doomsday survival

Chapter 248 God-making Project

Chapter 248 God-Creating Project ([-])

He Feng wanted to bring up these words a long time ago, but was interrupted by Xia Qianhe, and he never had a chance to say them. Now he finally asked the question in his heart.

Feng Kuang had already figured out a way to deal with these loopholes, but before he could explain, Yi Ziqiang spoke on his own.

"Old He, you don't know much about this kind of thing. I heard my elder brother-in-law talk about it before, so I'll tell you about it now." Yi Ziqiang seemed to understand everything, which surprised everyone else. I don't know why he changed his original attitude towards Shi Jian, but instead helped him speak up.

In fact, Yi Ziqiang regretted it very much now.He already firmly believed in Shi Jian's so-called "Son of God" status, especially the people Feng Chen said were all dead against Shi Jian, which made him tremble with fear, fearing that he would offend Shi Jian Jian or the god behind him made himself die inexplicably.

So all Yi Ziqiang is doing now is selling well in front of Feng Kuang, hoping to tell Shi Jian through Feng Kuang's mouth, so that Shi Jian will no longer have any dissatisfaction with him.For this purpose, Yi Ziqiang really took the trouble to explain, for fear that the people present would not understand, and even more fear that Feng Kuang would think that he was not working hard.

"Have you ever heard of the separation between heaven and man? So the gods don't care about mortal affairs. Besides, the end of the world is created by people themselves, and has nothing to do with the gods. The gods still hope that humans can solve it by themselves, but seeing We have been 50 years, and we have not made any progress. The gods have no choice but to call the gods." At this time, he thought of what Xia Qianhe said about not being allowed to mention the title of "Son of God", and immediately changed his words. Come down, let him lead us through the last days, until the zombies are wiped out and human society is re-established."

Feng Kuang looked at Yi Ziqiang, couldn't help but secretly stretched his thumb, and said in his heart: "When people who don't know hear him say this, they think it's the gods who told him. Is this the legendary brain-dead fan?"

Yi Ziqiang continued: "Why does Principal Shi still hide from the zombies? It's too simple! After the gods come down to earth, their mana will be imprisoned. Otherwise, with their abilities, just stomp their feet and the whole earth will be destroyed." I have to shake three times, if he gets angry, this world will cease to exist, so what are you talking about saving the world?"

"Even if his magic power is imprisoned, he can't be injured. When he went hunting tigers two days ago, his arm was fractured. The splint I gave him hasn't healed yet," He Feng said.

This was what he was most suspicious of. He really couldn't understand why the "Son of God" was injured. Shouldn't they all be indestructible?

Yi Ziqiang snorted softly and said, "You've also heard "Journey to the West". Isn't the Tang monk in it the reincarnation of the second disciple of the Tathagata Buddha? If the Tathagata Buddha is so powerful, how can his second disciple be less capable? But Isn’t it the same that Monkey King needs to be protected? Why is this? It’s because his mana is long gone, so monkeys are required to be bodyguards. And the most important point, do you know what it is?”

He Feng didn't know what he was going to say, so he couldn't help but shook his head.

"Tang Seng is only promoting Buddhism, and he has to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one tribulations to achieve the true result, let alone the great merit of helping the world's people out of the sea of ​​suffering? Can he not go through some tribulations?" Yi Ziqiang said as a matter of course.

"But after all, it's just your wishful thinking. Who knows if it's true?" He Feng said.

After talking about it for thirteen times, the topic once again turned to whether it is credible or not.

Seeing this situation, Xia Qianhe turned to Fengkuang, and said, "Brother, tell me, what did you say at that time?"

Feng Kuang said with a face full of embarrassment: "At that time, I slipped my mouth, and I really don't want to say it again. But, looking at you now, if I don't say it, you will blame me, then I will fight it out, and say it again .”

Hearing what Feng Kuang said, everyone cheered up and listened carefully.

Feng Kuang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "At the beginning, I just chatted with those old men and women. Of course, in order to make everyone happy, I also showed my hands and performed some magic tricks. The result They all thought that this was a fairy spell, and the topic shifted to whether there are any gods."

The elders all nodded. They knew that Feng Kuang knew a lot about chemistry. They also thought it was magic. It's not surprising that those old people thought so.

Feng Kuang continued: "I didn't believe in the gods at first, but after a lot of experience over the years, there are always some unclear things, and I gradually began to doubt whether the gods exist. And also As He Feng said just now, there are many doubts in my heart."

He Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, knowing that what he thought was not an exaggeration.

"But until one day, I had a dream at night, and that dream is still very clear now, as if it happened in front of my eyes, so real." Feng Kuang took a deep breath of the cigarette, as if he had fallen into a deep depression Same as in memory.

Everyone was attracted by Feng Kuang's words, and they all stared at him, eager to know what the dream was about.

Feng Kuang spoke very slowly and his voice was very low, as if he was afraid of disturbing something: "At that time, I dreamed that I was trapped in a group of zombies, and countless zombies surrounded me and Chen Qiong, trying to tear us apart. It was broken. At this moment, countless lightning flashes suddenly appeared in the sky, and the zombies were all killed by the lightning. Then, do you know what happened?" He looked at the others.

"Did a fairy appear?" Yi Ziqiang asked tentatively.

Feng Kuang smiled in his heart, and said to himself: "It's good to have a compliment, no matter what he used to do, this Yi Ziqiang really cooperated."

I thought so, but Feng Kuang's expression was very serious, and he said: "Ziqiang is right, he is a fairy. He has white beard and white hair, fluttering robes, steps on clouds of seven colors, and thousands of golden lights behind him, slowly coming from the sky. Float down."

"It sounds like a fairy." Yi Ziqiang said beside him.

"Stop talking, let Brother Feng continue." Xia Qianhe gave Yi Ziqiang a dissatisfied look.

Feng Kuang nodded, and continued: "Ziqiang is right, that's what I felt at the time. The old fairy didn't land on the ground, but floated in mid-air, watching us talk, the voice just started The sound is very small, as if it is whispering in the ear, but when I listen carefully, it is like a big bell in Honglu, and the sound is deafening, which surprised me."

At this time, everyone forgot that Feng Kuang was talking about his own dream, but took it as a fact.

"The old god told us that he was the leader of the human religion and one of the six great saints, Taishang Laojun. Because he learned of the catastrophe in the human world, he felt pity and planned to send the son of the emperor of heaven to save the world. Now I am here to find someone who is destined, and I will help Shenzi in the future." After Feng Kuang finished speaking, he took another puff of cigarette, exhaled it lightly, and observed the expressions of everyone under the cover of the smoke.

"Then Mr. Feng, are you a destined person?" Yi Ziqiang's voice trembled a little.Everyone else looked at Fengkuang nervously, hoping to get an answer from it.

Feng Kuang did not answer directly, but continued to speak: "I was stunned at the time, but Chen Qiong shouted from the side, 'Don't pretend to be a ghost, you think I will believe you, if there are gods, what did you do earlier? Go, don't get out of here!'"

"Oh! How can you talk to a god like this?" Yi Ziqiang complained, patting his thigh.

"Yeah, that's too disrespectful." Wang An echoed from the side.

Feng Kuang smiled, and said: "I didn't know this at the time. When Chen Qiong yelled, I woke up all of a sudden, and I realized that this was a dream."

Only then did everyone remember that what Feng Kuang was talking about was a dream, not reality, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

He Feng asked, "This dream doesn't explain anything, does it?"

Feng Kuang said: "Of course it can't explain anything, but a strange thing happened!"

"What's the matter?" He Feng asked.

"Chen Qiong also woke up and told me that he had a dream. I didn't expect that our dreams were exactly the same!" Feng Kuang said with a trace of panic.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, secretly thinking that this matter is really mysterious.

"The really strange thing is yet to come," Feng Kuang continued, "During the next five days, both Chen Qiong and I dreamed the same scene, and it was Chen Qiong who woke us up from the dream. God, I said to Chen Qiong: "Tonight, don't shout again, listen to what he wants to say." Chen Qiong didn't want to agree, but I begged hard, and he agreed."

"Then did you dream again?" Xia Qianhe asked.

"Brother, if I hadn't dreamed again, I would have died by now, how could I talk to you here." Feng Kuang sighed.

"Uh, what's going on?" Xia Qianhe asked.

"On the night of the seventh day, I had the same dream again. This time, Chen Qiong did not ask any questions. The old fairy smiled and said, "Boy, why didn't you shout this time?" I was taken aback." Feng Kuang's voice was still tinged with panic, as if he hadn't escaped from his dream.

All the people present were also amazed, and felt that this matter was really strange.

Feng Kuang continued: "The old god who called himself Taishang Laojun said: 'If you shout again today, then you will not be destined, and I will not come again.' Hearing this, I and Chen Qiong was shocked, so she stopped talking and listened to Laojun. Laojun said: "The scene you saw just now will happen in half a year, but I will not come to save you. It is life or death." , everything is up to you.'”

 Thanks Shigemitsu.Yijueyun rewarded again, and thank you friends who voted for me in the past few days. Huyue was very moved and will definitely bring you more exciting content.

(End of this chapter)

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