doomsday survival

Chapter 308 The night battle is in full swing

Chapter 308 The Night Battle Is Hearing (Part [-])

I saw black shadows looming in the woods, surrounded from all sides, I don't know how many people there are in the other party, and the sound of the other party's running and shouting can be heard everywhere.

"Hand over guns don't kill!"

"Quickly surrender!"

In addition to the shouts, there were also two gunshots from time to time, and red lights flashed left and right in the darkness, which was the light produced by the bullets fired from the muzzle.

Fortunately, the red deer had heard explosions louder than gunshots before, and it was not frightened by the gunshots from the opponent. It just kicked the snow restlessly on the spot and kept looking around, hoping to be taken away by its owner.

Shi Jian originally planned to sneak attack the other party, but he didn't expect to enter the ambush circle, and he couldn't help being secretly surprised.He glanced at the enemies surrounding him from all directions, and knew that if he hid behind the tree at this time, he would also be attacked by enemies from other directions. With a little thought, he had a countermeasure.

"Quickly, untie the red deer and stand up the sled!" Shi Jian shouted loudly.

Feng Chen and Mei Zi immediately ran towards a red deer, drew out their short knives, and cut off the rope pulling the red deer's sled.

The red deer lost their restraint and began to turn around on the spot. After two more gunshots, they spread their legs and ran deep into the woods.

Now no one cares about whether the red deer will be killed by stray bullets, let alone whether the red deer can be caught again after running away. Everyone ran over together, turned the two sleds ninety degrees, and then turned them again. In front of the bushes dragged to one side, leaning against each other obliquely, and the trunk of the tree constituted a simple fortification.

Although the sleds can carry six or seven people, their length is only more than two meters long, and for the purpose of defense, the two sledges form an angle, and Shi Jian's side can barely enter the defensive circle with eleven people. Squatting down is definitely not enough. You can only stand upright. Fortunately, the width of the sled is nearly 1.7 meters, so it can block everyone's body.

After Shi Jian and the others completed the defense, the enemy had already approached a lot, and they started not to spare the bullets, and the gunshots were much denser than before.

"What the hell, how did they know we would pass by here?" Andre cursed loudly.

Shi Jian remained calm, interrupted Andre's cursing, and said, "Now is not the time to think about this, shoot back!"

Hearing Shi Jian's order, everyone immediately started shooting at each other.

Although there are not as many people as the enemy, all eleven of them are holding assault rifles, and when they are gathered together, their firepower is much fiercer than that of the opponent. Although the surroundings are too dark to guarantee shooting accuracy, it also allows the enemy to attack Suddenly stopped.

"Damn it! You fucking hide, hide now!" A distraught voice came from the woods.

Following the sound, the attacking enemies all stopped advancing, and each hid behind the tree.

Shi Jian couldn't see the figure of the other party, of course he couldn't waste bullets, so everyone stopped shooting.

At this time, the voice just now appeared again, but its target was Shi Jian and the others.

"Listen, people of the Chang'an Tribe, you are already surrounded by us. If you are sensible, quickly put down your weapons and surrender. We will spare your life." The voice shouted loudly.

"Yes, quickly put down the gun! Our boss will kill you if you don't kill him, don't be afraid!"

"If you still dare to resist, we will beat you all to death here!"

"Why bother? We are all human beings. You are obedient and obedient. You will not die. I will ensure that you can eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and there are beautiful girls for you to play with."

"Surrender quickly, or the boss will give you an order, and you are not enough for us to put your teeth together."

All kinds of shouts came from all directions, some threatening, some threatening, some persuading, and I lure, all with one purpose, nothing more than to make Shi Jian and the others give up resistance, of course Shi Jian and others scoffed at this.

Yi Hengge scolded back directly: "You bastards on the opposite side, you dare to make grandpas surrender with your little ability, let the horse come over, and see how grandpa beats you until your mother can't recognize you."

Yu Liang also scolded: "Idiots, you are not enough labor to fill your teeth, don't fart there!"

Shi Jian did not stop the two people from cursing. He had looked around just now and had a basic idea of ​​the number of enemies. The opponents were only about 50 people. I know from the dark, I don't know if they still have a backhand.If the abuse of two people can provoke each other and let them emerge from behind the tree, it will definitely be beneficial to one's own side.

After the enemy heard Yi Hengge and Yu Liang's abuse, they were all furious, and immediately cursed back. For a while, there was a lot of foul language in the woods. It didn't look like a battlefield, but more like a group of shrews cursing the street. .

"You can still hold your breath, the opponent is not easy." Shi Jian said to himself.

The other party also seemed to be very disciplined. The so-called boss did not speak, and no one rushed forward, which made Shi Jian a little disappointed.

However, Shi Jian did not let down his vigilance because the enemy was standing still. Instead, he asked Feng Chen, Mei Zi, and Andre to guard one direction each. With him included, they happened to take care of all four directions.

"Continue to scold and irritate them, especially the boss they are talking about, scold me to death!" Shi Jian said in a low voice.

After receiving Shi Jian's instruction, Yi Hengge and Yu Liang immediately became full of energy. All kinds of unpleasant words kept coming out of their mouths, and their voices were relatively loud. The momentum of people pressing down.

The most admirable thing is that the two of them scolded for more than ten minutes, except for greetings to each other's elders, they didn't repeat a single sentence. I really don't know how they practiced it.

"The boss on the opposite side, if I were you, I would immediately take off my pants and come over with bare buttocks, and let us have a kick one by one. If you don't feel comfortable enough, the barrel in the hands of labor and management will definitely satisfy you!" Yi Heng Ge shouted loudly.

Yu Liang then scolded: "Don't dare to say anything else, Lao Zi's gun barrel will definitely make you crippled and full of bruises, from now on you don't like beautiful women but strong men!"

Shi Jian frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help asking: "Where did you both learn this?"

"Uh, a movie." Yi Hengge stopped cursing and replied.

Shi Jian was almost overwhelmed by it. He wondered for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why the two people's swearing words were so full of old-fashioned characteristics.He let everyone watch movies, just to let everyone have fun, and at the same time understand the old times, so that everyone has more pursuits in life, who would have thought that they would pay attention to this.

But how can the boss on the opposite side understand this, which is why he has not been irritated.Shi Jian quickly figured this out, and said to Yi Hengge: "You scolded them so much that they couldn't understand, you both scolded and the other explained to them."

"That's right, Mr. Shi is smarter!" Yi Hengge patted Shi Jian's flattery first, and then continued to curse.Yu Liang explained these words aloud after he finished scolding.

At this moment, the boss finally understood what they were cursing, and was immediately furious and furious.

"Go up immediately and kill them all! I want to use them to light sky lanterns!" The boss shouted in despair.

As soon as the boss spoke, the others dared not listen, and immediately got out from behind the tree covering him, and kept moving forward under the cover of the tree. Although it seemed chaotic, it was quite organized.

Shi Jian said softly: "Aim and shoot again." Then he put an enemy into the sight, and then lightly pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot out like flying, passed through the air, made a sharp whistling sound, and hit the man's chest.

After being shot, the man screamed and fell to the ground. His body twitched twice and then stopped moving.

When the person next to him saw that his companion had been shot to death, he immediately let out a cry of surprise and subconsciously wanted to hide behind a tree.

Unexpectedly, the boss shouted angrily again: "Hurry up, I'm going to skin those two people who scolded me just now, and then put them in the frying pan!"

Thinking of the usual fear of the boss, that person had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to rush forward with the others.

Of course, the other party didn't just rush forward with their heads buried. While rushing forward, they kept firing at Shi Jian. It's just that they cherished ammunition more than Shi Jian and others.

But even so, the bullets kept hitting the bottom of the sled. If Shi Jian hadn't specially added a thin iron plate on the bottom of the sled to allow the sled to bear more weight, even if the few people hid behind, Bullets will also pass through the planks, causing them to take damage.

The distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters. Although people kept getting shot and fell to the ground, within a few breaths, the enemy was already 20 meters away.

"Drop the bomb!" Shi Jian ordered loudly.

Zhang Jian and the others, who hadn't shot just now, immediately took out the grenade and threw it forward.

One after another grenade exploded continuously in the woods, taking away a lot of fresh life and slowing down the enemy's offensive again.

At this time, the boss continued to shout: "No need to save bullets, shoot them all!"

With this order, the opponent's firepower suddenly became fierce, and they no longer needed to shoot single shots, but started to shoot.

The bullets flying around made Shi Jian and the others dare not raise their heads, and were completely suppressed.The sides with the sleds were better, providing complete defense, but the backside had gaps between the bushes that couldn't stop all the bullets.

Just now, a stray bullet shot in from the gap and just hit Andre's thigh, causing him to scream and fall to the ground.

Casualties, finally appeared.

 The third update, seeking favorites, recommendations, subscriptions, rewards, monthly tickets!
  Let me recommend two books from my friends: "Magic Princess Aretha" by Panda Papa, and "Official Addiction" by Feng Yishi.

(End of this chapter)

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