Chapter 237
Facing the approaching white tiger, Shi Jian became a little flustered.

You know, this is not a zombie that moves slower than ordinary people, but a tiger that sprints extremely fast at close range.

The distance of more than 200 meters was only a dozen seconds to the enraged white tiger, almost instantaneous.

The white tiger was getting closer and closer, and Shi Jian seemed to be able to smell the stench from the tiger's mouth.He suppressed the panic in his heart, focused on firing the bullets in the pistol at the white tiger.At the same time, he kept stepping back in an attempt to create some distance, buying even a tenth of a second for himself.

Shi Jian's marksmanship is not accurate, and now he is a little flustered, and at the same time he has to back up to create a distance.This series of factors mixed together made Shi Jian make frequent mistakes.

Although the white tiger is big, it runs in the forest, sometimes avoiding the trees in front of it, which greatly reduces Shi Jian's hit rate.

Bai Hu saw that the distance between Shi Jian and Shi Jian was less than 20 meters.However, at this moment, Shi Jian didn't even hit the white tiger with a single bullet, which made him anxious.

But Shi Jian was not on the verge of despair. After all, the white tiger was very close now. As long as he could hit a single shot, the white tiger would cry out and not pose any threat to him.

At this moment, Baihu's predecessor suddenly fell down, and then jumped up, rushing straight at Shi Jian.

In various storytellings involving tigers, the storytellers summed up the tiger's attack skills into three points: one pounce, two lifts, and three tail-cuts. This shows how powerful the tiger's forward pounce is.

When the Siberian tiger catches its prey, it usually throws the prey down violently, or grabs the neck and snout of the opponent with sharp claws, and twists its head off; or bites the opponent's throat with sharp teeth; usually a tooth Seal the throat, or smash the opponent's cervical vertebra with a violent palm, causing it to break and die.

Now the white tiger used its most common move, preparing to kill Shi Jian under its claws.

At this time, Chen Qiong's demonic training effect on Shi Jian was manifested, and he immediately reacted at a speed that ordinary people could not have.Almost subconsciously, while Shi Jian quickly fired bullets from the gun at the white tiger, he also rolled out on his side.

Finally, a bullet hit Baihu's left front leg, and Baihu's body jumped to the position where Shi Jian had just stopped.As soon as it landed, the white tiger almost fell to the ground, and the pain caused by the bullet made it roar loudly.

Shi Jian immediately seized this opportunity and pulled the trigger again towards the white tiger who was only five or six meters away from him, intending to kill it in one fell swoop.

But there was only the sound of the firing pin being fired. Shi Jian looked down and saw that the bullet had been fired.

"Fuck me!" Shi Jian yelled, threw his pistol and smashed it at the white tiger's head, while pulling out a short spear, he retreated quickly, hiding his body behind a tree , to prevent being jumped by the white tiger.

At this time, the white tiger was in severe pain. Seeing something flying, he immediately swung his right paw and knocked it away.

The pistol that accompanied Shi Jian for more than half a year was sent flying far away by the white tiger's paw, and fell into the fallen leaves and bushes.Shi Jian seemed to have seen something flying out of the gun, but he didn't know which part it was.

The gunshot wound did not frighten the white tiger, but instead aroused all its ferocity. With a roar, it walked towards Shi Jian on tiptoe on its injured left front leg, letting the blood from the wound stain the white fur red, and its eyes were exposed. There was a bloodthirsty red light.

The tree blocking Shi Jian was nearly one meter in diameter at breast height, but it could completely cover Shi Jian.But Shi Jian didn't dare to hide behind the tree completely, he had to observe the direction of the white tiger's movements to prevent being attacked by the white tiger.

Hearing the roar of the tiger, Shi Jian nervously held the two short spears in his hand, his brain was running fast, trying to find a way to solve the current predicament.

The white tiger limped to the tree, yelled at Shi Jian who was showing half of his face, raised his right paw and waved at Shi Jian.Due to the gunshot wound, its left leg struggled to support its upper body alone, but it only sank a bit, and did not fall to the ground again.

Shi Jian's heart froze for a moment, secretly thinking that it was not good.

Judging from the white tiger's movements, the shot just now did not break its bones, but only caused muscle injuries. Although it affected its movements, it was not too serious.

Sure enough, when Bai Hu saw that he could still bear the pain in his leg, he immediately attacked Shi Jian again, and quickly walked around the big tree, wanting to meet Shi Jian face to face.

How could Shi Jian allow it to fight him head-on, as the white tiger moved, he also constantly adjusted his direction so that he was always under the cover of the big tree.

One person and one tiger circled around the big tree like this.

Shi Jian didn't have the ability to kill the white tiger, and the white tiger's leg was injured, his movement was inconvenient, and his speed was even affected. For a while, neither of the two sides could put the other to death.

In the process of turning around, Shi Jian kept stabbing the white tiger with the short spear in his hand, not hoping to injure him, but purely to slow down the white tiger's speed.

Fortunately, this red pine tree is thick enough, otherwise, Shi Jian really wouldn't have the space to spend time with the white tiger.

However, the white tiger's patience is limited, after a few circles, it is no longer impatient.

He slapped away Shi Jian's short spear with his left paw, and then the white tiger's front body sank down suddenly.

The short spear in Shi Jian's hand was slapped away by the white tiger's paw, and he almost lost his hand. Fortunately, he held it tightly enough and used his strength to swing his arms outward, so that the short spear was not knocked into the air.

Just as he was about to rejoice that he didn't lose a weapon, Shi Jian saw the white tiger's posture, and he was so frightened that he immediately dodged to the other side of the tree.

Facts proved that Shi Jian's approach was still correct. When he just got out of the way, the white tiger had already swooped towards him with a gust of wind.

Although Shi Jian was not hit by this pounce, the white tiger did not stop there. Its hind legs were thrown backwards, almost hitting Shi Jian who was about to step forward to explode the white tiger's chrysanthemum.

Shi Jian slammed on the brakes, barely stopping his body, and the two hind legs of the white tiger flashed half a meter in front of him.

However, the white tiger obviously overestimated the endurance of its injured legs. When it raised its hind legs, its weight of five or six hundred catties was all on top of its two front legs.If it was normal, of course there would be no problem, but now its left leg has been injured, and it can't use too much strength. It can't do it at all by supporting the whole body with only one right leg.

Only heard the white tiger scream, the body suddenly fell forward, and the majestic tiger head was directly pressed to the ground.

If Shi Jian can't seize the opportunity at this time, then he has gone through those battles in vain.

Before the white tiger got up, Shi Jian held the short spear with both hands and made a standard stabbing action. The short spear went straight into the white tiger's chrysanthemum, completing Shi Jian's first stabbing.

The white tiger roared in pain from being pierced by the spear, and its tail lashed like a steel whip, hitting Shi Jian's left arm, making him feel like his left arm had been broken.Then Bai Hu's body suddenly turned around, wanting to face Shi Jian face to face, and decided to fight to the death.

Because the white tiger's movement was too violent, the short spear was not even pulled out, and the white tiger directly broke away from Shi Jian's grasp, and Shi Jian was also staggered and fell to the ground by the white tiger's movement.

As soon as Shi Jian fell, he immediately rolled down the hillside and didn't get up until he rolled more than ten meters away.Regardless of the piercing pain in his left arm, he immediately drew out his last short spear with his right hand, and looked at the white tiger still on it with the spear in one hand.

At this time, the white tiger was completely insane. It kept turning in circles, trying to get out the short spear left in its body, but the more it moved, the more painful the pain on the wound became unbearable.

Blood flowed out continuously from the short spear inserted into the white tiger chrysanthemum, splashing everywhere.

But the white tiger seemed to have realized that the thing behind him was powerless, and it turned its hateful eyes on Shi Jian who was standing at the foot of the hill, facing his defenses.

As if forgetting all the pain, the white tiger rushed towards Shi Jian at the bottom of the mountain, and when he was five meters away from him, he rushed towards Shi Jian.

Although Shi Jian hoped that the white tiger would die due to excessive bleeding, he was always on guard against the white tiger, preventing the white tiger from jumping over the wall in a hurry and dying with himself.Therefore, Shi Jian was already ready to deal with the enemy when the white tiger made his move.

Shi Jian slammed the short spear in his hand on the ground, and at the same time squatted down completely, putting all his strength on his right hand, and supported the short spear vigorously.

At this time, the white tiger had already rushed over, and it could have just thrown Shi Jian down, but because Shi Jian squatted down suddenly, the whole body was not as high as the short spear he propped up, so the white tiger rushed to the air all at once.

It would have been better if the white tiger had just emptied, but a long gash had been severed in its abdomen by the sharp spear point.If the spear point could be fixed more firmly, then the white tiger would be completely disembowelled.

Even so, the tiger blood sprayed from the wound on his abdomen covered Shi Jian's head and face, making Shi Jian look like a blood man.

Baihu's body jumped over Shi Jian's head, fell directly behind him more than three meters away, and then rolled downhill, until it hit a big tree, and then stopped.

Shi Jian reached out and wiped the tiger blood from his face, and looked at the white tiger who was still twitching on the ground.

I saw that this white tiger was covered in blood all over its body, its body undulating weakly, it only breathed out but not breathed in, it seemed that it would not survive.

Shi Jian glanced at the short spear in his hand again, the tip of the spear had been taken away by the white tiger long ago, if the white tiger still had the power to fight now, Shi Jian would have no weapons at all.

After continuing to observe for a while, Shi Jian was sure that the white tiger was dead, so he clutched his left arm to find the rifle he had thrown away, wanting to find out what caused the jam.

When he pulled the bolt, he found that the bullet that should have been fired was still inside. It seemed that there should be a problem with the bullet and it was not fired.These bullets have been used for more than 50 years, and it is normal for them to have problems. Shi Jian can only blame his own bad luck.

But when he took out the bullet, he froze for a moment.

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(End of this chapter)

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