Unlimited Special Forces

Chapter 229 Confirmation Ceremony

Chapter 229 Confirmation Ceremony

Today's party is for two newborn babies.The Italians take this ritual very seriously, and one of the children was named Sandio.Also the great-grandson of Tony #Dominique#唐#Sandio, Tang Hao touched the foreheads of the two little guys impartially.He said to the priest next to him, "Let's get started!"
The other little guy is the son of Nephew Tang.That is, his nephew and grandson!His nephew, Mario #Verlini, is the son of Don's dead old sister. He is 48 years old this year and has always been the "iron hammer" of the family. .But because of this, he got married very late, although Don has always been a little dissatisfied with this, because he thinks Mario should have gotten married 20 years ago, not a year ago.But now he's finally married, and he's brought Tang another grand-nephew, isn't he!

The ceremony was not long, and it was over after the priest wiped the holy water on the two little guys and asked the Lord to bless them.Two babies were also carried into the house.

Tang supported Wang Zheng's shoulders and said, "Let's go inside and drink some red wine, let them dance, let's have fun!"!
Wang Zheng nodded and said, "Of course, you know I can't dance at all!"The two walked into the house while talking.Entered Tang's "office" again.

Wang Zheng picked up a bottle of red wine from the traditional wine rack next to him, filled two glasses, and put a glass on Tang's table. Tang took the wine and said, "Thank you, Wang, you are such a man of grace. Guess your fiancée must love you very much."!
Wang Zheng swallowed the wine lightly, let the aroma enter his sensory center, and then said: "I guess so"!
Tang suddenly laughed, shook his head, and said with a smile: "I really want you to be a member of our Sandio family, so that I can pass on the position to you"!
Wang Zheng also had a smile on his face, and said: "It's fine now, and the friendship between us will last forever"!
"That's right! For our friendship!" Tang raised his glass.

After taking a sip of the red wine, Wang Zheng took out a Havana cigar from his pocket and made a gesture to pass it to Tang. Tang waved his hand, and while talking, he picked up a Noble brand cigarette from the table and said: "No! That's going to hurt my throat"!
Wang Zheng lit a cigar himself, and listened to Tang, saying: "Wang, I hope you can use your political connections for my nephew's matter"!
Wang Zhengdao: "Of course, can you tell me something first?"
Tang Dao: "His son has just been born, but he is now in a single room in the police station. This is really ironic..."

Tang's narration was very orderly, and Wang Zheng gradually understood.

It turned out that with Don's permission, Mario could start his own business. After getting married, he ran a collection company in Las Vegas.Business is very good.As for Tang's Landmark Hotel, a guest had already owed a huge sum of 400 million US dollars. Of course, he didn't owe it all at once, but played tricks.

Twenty regular customers of the Landmark Hotel owned by the Sandio family borrowed a total of more than 3000 million US dollars from the casino in less than half a month.And it just disappeared.This made the Sandio family very angry.

After investigation, it was found that Il, who borrowed 400 million US dollars, was the mastermind. The Sandio family immediately recovered the loans from the rest of the people through their huge network of relationships.Because of the reputation of the Sandio family, they dare not not pay back the money!And it left Ill nowhere to hide. "The leader of the bandit should be eliminated" This is the eternal truth.

The "Iron Hammer" Mario, who is in a semi-retired state of the Sandio family, performed the "Confirmation Ceremony" on Il (Note [-]) under the personal order of Don!Shock Xiaoxiao!

However, what Mario planned to do properly, suddenly had an accident. He originally wanted to trick Il out of the suburbs to execute it.As a result, when Il saw Mario, he took out his gun and shot like a lunatic in the street!
As a last resort, Mario took out his pistol and shot him three times, killing him.When the police appeared, Mario didn't resist. He dropped the pistol and kicked him away. The police swarmed up and took him away.

But here lies the problem. Mario originally wanted to trick Il out, and then perform the confirmation ceremony.So put on your gloves before that.But this was caught by some people.

The Sandio family could have taken care of everything. After all, someone saw Il shoot Mario first, but a self-righteous judge didn't have a good impression of the people who run the collection company.But even so, the Sandio family has many ways to open up Mario's innocence.But now that Wang Zheng is here, the efficiency will be much faster.After all, Mario is a core member of the Sandio family, so he needs to be taken care of in terms of treatment! !

Finally Tang said: "There are always some people who are greedy"!
Wang Zheng exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "No problem, Tang. I know that even without me, Mario will be safe and sound under your protection. But his child has just been born, so let me give it to him one's gift"!
Tang was very happy, and said with a smile: "That's great, when Mario comes out, I will let him be responsible for the collection of WZM Company for free"!
Wang Zheng laughed and said: "That can't be done, Tang, I have taken too much advantage in this way!"After finishing speaking, he said, "I'll make a call!"Tang motioned for him to take care of himself.

At that moment, Wang Zheng called an important person in California, and after explaining the matter clearly, he said, "Can you make the jury consistent?" !

The man thought for a while and said, "No problem, Wang. There are many witnesses in this case who have seen that the deceased shot him first. The jury only needs to handle it impartially, but the premise is that you have to give him Produce a plausible proof that he was wearing gloves!"
Wang Zhengdao: "That's no problem, thank you, and I want the court to start the trial earlier, the sooner the matter ends, the better"!
The man said: "Of course, as soon as your reasonable proof arrives, the court will start the next day!"
After hanging up the phone, Wang Zheng called a famous dermatologist and made a diagnosis of Mario's skin allergies.Send him to Mario's lawyer before this evening.

Tang Wei looked at Wang Zheng in front of him with a smile on his face. He was organized and efficient, and the characters he found were very suitable. He would not go to a super big person just because of some small things, but some absolutely Relevant, unassuming, but most effective reasonable person.Tang felt that Wang Zheng would also become the same person as himself, and would have his own family in the future.At that time, he will be called Godfather just like himself!
Note [-]: Confirmation Ceremony - alluding to the discovery of the corpse, it is mostly used to clear up traitors and deter Xiaoxiao!
Another note: "First of all, I would like to thank the classmate of 'Nan Wubu Se Tathagata' for the reward. I updated this chapter in the Internet cafe!! The words are not many, but the spirit is commendable!! Everyone please support!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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