Chapter 124
Feng Chen was groping and crawling in front of him, and immediately speeded up when he heard Shi Jian's voice, Mei Zi and Xiao Wu followed closely behind.

The most pitiful thing is Andre, who is already tall and strong, and can barely move forward in the narrow air passage.Hearing Shi Jian yelling so frighteningly from behind, Andre also got anxious.But the more anxious he was, the more accidents were likely to happen. Either his head was knocked or his arm was knocked. The pain made him grit his teeth, but he didn't dare to stop.

Shi Jian's ability to crawl forward is not weak, he caught up with Andre in a few strokes, and was blocked by him.

"Andre, hurry up! It's about to explode!" Shi Jian shouted.

"What explosion?" Andre asked confusedly.

As soon as he asked the exit, he heard two loud bangs of "Boom, Boom" from the air duct, and at the same time, it seemed that a gust of hot air rushed in, which made him shiver in fright.

"Hurry up! There will be more fierce ones behind!" Shi Jian urged anxiously.

Andre didn't know what the explosion meant at first, but when he heard the noise, he suddenly remembered the incident when Shi Jian threw the Molotov cocktail back then.That horrible scene at that time still appears in his dreams from time to time.The explosion just now was definitely worse than what Shi Jian made.Andre yelled in fright, fully exerting the potential of his body, and quickly crawled forward, without any discomfort just now, and quickly caught up with Xiao Wu in front of him.

Where did the two explosions come from?What was the last thing Shi Jian saw?

It turned out that when Shi Jian fired at the end, a bullet just penetrated the diesel barrel.The common scene of blowing up oil barrels in movies and TV dramas is just an exaggeration. After the diesel barrel is broken down, it does not explode immediately as in the movie, but just let the oil flow out.

The outflowing diesel flowed around the ground, slowly flowing to the torch that was knocked to the ground by the reindeer.The burning torch instantly ignited the diesel, and the flames immediately filled the entire hall.Then the two oil drums could not withstand the high temperature baking, and exploded one after another.

Zombies are also ignited by flames. Although they are not afraid of pain, it does not mean that they are fearless.Creatures' nature of being afraid of flames is also reflected in them, and they are not forgiven because they are zombies that exist against the sky.

The zombies howled and rolled on the ground, but they got more diesel, making the fire even more intense.A few zombies covered in fire ran around and accidentally entered the warehouse with bullets.

When these zombies were burned to death by the flames, some zombies fell on the ammunition box.Ammunition boxes also started to burn.

At this moment, Shi Jian and the others were desperately crawling forward.The air coming from behind is getting hotter and hotter, and it also has a choking smell.

"Quick! Pee on the mask and put it on again!" Shi Jian shouted immediately after smelling the smell.He took off the mask first, quickly unbuttoned his pants, and just lay down on it to urinate.He explained to the front again: "This way you won't inhale poisonous fumes."

Although Feng Chen and the others didn't know if it would be useful, they still obeyed Shi Jian's words and started urinating on the mask.

"Boss, I, I can't urinate!" Xiao Wu was so anxious that she almost cried, but she didn't urinate a drop.

"Give it to me!" Andre hurriedly held back the wall that had urinated halfway, and shouted at Xiao Wu.

At this time, Xiao Wu didn't care whether other people's urine would make her sick, so she hurriedly handed the mask to Andre.After Andre drank freely on it, he handed the mask back to Xiao Wu.

As soon as Xiao Wu put on the mask, she was almost suffocated by the smoke.But he still had to say sincerely to Andre: "Thank you."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and climb forward!" Andre's stupid words completely shattered the good image of being helpful and helpful that had just been established in Xiao Wu's heart.Xiao Wu snorted coldly in anger, and continued to crawl forward.

After putting on the mask, I don't know whether the smell of urine blocked the smell of smoke coming from behind, or whether it was able to block the poisonous gas as Shi Jian said.The few people never smelled the choking smell again, and continued to crawl forward quickly wearing masks soaked in urine.

"Boss, there is a cross road here!" Feng Chen asked from the front.

After thinking for a while, Shi Jian understood what was going on, and shouted to the front: "Climb forward, those forks should lead to the warehouse!"

Feng Chen ignored those forked roads and continued to climb forward.Meizi followed closely behind Feng Chen, when he passed a fork in the road, suddenly there was a sound from inside.

Since the torch was not lit, Meizi could not see what was making the sound, and was about to ask Shi Jian when she heard a familiar roar.

"Zombie!" Meizi yelled, stretched her gun towards the fork in the road, and shot across the road.

With the faint light from the muzzle of the gun, Meizi vaguely saw a zombie retreating backwards towards her.The bullet hit the zombie, making it roar.

"What's going on?" Shi Jian asked hastily.

"There are zombies on the side of the forked road!" Meizi's voice came over.

"If it's not close, don't worry about it, hurry up!" Shi Jian was afraid of being cut off by the zombies, so he hurriedly shouted.

Meizi had just realized that the zombie was still a long way away from her, so when she heard Shi Jian's words, she ignored it and crawled forward.

Xiao Wu followed Meizi, and when she passed the fork, she was worried and fired a few more shots into it.Unexpectedly, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse, stood up the zombie's head, and was shot in the head.He was so excited that he shouted: "I killed him!"

Andre pushed him with his hand from behind and said, "Go quickly! Stop talking nonsense!"

Xiao Wu was so angry that she cursed and crawled forward.

At this time, there was another messy and violent gunshot from the vent behind him, as if there was a reinforcement platoon practicing shooting.

Shi Jian knew that an ammunition box had been ignited, and he prayed secretly: "It's better to use the boxes of ammunition in the hall, not in the ammunition depot."

Perhaps it was God's blessing, Shi Jian's prayer was fulfilled, the ammunition box in the hall was indeed ignited just now, and the bullets inside exploded.But what Shi Jian didn't know was that the ammunition in the ammunition depot was about to explode, and the power couldn't be compared with Qu Qu's few boxes of bullets.

Just when Andre had just climbed over the fork in the road, there was another burst of bullets, followed by explosions.

"Quick! The ammunition depot exploded!" Shi Jian shouted anxiously.

Everyone hastened to speed up again. At this time, they only hated that their parents had lost four legs, and everyone even used their strength to breastfeed.

Among the five, Andre, who was the burliest, showed unprecedented flexibility and followed Xiao Wu closely, without any signs of his previous clumsiness.Andre actually still has the leisure to think wildly: "If I had such agility, would I have become one of the giants?"

Shi Jian also followed closely behind Andre. Just after passing the fork in the road, waves of heat rushed out from there one after another.

After the ammunition exploded, the huge heat generated caused the air to expand instantly.The expanding air escapes through the vents, sweeping everything inside.

The zombie's body was swept out of the passage by the heat wave, flew into the opposite fork on the other side, and hit the wall again, turning into a pool of broken bones and rotten flesh.If Shi Jian slowed down by another 2 minutes, he would also be washed away along with the zombie, leaving no bones left.

The angry air wave didn't calm down his anger. When passing the cross road, two air waves separated here, and spread along the passage to both sides.

Shi Jian felt the first wave of air rushing over, and immediately shouted: "Hold your breath! Get down and don't move!"

After hearing the words, several people immediately got down on the ground, leaving a space above for the shock wave to vent.But even so, when the air wave passed by behind, everyone still felt suffocated.The fiery air passed through the soaked mask, as if drying it instantly, and then poured it into the nostrils of several people, making people feel as if they had been scorched by a raging fire, with burning pain.

The air wave dissipating towards the vent met another air wave coming from there. Although the former counteracted part of the latter's power, it still couldn't stop the latter from advancing.The air wave from the vent continued to move forward, and after passing through the fork in the road, it pushed behind Shi Jian.

Fortunately, there was already a long distance from the warehouse, and there were air ducts extending in all directions to disperse the air waves, so that they were not harmed.Several people were lying on the ground, holding their breath, not daring to move.Only when there were no more explosions from behind, and the air was no longer pounding so violently, did I dare to raise my head.

As soon as Shi Jian opened his mouth to speak, he smelled an extremely pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, and then felt dizzy for a while.

"Oops! Lack of oxygen!" Shi Jian was startled.

So many ammunition exploded, the oxygen has been exhausted.In addition, Shi Jian had been afraid to breathe just now, and his brain had already started to lack oxygen.

"Go!" Shi Jian yelled with difficulty.Struggling to move forward.

In fact, not only Shi Jian was like this, the four people in front also became dizzy, and even their minds were a little dazed.Shi Jian's shout brought them back to some degree of clarity.Under the majesty that Shi Jian had successfully established in the past month, several people also struggled to crawl forward, but at a much slower speed.

Fortunately, the amount of air in the warehouse is greatly reduced due to air expansion.After the expansion, the space in the warehouse can't wait to be replenished with a large amount of fresh air from the tunnels and ventilation channels.A gust of cool wind blows inward along the ventilation duct, bringing with it a large amount of oxygen-rich air.This allowed the five people to breathe.

No one took another step forward, and everyone was limp in the air duct, with their mouths wide open, breathing greedily.

Shi Jian felt that the strength in his body had finally recovered, and immediately said: "Get out quickly to prevent another explosion!"

Feng Chen and the others also came to their senses, and hurriedly crawled outside. "I don't want to have that feeling just now." Everyone said silently in their hearts.

Finally, Feng Chen could already see the moonlight scattering in from outside, he shouted excitedly: "Boss, we are going out soon!"

Accompanied by his shout, there was also a deep roar.

(End of this chapter)

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