doomsday survival

Chapter 113 Follow-up plans

Chapter 113 Follow-up plans
Of course, Shi Jian wouldn't believe it if he said that just chatting with newcomers can win people's hearts through chatting with newcomers.These are just the first steps to integrate them into the tribe, and there are follow-up plans below.

The first step is military training.In Chen Qiong's words, the friendship of comrades-in-arms is quite strong, and Shi Jian also knows that among the "Four Irons", there is a saying "carrying guns together".

Chen Qiong said to Shi Jian, "If we want them to truly integrate, it is necessary to provide them with military training. This will quickly improve their sense of teamwork and collective honor, which are what we need. But also some mental expansion training.”

"Psychological development training? Is this useful?" Shi Jian asked puzzled.

"Only a true comrade-in-arms can let you hand over your back to him. Mental expansion training is to cultivate everyone's mutual trust and improve team awareness. I will draw out an outline for you, and you can follow this. And Not only do they want to participate, but you also have to participate." Chen Qiong said seriously.

Shi Jian was very interested in this mental expansion training, and immediately brought a pen and paper.In the end, Chen Qiong dictated and Shi Jian personally recorded the psychological development training outline, which was freshly released.

This training content includes both individual training and group training, with the latter being mostly more.Moreover, the equipment is simple and easy to prepare. Most of them are to enhance the sense of cooperation among each other, cultivate the sense of responsibility and the spirit of teamwork, let them learn to trust and rely on their peers, and experience the powerful power of mutual help.

One of them is called "Trust Backdrop", which requires everyone to fall off the platform on their backs and have someone else catch them below.This platform uses local materials and selects the low wall used for shooting in the enclosure.

Feng Chen's hands were tied with ropes, and he stood by a low wall nearly two meters high.Below are ten people lined up in two rows, with their arms outstretched, to form a "stretcher".

Shi Jian was also in the "stretcher", he kept encouraging Feng Chen and said, "Fall backward, don't be afraid, we will definitely catch you!"

But no matter how much Shi Jian encouraged him, Feng Chen didn't dare to fall back.

The reason is very simple, now Feng Chen is in a state of "inability to move", if the people below cannot catch him, then he will be seriously injured if he falls down with his head down, even if he does not die.Feng Chen really couldn't give his life to others completely, finally he turned around slowly and said to Shi Jian: "Boss, I really can't do it, look at my feet shaking."

Shi Jian originally thought that Feng Chen was more witty and brave, and that he should be the first to complete this training and set an example for others, but he didn't expect that this guy would not dare to do it at all.

Shi Jian frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Come down, I'll show you a demonstration."

Feng Chen hesitated for a moment, but finally jumped down, he really couldn't do it, if there were only Meizi, Xiao Wu and Shi Jian below, he would fall down without hesitation, but with those hairy things, he had a little bit of bottom in his heart nothing.

Shi Jian untied the rope that sealed the dust and asked him to tie it on himself.While tying, Shi Jian said to Feng Chen: "Feng Chen, I know why you dare not fall down, because you don't believe them. I hope that after I finish, you will be the next one. You have to remember, they They are members of a tribe like you, and if you don’t trust them today, they won’t trust you either. It’s bad for your management, do you understand?”

Feng Chen's face turned red all of a sudden, and he murmured: "Boss, why don't I go."

Shi Jian refused: "No, I will go. In fact, I should be the first one. I should let all of you know that I completely trust you. You are all my companions now. You can definitely catch it." Me. You translate this sentence for everyone to hear."

After listening to Feng Chen's translation, both the Maozi lined up on the "stretcher" and the Maozi watching from the side shouted.

Feng Chen translated to Shi Jian: "They told the leader to rest assured that they will definitely catch you."

Andre came over with a limp at this time, saying that he would join the "stretcher" if he said anything, Shi Jian was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him.He wasn't worried about what would happen to Andre, the main reason was that Li Wanyi's legs were weak, and Shi Jian had nowhere to cry.

Shi Jian walked up the steps on the upper wall to the low wall, and stood at Feng Chen's position with his back to everyone.

The people below hurriedly put their hands together, Feng Chen said to Shi Jian: "Boss, it's done."

Shi Jian gently closed his eyes, fell backwards, lost control of his center of gravity, and fell straight from the wall.He only felt that the falling body suddenly stopped and fell onto a row of arms.Shi Jian opened his eyes, looked at the concerned eyes, and smiled slightly.

After Shi Jian stood up, he bowed lightly to everyone and said, "Thank you everyone!"

Followed by a burst of cheers and applause, not only for the success of this training, but also to thank Shi Jianneng for his trust in them.You know, all the people below are newcomers. Andrei couldn't participate due to injury, so Ivan, who was almost 16 years old, was added on purpose.They can gain the trust of the leader, which makes them more moved than Shi Jian who was caught.

The power of role models is indeed infinite.Under Shi Jian's example, starting from Fengchen, everyone did a "trust back drop" training, and even Andre climbed up and fell.

In the following series of psychological expansion training, Shi Jian could clearly feel that the trust between people has increased a lot.The way they looked at Shi Jian changed from fear to respect, and they really regarded him as the leader and this tribe as their home.

In addition to the military training that includes mental expansion training, Chen Qiong also let Shi Jian use one of the greatest magic weapons of Tianbing back then: remembering bitterness and thinking sweet.

In the evening, a group of people gathered around the blazing bonfire and started the Reminiscence of Bitterness and Sweetness Conference.

Before that, Shi Jian specially found Feng Chen, Mei Zi, and Xiao Wu, and confessed to them: "Tonight's Reminiscence of Bitterness and Thinking of Sweetness Conference, I hope you will try not to point the finger at Andre. Now we It's a group, stability, and stability over everything else."

Feng Chen hurriedly said: "Leader, don't worry, we will definitely be careful."

With Feng Chen's guarantee, Shi Jian was somewhat relieved.If Feng Chen pointed the finger at Andre, who was in charge of them at the conference, it would definitely cause a rift in the hearts of the people who had just gathered together, and it would be much more difficult to make up for it.

During the meeting, Feng Chen was the first to stand up and speak.He told the story of his arrest in a very flat tone, as if he was telling someone else's experience.

The story is very simple, Feng Chen and his tribe are not many, only eight people, they are located on the side of HLJ's Celestial Dynasty, and they are also struggling to survive in the barren mountains.One night in the winter of the previous year, Kidd led a gang to attack them.Under the powerful firepower of the bullets, all resistance was futile.Finally, after the death of two people, they were captured and became slaves, and began a life of misery.

Originally, there was a woman and an eight-year-old girl in the Fengchen tribe, but that little girl was trampled to death by Vasily and the others on the night they were captured.The woman did not escape her fate, either, and died in her bed three days later.

When mentioning the death of the woman and the child, tears appeared in Feng Chen's eyes. He closed his eyes, looked up to the sky for a while, and then said: "You all know these things, I don't know what you were thinking at that time. , no one came out to give them even the most basic help. In your eyes, it is a matter of course for the weak to eat the strong, but for them, what they lost was not only their lives, but even their bodies were killed by Vasily, who had just vented his animal desire on them. Wait until someone eats it."

Feng Chen took a deep breath and continued: "If you follow your logic, you should be our playthings and food in the end just like those who died at your hands. But the leader didn't do that, he put You treat him as one of his own people."

"I hope that when we fight against aliens in the future, you can think about whether you will meet such a good leader again in the hands of others, and whether you can still have such a life. Equality and freedom, no oppression." After Feng Chen finished speaking, he sat down silently without saying a word.

Shi Jian already knew what Feng Chen was talking about from Mei Zi's mouth, he patted Feng Chen's shoulder lightly, and said: "I'm sorry, I didn't ask you to go to Andre to settle the score."

Feng Chen shook his head, and said: "Actually, Andre, apart from being a bit of a bully, is pretty good, at least much stronger than those giants and bosses."

At this time, Andre supported Ivan's shoulders and stood up, staggered to the front of the three of Feng Chen, bowed deeply, and said: "I apologize to you for what I did back then. "

Feng Chen stretched out his hand to support Andre, and said, "Actually, you're pretty good. At least you didn't kill us because we didn't do our job well. At most, you just whipped us twice."

Andre blushed, and said: "At that time, I had no choice. If I didn't force you to be tighter, then I might be the one who was punished. I also did those things for myself."

Feng Chen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't say anything, this is all caused by Vasily and the others."

Feng Chen successfully pointed the finger at Vasily, which also allowed others to find an excuse for relief. He was forced to do nothing back then, who made us stand on such a giant.What's more, except for Ava and Andre, these people are all low-level personnel, and they usually suffer from a lot of bullying.Even Ava and Andre were once forced to have incest with Vasily and the others, which made them both hate to the bone now, not to mention Ivan who was treated as a child mole by Kidd .

When everyone compared Shi Jian with Vasily, they found that they were really lucky to meet such a god-like and benevolent leader.As Feng Chen said just now, where can I find such a good leader, who will give you equality, freedom, and a brand new life.

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(End of this chapter)

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