doomsday survival

Chapter 182 Shi Jian's Lecture

Chapter 182 Shi Jian's Lecture
The eyes of everyone looking at Shi Jian gradually changed, from initial curiosity to final reverence.

Floating clouds and spreading rain, this is something that only those gods and immortals in legends can do.But just now, a person from a small tribe performed this fairy art in front of everyone, what does this mean?
"Boss Shi, you, are you a god?" Wang Liangliang stammered out everyone's aspirations.

"Fairy? How come? I am a living person just like you." Shi Jian waved his hands and smiled.

"But, you can make clouds, can you also make it rain?" Wang Liangliang asked naively.

"Well...if there is something suitable, artificial rainfall can be used." Shi Jian thought for a while and replied.

"I know," Wang Liangliang exclaimed excitedly, "That's a magic weapon, can you show us?"

"Uh, it's not a magic weapon, it's some items that can only be found in the old district." Shi Jian explained.

"Yes, it's not a magic weapon, it should be an artifact! Did you leave it behind in the old district when you descended?" Wang Liangliang thought about Shi Jian's origin.

Shi Jian felt that his head was getting bigger, and thought to himself: "This grandson of Wang Lie is too imaginative, is he still a magic weapon? Or descend to the mortal world? Do I still have to go through the tribulation and ascend to the ascension?"

"Liangliang, I'm not a god, and I don't have any magic weapon. What I said just now was just artificial rainfall, a method developed by humans in the old days. And you can also make these clouds, anyone can." Shi Jian patiently explained.

"Really?" Wang Liangliang said suspiciously.

"Come up, I'll teach you how to do it." Shi Jian said with a smile.

"I can also change into clouds, that's great!" Wang Liangliang jumped up happily.

Shi Jian put Wang Liangliang on the podium and taught him how to operate it.Under the podium, more than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at them without blinking, wanting to know that as Shi Jian said, anyone can conjure this cloud.

This experiment is very easy to operate, just be careful not to burn your hands, and seal the reed rod after blowing the air.

However, Wang Liangliang was still a little nervous, and his lung capacity was not enough at a young age, so he failed several times, and even burned his hands.

Wang Liangliang pouted and said dejectedly: "This is not something that ordinary people can do. I don't have that immortal energy."

"It doesn't matter, try again, you're sure you can do it! He has no problem with the previous movements, but the air blown in is too little and the air pressure is not enough. This time blow a little longer." Shi Jian encouraged.

Wang Liangliang nodded fiercely and tried again.He followed the steps taught by Shi Jian step by step. When it was time to blow, he puffed up his cheeks, blew hard, and then pinched the reed.

When Shi Jian told him he could, Wang Liangliang let go of the reed.As the air inside was released, a cloud slowly formed in the bottle and rolled up in the bottle.

"Oh, I succeeded!" Wang Liangliang cheered excitedly.

Seeing that Wang Liangliang successfully conjured clouds, the children below were eager to try. Although they didn't ask for it because they were not familiar with Shi Jian, their eyes showed infinite desire.

Shi Jian knew the psychology of these children by observing their faces, so he asked them all to come up and have a try, and cheers erupted in the classroom immediately.In the end, every child turned into a cloud, their faces were filled with happy smiles, and the cheers of success rang out in the classroom.

In the end, Li Yeyue couldn't sit still anymore and walked up to the podium.As expected, Shi Jian's cynicism did not appear, but Shi Jian patiently guided her through the operation steps.When the cloud appeared in the bottle again, Li Yeyue was as happy as the children, jumping up.

However, she immediately came to her senses, stopped screaming excitedly, and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"Respect teacher, people nowadays don't even have a title." Shi Jian shook his head and sighed.

Li Yeyue suddenly remembered what she said to Xia Rou yesterday, and her face turned red, but she didn't want to bow her head to Shi Jian, so she snorted softly and said, "Don't talk about falling down, what's so great about it?" After finishing speaking, she walked off podium.

But she stopped in front of Wang Liangliang, bent over and said to Wang Liangliang in a low voice: "Don't you want to know how the clouds come out? Ask quickly."

"Yes, Teacher Yeyue." Wang Liangliang said helplessly.He heard the conversation between Shi Jian and Li Yeyue, although he was reluctant to let Li Yeyue ask him why, but under Li Yeyue's majesty for many years, he dared not object.

Shi Jian laughed, he was very happy to let Li Yeyue suffer, and he didn't intend to hide the truth at all, which was very inconsistent with his original intention of imparting knowledge and continuing civilization.So before Wang Liangliang asked, he solved the mystery first.

"Everyone must want to know how this cloud is formed, and I will tell you next." Shi Jian said to the people in the classroom.

"Great!" the children yelled.

After the children's voices quieted down, Shi Jian began to uncover the mystery: "Clouds are actually water vapor in the air attached to dust to form small water droplets, and many small water droplets gather together to form clouds. Before When we blow air into the bottle, we increase the air pressure inside. When we let out the air, the air pressure drops, and the temperature drops accordingly. The water vapor in the bottle clings to the dust particles in the smoke and condenses into water droplets, so And the clouds appeared."

"As the pressure drops, why does the temperature drop?" Li Yeyue asked after thinking about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure it out.

Shi Jian didn't make things difficult for her this time, and said with a smile: "This is what I want to tell you—physics. Physics is a very deep science. You can know the principle of things from its name. Physics This knowledge is all-encompassing, and it is impossible for me to know all of it, and the relationship between air pressure and temperature is one of them."

"Is that important in physics, or the chemistry that Grandpa Feng talked about?" Li Yeyue asked again.

"These two sciences have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although they are independent, they are closely related. There is me in you, and you in me. So we can't simply say which is more important." Shi Jian explained.

He took a sip of water and continued: "Human beings in the old era established a splendid civilization, in which physics and chemistry are indispensable, and played a decisive role in it. There was a saying in the ancient Chinese dynasty, 'If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.' This sentence fully demonstrates the importance of physics and chemistry."

"What is that number?" Li Hui asked.

"Numbers are mathematics, and it is also a basic subject. Today we will not talk about mathematics, but focus on some basic knowledge of physics. If there is a chance, I will explain the application of mathematics." Shi Jian explained.

Then, Shi Jian started with the relationship between air pressure and temperature, and started his first real lecture.His start was completely different from Feng Kuang.Feng Kuang uses his profound knowledge to attract the audience, and then explains chemistry knowledge little by little.Although there is no material for him to do experiments, there is still a middle school chemistry textbook in the library, which he uses as a teaching material.

People like Li Hui and others have also read this textbook. Some English symbols and some proper nouns on it make them feel like reading a bible, but they still have some impressions.Feng Kuang explained again, making them suddenly realize.Although those children couldn't understand, Fengkuang had his own way. He described pictures of the experimental results to the children in vivid language, which aroused the children's imagination and strong interest at the same time.

After all, chemical experiments require a lot of chemicals, and Feng Kuang is helpless.But in comparison, the physics described by Shi Jian is much more convenient, and many experimental equipment can be made, so he used a magical experiment to arouse everyone's interest.Now it seems that the effect is very obvious.

Although Shi Jian has said goodbye to physics for a long time, before his parents died, his grades were at the first-class level, and physics is his favorite subject. These simple knowledge have long been firmly remembered in his mind.

What's more, he still has a mobile phone, which is an artifact. In order to climb the technological tree in writing time-travel novels, he stored a lot of information.There is a set of interesting physics experiments in it, from which the cloud experiment he did came from.

"... I have finished talking about the relationship between air pressure and temperature. Now I will tell you about the mechanics in physics. In the old days, learning physics first required learning mechanics. Mechanics can be seen in every aspect of our lives , Through the study of mechanics, our life will be more convenient." Shi Jian turned to the topic.

He is a major in mechanical design, and mechanics is one of the most basic subjects. Shi Jian explained it very easily, and the application of many mechanics in daily life is easy to grasp, which made the people listening to the lecture suddenly enlightened.

"So that's what a crowbar is. It seems that as long as there is a fulcrum, the earth can really be pried up."

"The principle of the pulley is like this. The movable pulley can save a lot of effort."

"It's true that I punched you, did you also hit me? Why don't you hurt me?"

All kinds of discussions and questions spread in the classroom, and some people stood up to ask questions from time to time.

Shi Jian was not angry when they interrupted his lecture, and explained clearly to them one by one.

As the atmosphere in the classroom became more and more enthusiastic, teachers and students from other classes were also attracted, and the scene of Feng Kuang teaching appeared again.

"Are all the people of the Xing'an tribe descended from immortals? Why do they have such a wealth of knowledge? It seems that the decision of the great elder was wrong, no, I have to go to the elders' meeting again!" Li Hui thought to himself.

Li Yeyue rested her chin on one hand and listened intently to Shi Jian's explanation. Suddenly, an idea popped up.

"This Shi Jian is not that annoying. Seeing him give lectures, he is quite handsome."

 Tweeted on the homepage, although it is text, but still thanks to the editor.

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