Unlimited Special Forces

Chapter 233 Paramount

Chapter 233 Paramount

After chatting for a while, Washington got into the topic and explained what happened to Athena vividly, and Athena described it in detail.

Wang Zheng sat behind the desk, listened carefully, and quickly analyzed the ins and outs of the matter in his mind. After the two of them finished speaking, he asked, "Your ex-husband is indeed a crazy guy. Why don't you hire more people?" Security? Then finish filming with peace of mind"?
Athena said: "Hiring a few more security guards really makes me feel at ease, but the security guards can't be by my side all the time. Just like what you said, sir, he is a very crazy guy. He would try to get close to me, maybe when I was in the bathroom, or he would sneak into the set pretending to be an extra, anyway he was... really crazy"!
Wang Zheng stopped talking. He was considering the consequences and gains, benefits and damages brought about by the whole matter. He smoked a Havana cigar from time to time. Neither Washington nor Athena dared to disturb his thinking.Just like that, the office became quiet, only the smoke from the burning cigar produced a pleasant smell in the air.

After a while, Wang Zheng said: "The matter can be resolved, and you will be safe. As for your ex-husband, don't worry anymore, I will ask someone to persuade him." He paused here, and continued: "In terms of movies, I will also ask someone to talk to Paramount's top executives about the conditions, and everything will be fine!"
Washington seemed a little excited, he knew that Wang Zheng would not refuse, just like when he helped him back then.But Athena was obviously too afraid of her ex-husband, and said: "What if my ex-husband or Paramount refuses"?
Wang Zheng came out from behind the desk, poured a glass of brandy for each of the two, and said, "Then I'll make them an offer that they won't refuse"!
The two took the cup, Wang Zheng raised it, and said, "Cheers!"
The two clinked glasses gently with Wang Zheng, and Wang Zheng said: "Athena can take a good rest at home these days until this matter is over, and I will call someone to inform you later"!
Washington said: "Thank you! Your Excellency, I will stay with her for these two days"!
Before and after the incident, it took only half an hour in total. After Wang Zheng sent Washington and his cousin away, Kevin, who had been sitting in the corner, came over, sat at Wang Zheng's desk, and said, "You How are you going to solve this?"
Wang Zhengdao: "Tomorrow, you ask Darwin to talk to Paramount to see if you can buy all the copyrights of that movie. If they refuse, tell the Paramount people that we will bear all the risks, and their upfront We will compensate you for your investment!"
Kevin asked: "That way, Paramount will think that Athena is not making a movie at our instigation"!
Wang Zheng nodded and said, "I know, Darwin told Paramount to either solve Athena's difficulties, or recover the capital without risk, and after the movie is released, it will also give them a global box office. 30.00% of that. They can't take all the bargains, it's not fair to anyone"!
Kevin said: "Okay! I'll tell Darwin to go to Paramount tomorrow." After a pause, he continued: "Where's her ex-husband?"!
Wang Zhengdao: "Send a few more bodyguards to Athena, and use some guaranteed people. Xing Tian of the wolf pack and his wife are both good candidates, and they are both in the United States. After we reach an agreement with Paramount, we will Talk to her ex-husband, just send someone to keep an eye on him for a few days"!
Kevin said, "Is there anything else?"
Seeing Wang Zheng shaking his head, Kevin got up and left the office.

After Wang Zheng also returned to the bedroom, Aiwenna helped him take off the dress jacket, hung it on the hanger, and said, "The matter is settled"?
Wang Zheng said: "It will be resolved!" . . . . .

Darwin is not afraid of anyone at all, even the chairman of Paramount, because just as he thought, he is also the chairman of MGM.

Chris Bain, the chairman of Paramount, is 75 years old this year.His body is very thin, but he has a big head.Maybe that's why he's become a Hollywood mogul.However, against the backdrop of expensive suits, the whole person is not ugly, but looks energetic.

Frank is Chrisbane's assistant and also the factory director of Paramount. He is just 60 years old. He is a fat man of medium build. Ramon's interests are concerned.

Also present are the assistants of the three of them.

Frank first said: "Will MGM cooperate with us to make a film?"
Darwin said: "No, I'm here to talk about a film you're preparing recently"!
Frank asked, "Which one?"
"Black Los Angeles"!Darwin said.

The 75-year-old Chrisbane is already at the negotiating table and doesn't talk much.Usually when he talks, he says yes or no.This time he didn't speak either, just watched Frank talk to Darwin.

Frank said, "L.A. Black? What do you want? Buy it"?
Darwin nodded directly.

Frank's face turned red immediately, and he said, "Shit!! I knew this little bitch Athena would hook up with you again!"!
Darwin said: "We do know about Athena, but we didn't instruct her to do this. Don't you know about his ex-husband?"!
Frank snorted, and said, "Who knows, maybe you guys are in collusion. We have spent a lot of manpower and material resources in L.A. Noire. It must be a popular and popular movie. Now you are here to pick up a bargain." !
Darwin said: "You can take no risks, and MGM can compensate you for the initial investment. How about it?"?
Frank glared at Darwin and said, "That's it? Do you think we, Paramount, can't afford the investment in a movie"?
Darwin said: "After the movie is released, 30.00% of the global box office will belong to you"!
Frank was only slightly interested when he heard this, but he was still very angry. He slapped the table and stood up, saying: "I'm sure now, you must have hooked up with Athena, otherwise why would you We promised to give her ex-husband 50 yuan, but it didn’t work, it must be like this, you want to attack us Paramount? No way”?
Darwin said: "I advise you to sit down and think about it carefully. We will compensate you for all your previous losses. This means that you can get 30.00% of the box office without any investment! And all the risks are borne by MGM. ".

At this time, Chrisbane spoke and said, "Sit down, gentlemen!"!Then he turned to Darwin and continued, "I'm very interested in how you guys are going to solve Athena's problem. Can you tell me?"
Darwin said: "We have our way, maybe we will give his ex-husband more money, or something else."

Chrisban continued: "If it can't be solved, it will be nearly [-] million dollars, and it will be in vain. MGM is really generous"!
Darwin said: "Thank you for the compliment" and then continued: "How is it? Do you want to consider my conditions just now?"
Chrisban said: "We will seriously consider it, and I promise to notify Mr. Darwin as soon as we make a decision"!
(End of this chapter)

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