnaissance

Chapter 407 Approaching Reconnaissance
Shi Jian's heart trembled inexplicably when he saw the workers on the other side so uniform.

Obviously, this is not a quality that civilians can have, but a quality that has been possessed by rigorously trained soldiers.

It is not terrible to have all the people as soldiers, and the Chang'an Tribe also has the system of all the people as soldiers. What is really scary is the militarized management.

What does militarized management mean?It means power, dictatorship, and strict hierarchy!
Soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty, and subordinates must obey their superiors absolutely. Only in this way can we ensure that orders are prohibited and invincible. This is what the military order Rushan said.

I remember that Chen Qiong once told him that subordinates can question the orders of their superiors, but they must resolutely complete them before the superiors change their orders.

Although the modern military is no longer like the ancient times, such as the chief general alone, with a strict staff system, but the word "staff" already explains everything, they can't influence the will of the chief general, they just provide reference opinions.

If he is a wise general, then everything is easy to say, but if he is a headstrong general, then everyone's life will be in danger.

This is what Shi Jian is worried about now. He is not saying that democracy should be emphasized in the last days, but a dictator who loses control may not be a good thing for the group.

Chinese people always have a kind of "Ming Jun" plot, but they don't know that in the future, entrusting everything to the so-called Ming Jun is taking one's own life as a trifling matter.

"Boss Shi, if they are really what you said, what shall we do?" Meizi asked softly.

Shi Jian frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "In this case, it will be incompatible with our tribe's system. I must seek the opinion of the majority before making a decision."

With such a big event, Shi Jian didn't dare to draw conclusions lightly, so he decided to conduct a thorough investigation first.

At this time, the workers had already got into the car, and after they sat down, they were no longer silent as they were before getting into the car, but chatted casually.

The voice floated out of the car window, penetrated into the woods, and flew into the ears of Shi Jian and the others.

Because there were too many people talking and the distance was far away, I really couldn't hear what they were saying.

However, from the laughter and cheers, it could be faintly heard that they were still very happy.

The car then started and drove a car of people into the distance.

The voice of chatting became weaker and weaker, and finally became inaudible.

Shi Jian observed carefully, and seeing that no one appeared in the coal mine, he said, "Let's go, let's see how they live."

The three of them hid themselves in the woods, walked straight along the road, and walked for two days, covering a distance of nearly 100 kilometers.

In the past two days, they have often seen cars driving back and forth, and finally figured out some patterns.

Every morning at seven o'clock, the coal mining workers were sent to the coal mine, and they were not picked up until after five o'clock in the evening.

We met four times in a row, and each time we could hear these workers singing songs in the car, and they were all military songs from the old days, which further confirmed the true identity of these workers—soldiers.

"The mental outlook is pretty good." Shi Jian commented secretly.

After walking for two days, Shi Jian saw Renyan again.

There is a large paddy field in front of me, and more than 20 rice transplanters are working in it.From time to time, vehicles drove over, and some people unloaded rice seedlings from above to prepare for transplanting.

There was no forest in front of them, so Shi Jian and the three had no choice but to hide in the woods and observe these farmers quietly.

"Rice, I haven't eaten it for a long time." Shi Jian couldn't help smacking his lips twice as he looked at the rice seedlings.

The food grown by the Chang'an tribe is corn. Originally, they found wheat seeds and rice seeds from Fusong County, and they could eat rice and white noodles this year. However, a nuclear attack directly shattered Shi Jian's desire to eat fine grains.

These farmers are male and female, and they are mainly young and strong, and there are a few older people, but they look more like field guides.

Although they are very casual at work, they still have a strong military flavor in their walking posture.

When it's time to eat, it's even more obvious.

These people were not like the peasants in Shi Jian's memory, who just ate in the fields casually, but gathered together in an orderly manner, even the few elderly people in their 50s.

Seeing that someone had a car to deliver meals, Shi Jian and the three had no choice but to endure the rumbling hunger and drink water desperately to satisfy their hunger.

"You see, they should have had military training a long time ago, and it must have been decades." Shi Jian pointed to the people who were sitting in a circle to eat.

"It seems to be an old tradition, but there are too few of them. When will such a large piece of land be planted?" Zhang Jian said softly.

This paddy field has hundreds of hectares, but only a hundred or so people are seen working here, which is completely different from the Chang'an tribe's spring plowing.

"They use mechanized operations. Although there are few people, it won't take long." Shi Jian explained.

Because now they have no way to go out, so they have to stay in the forest and watch these people transplant rice seedlings.

Sure enough, as Shi Jian said, after one day, the paddy fields of hundreds of hectares were all filled with seedlings.

Shi Jian made some calculations in his mind, and said with emotion: "This rice transplanter can plant sixty or seventy acres of land a day, and the speed is not slow."

"It's scary, how long will it take for someone to do this?" Zhang Jian stuck out his tongue.

"If this kind of people do it, it will take more than a month." Shi Jian said the answer.

"So much difference?" Zhang Jian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This is the difference between machines and humans." Shi Jian sighed again.

Finally, these people finished their day's farm work and returned by car. The first thing Shi Jian and the three of them did was not to move on, but to look for food in the woods.

They were busy until dark before they ate.

After the meal, Shi Jian didn't take a rest, but took the rest of the food on the road overnight.

Going forward, the forest began to break up intermittently. If Shi Jian didn't drive at night, there would be no way to hide during the day.

Because there are no other people on the island, no one can be seen guarding the field, which also provides them with convenience, and they don't have to worry about being discovered.

The old district in front is dominated by villages and towns. Although no one lives here, it is well preserved and basically maintains its original appearance, with no desolation overgrown with weeds.

Shi Jian also purposely entered a house and inspected it.

The furnishings in this typical Japanese-style house are all available, but the floor and furniture are covered with a layer of dust, as if the owner has traveled far away and hasn't returned for several months.

Shi Jian ran his finger across the table, looked at it with the light of the lighter, and said, "Someone cleaned this place half a year ago."

"What are these people doing cleaning here? They don't come to live here." Meizi muttered.

"If no one lives in the house for a long time, it will be more likely to be dilapidated. It is estimated that they will live in some old areas regularly for a period of time to keep the house longer." Shi Jian explained casually.

"These houses have been around for so many years, and they are still not collapsed. The quality is pretty good." Zhang Jian walked around the room twice and said.

Shi Jian laughed and said: "The little devils' buildings are really nothing to say, they are in an earthquake-prone area, so the houses are very strong."

After looking around inside and outside the house, Shi Jian didn't take anything, so he left here.

The three of them stayed up all night, and arrived at the last forest before dawn, and then they walked forward to the city. Judging by the size, it should be Sapporo.

In order to be able to conduct a careful reconnaissance, Shi Jian did not choose to enter the city to avoid being recognized by others, so he stayed in the depths of the woods for a while.

Shi Jian felt that he had just dozed off, and was awakened by the sound of slogans. He hurriedly led Meizi and Zhang Jian who had also woken up to the edge of the forest to see what was going on.

Through the gaps in the trees, Shi Jian saw groups of people running past the edge of the forest, all wearing camouflage uniforms, shouting slogans while running.

"They are doing morning exercises." Shi Jian thought to himself.

He was very interested in these people's morning exercises, and wanted to learn about their training level, so he said to Zhang Jian and Meizi: "You two should stay hidden, I'll sneak outside and take a closer look." He didn't wait for the two to reply. , then sneaked away to the edge of the forest.

Shi Jian came to the edge of the forest, found a tree, climbed up carefully, hid himself among the branches and leaves, and observed these people with a telescope.

Like him, these morning exercisers were all wearing military-style camouflage uniforms, carrying rifles on their backs, and were doing armed off-roading.

To say that the only difference between Shi Jian and them is that the other party has all kinds of accessories, and he can tell he is a soldier at a glance.It's not like he looks no different from a migrant worker.

These people are all between twenty and forty, they are young and middle-aged, and judging from their movements, they are not much different from professional soldiers.

Groups of people ran through the woods, circled in a circle, and then ran back to the city. Shi Jian couldn't tell how many people there were.

When the last team left, Shi Jian checked his watch, it was almost an hour.

"There must be thousands of people in this one place. There must be people in other places in Sapporo who are training in the same way. How can there be 10,000+ young people?" Shi Jian calculated silently in his heart.

Shi Jian jumped down from the tree and walked towards the hiding place of the two Meizi, but was taken aback.

Meizi was lying on the ground in pain, her face was pale, her eyes were slightly closed, and she looked very weak.

Zhang Jian lay on Meizi's lap, sucked it, then spit out a mouthful of blood, and then lay down again.

"What's wrong?" Shi Jian asked hastily.

"Plum was bitten by a snake." Zhang Jian spit out the blood in his mouth and replied quickly.

"What? Let me see!" Shi Jian hurried over.

On Meizi's right calf, there were two small tooth marks, which had turned black and swollen.

"When did you bite?" Shi Jian asked, taking out a knife to cut open the wound, and black blood flowed out from the knife edge.

 Ask for water and fertilize.

(End of this chapter)

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