doomsday survival

Chapter 147 Zombies Break the City

Chapter 147 Zombies Break the City
Everyone's morale was shaken as the zombie attack slowed down, and the attack speed increased a bit.

It's a pity that there are not many Molotov cocktails in stock, even if Feng Kuang hurriedly made them, they couldn't withstand such a rapid consumption.Finally, the last Molotov cocktail was thrown out, and the women's hands were empty.

"Brother Jian! No more Molotov cocktails?" Xia Qing ran to Shi Jian's side and shouted in his ear.

"Then change the grenade and tell them not to forget the pull ring!" Shi Jian had no intention of whispering softly to Xia Qing, and responded loudly.

Xia Qing ran back in a hurry, picked up a grenade and demonstrated to the girls: "Everyone is watching, pull out this ring, and then throw it out! You should be more vigorous when throwing it, so as not to blow up the wall !” After speaking, he threw the grenade with the ring out of the wall.

Immediately there was the explosion of grenades outside, as well as the roar of zombies before they died.

In fact, before the zombies attacked, Shi Jian had already demonstrated it to the girls.However, these women who had never used grenades still didn't remember the most basic movements, so that Shi Jian had to let them use Molotov cocktails instead.

Now that the Molotov cocktails have all been used up, the girls also know that if they don't know how to use grenades, they won't even have the chance to escape.In desperation, their ingenuity was finally brought into play, and no grenade became a dud because it did not have a pull ring.

A grenade blasted down, and another group of zombies fell into a pool of blood, and the outside of the courtyard wall was covered by explosions one after another.

Shi Jian took the time to look back at the hot air balloon, and found that the hot air balloon had left the ground and was rising slowly.

"Come on everyone! Hold on! The balloon is almost ready!" Shi Jian was overjoyed and shouted loudly.

If Shi Jian didn't shout this, everything would be fine, but after he finished shouting, his heart would be confused.From time to time, people turned their heads to look at the hot air balloon, and a woman turned her head while throwing a grenade.Although the grenade was thrown out of the courtyard wall by her, it was not thrown far, and it exploded near the courtyard wall.

The power of the grenade explosion made the courtyard walls tremble, and a piece of debris flew in from the shooting hole, accidentally scratching Xiao Wu's face at the side.Fortunately, the shrapnel just passed by his face and did not enter his brain, leaving only a faint bloodstain.

Even so, Xiao Wu was terrified enough.He wiped it with the back of his hand, and seeing the bloodstains left on the back of his hand, he couldn't help cursing: "Be careful, you fucking, throw the grenade away!" After speaking, he continued to shoot grenades outward.

The speed at which grenades are launched is not considered fast. A mature man like Chen Qiong can reach about ten rounds per minute. If he has both arms, he can reach about eighteen rounds per minute.Others can't reach this speed, after all, no one has ever used this kind of standard weapon of the old army.Fortunately, the grenade is so powerful that it can blow up zombies within 30 to [-] meters of the surrounding area, which also makes up for the weakness in speed.

The machine gun is the most powerful weapon at this time, but the ammunition is very short, and the number is small, unable to form a barrage to effectively suppress the zombies.

Although the zombies suffered heavy casualties, the huge number of these zombies is like a drop of water in the sea, which is harmless at all.

And the zombies are not completely brainless, they found that the front could not break through, so some zombies went to the two wings.Even if they can't climb the high walls that can't be climbed, they have their own methods.

This method is very simple, that is, stacking arhats.The zombies in front got down and built a ladder for the zombies in the back, so that the zombies in the back stepped on their bodies and climbed towards the wall.

Although there were sharp wooden thorns on the wall, they couldn't pierce the zombie's hard exterior at all.If someone stabbed the zombie hard with these wooden spikes, it might pierce it.But such a fixed wooden thorn cannot make the zombie suffer a little damage.

Seeing the zombies coming in from the walls on both sides, Lilia, who was anxiously watching from the signal tower, kept blowing the wooden whistle in her mouth.It's a pity that the sharp whistle was drowned out by the roar of the bullets, and Shi Jian and others who were fighting with all their attention could not hear it at all.Lilia was so anxious that she burst into tears, she wanted to untie the rope that fixed her, and went down to inform Shi Jian.As a result, she made a mistake in her busy schedule, and she made the knot into a dead knot, which could not be untied no matter what.She was so anxious that she burst into tears on the signal tower, and she didn't forget to blow the wooden whistle desperately, hoping that someone could hear it.

Shi Jian and the others didn't know what happened on both sides, and their attention was all attracted by the zombies in front of them.At the same time, because the hot air balloon was almost ready, people were thinking about when they could escape in the balloon, so the attack was a bit slow.

Shi Jian also took advantage of the time to change grenades to look back frequently to observe the situation of the hot air balloon.

At last the balloon had risen, and the ropes which held it in place were taut.

"Quick! Everyone attack again, hold the weapon and get on the balloon!" Shi Jian shouted.

The crowd hastily made a final attack, then took up their guns and ran towards the balloon.

Because the balloons had been allocated in advance, everyone went to their own balloons and climbed up through the rope ladder without much panic.

"Men, go back and carry the ammunition!" Shi Jian ordered again.

The more troubles can occur at this time, the ammunition is related to the future survival, and Shi Jian will never abandon it.

Anyway, even if the zombies attack, it will take some time, and the ammunition is running out after intense consumption, so it won't delay much time.

Under the leadership of Shi Jian, except for Feng Kuang and Chen Qiong who did not go there, the six men including Ivan ran back together, picked up an ammunition box and ran back.The women on the balloon stretched out their hands to take the box in the man's hand, and lifted it up with all their strength.The children who had been in the balloon for a long time also moved away and asked them to arrange the ammunition boxes.

Shi Jian took the time to look out from the shooting again, and saw that some zombies had already gathered by the wall and were about to climb up.But there is also a good thing, that is, the trees ignited by the Molotov cocktail finally managed to burn. The raging fire could not be extinguished even by the rain, and it spread to both ends.

This wall of fire prevented the zombies from following up, and gave everyone in the Xing'an tribe a glimmer of life.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Shi Jian reluctantly threw down the extra ammunition, and ordered: "One last time, don't take anything you can't take!"

After carrying the ammunition box again, everyone entered their own hot air balloons. They only waited for the slowest Ivan to come up, then cut the fixed rope, dropped the sandbags in the ballast, and took the balloon away from here.

At this moment, a woman cried out loudly: "My God, my Lilia!"

Shi Jian heard the sound and saw that it was the woman named Zhenia who was looking at the signal tower and crying loudly.

"Damn it!" Shi Jian slapped himself on the head hard.

Just now, he was so busy killing zombies that he forgot about Lilia who was still on guard on the signal tower.But why didn't she come down?

Shi Jian looked up and forgot, and saw Lilia was untying the knots on the rope while crying.He understood at once that the little girl had made a slipknot in the rope.

"I'll rescue her!" Shi Jian said as he was about to pull out the hanging basket.

At this time, Ivan, who had just rushed back, handed over the ammunition box in his hand.As soon as he handed out the ammunition box in his hand, he ran towards the signal tower and shouted: "Boss, I'm going!"

Ava covered her mouth in disbelief, and then shouted loudly: "Ivan—"

Maybe Ava wanted to call Ivan back, maybe to make him be more careful, but she didn't call out.He just looked straight at his son with tears in his eyes.

Andre patted his sister on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "Lilia is also pretty good. When she grows up, talk to the leader and let them become a couple. You know, Ivan has always liked that little girl of."

Ava was not as open-minded as her younger brother, she only cared about her children and family, and that little girl was out of her scope of concern.

Ivan quickly ran to the signal tower, climbed up quickly, and came to Lilia's side. He took out the short knife he carried with him, cut off the fixed rope with all his strength, and freed Lilia.

"Don't worry, I will rescue you back!" Ivan said loudly.

"Uh, uh," Lilia cried, "Zombies, zombies have entered the courtyards on both sides."

Ivan was startled when he heard that, and he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately pulled Lilia to climb down.

At this time, zombies had already climbed in from the walls on both sides. After Shi Jian and others saw it, they hurriedly opened fire to buy time for Ivan and Lilia.

Ivan and Lilia rushed towards the hot air balloon as soon as they got off the signal tower.Ava and Genia and the other women shouted from above to cheer the two young men on, but immediately there was a burst of exclamation.

It turned out that Lilia was tightly pulled by Ivan, she could barely keep up with Ivan's pace, and she fell into the muddy water while running.

Ivan hurriedly helped Lilia up, put her on his back, and ran forward together with her on his back.

The men of Shi Jian couldn't pay attention to the situation here. More and more zombies climbed over the wall and entered the living area, which made them a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that the zombies were getting closer, Shi Jian had no choice but to order the other two balloons to take off, while the balloon he was in continued to wait for Ivan and Lilia.

Neither Ava nor Zhenya were on Shi Jian's balloon, and when they heard Shi Jian's order, they both cried and begged Shi Jian to let them wait a little longer.

"You have to trust me! I will wait for them! Go!" Shi Jian shouted.

Andre and Feng Chen, who were riding in the same balloon with them, knew that the situation was urgent and did not dare to wait any longer.Ignoring the pleas of the two mothers, they began to cut the ropes of the balloon's anchors and ballast sandbags.

The balloon lost its restraint and began to rise slowly.

"Hurry up, Ivan!" Shi Jian shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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