Unlimited Special Forces

Chapter 131 Killed

Chapter 131 Killed (for collection)

Chapter [-] Killed

When Wang Zheng heard someone behind him suddenly uttered a very piercing exclamation, he knew it was not good! !Murphy's voice said quickly: "Execute Plan C!!"! Marx had already quietly turned the camouflaged sniper rifle over and stared at Alita's face through the sniper scope. He just heard the order, "Papapapa". . .The continuous pull of the trigger!

The first shot knocked Alita's Tianling Cap away!Before his body fell down, the next two shots pierced hard into his chest and abdomen! !Huge impact, and it is the power of three sniper rifle bullets superimposed!It directly knocked the boy's corpse into the air and flew it upside down for nearly three meters. It turned around in the air before landing on the ground.

The moment Marx's gun fired, the other three people except Matthew and Marx stood up suddenly. Danny carried the individual military radio on his back, and ran straight to the abandoned downhill road without thinking. .According to the plan, he was going to send a response signal on the high ground on one side of the abandoned village on the way to retreat! !So he immediately ran out along the route.

Captain Murphy turned the MP5K-PDW around and shot the fleeing shepherd with a burst, and then ordered: "Max, Matthew cover!! The enemy can be delayed as much as possible, and Jonathan and I go to the path to set up a blocking point , the four of us backed up alternately to give Danny the most time!"! !

Max said calmly: "Yes! Sir!" ;Ignoring Wang Zheng and Murphy's retreat, just kept shooting at the terrorists below with the G3/SG in his hand, "Papapapapapa!" . . . .The terrorists were also swept down by him in piles. At this time, Matthew's M249 machine gun also started roaring, firing a series of bullets frantically at the terrorists in the small village hundreds of meters away! !His own improved M249 has increased the rate of fire, so the bullets are pouring. Nearly ten terrorists have just discovered the hiding place of everyone. All the torn flesh and blood flew everywhere! !

Wang Zheng was faster than Murphy, throwing off his two long legs, and rushed towards the abandoned downhill road with a "swoosh", kicked the ground, and jumped over a section of two long blocks lying on the road. After that, he stretched his strength, paused, and swiped directly under a tree trunk.Jump over a few more rubble piles, and finally hide behind a tree trunk! !

Although Murphy's speed is slower than Wang Zheng's, it's not much slower, and his skills are quite neat, but when he passes through some broken places, he casually throws some circles in the grass, rubble piles, and hollow tree trunks. That's why Wang Zheng dropped the small iron ball nearly half the distance!After that, I also ran to the bottom of the path, and hid behind it for a while!And from the battle vest, he took out a remote control the size of a mobile phone.Put it on the left hand side!Then, like Wang Zheng, he aimed his gun at the mountain road above.

At this time, all the terrorists in the village reacted, and rushed out of the house with weapons. They rushed up the mountain road and began to rush towards the mid-level land where Marx was.

Marx changed the magazine and watched a large group of armed terrorists rushing towards him without panic, because the distance was at least 300 meters away!And the opponent is now unobstructed, and the crowd is still dense!It's a good time to strike, and the finger pulls the trigger again and again, "Papa Papa Papa Scary"!He fired all the bullets in 15 seconds!Twenty bullets were knocked down by him, at least eighteen or nine! ! !Then Max patted Matthew on the shoulder!Holding the sniper rifle, he straightened up and stood up, then ran towards the abandoned downhill road.The hands are not idle, and I changed a new magazine again!

Matthew felt that as soon as Max slapped himself, he stopped shooting the terrorists in the village. He turned the gun and pointed at a group of pursuers who were about to go up the mountain, and pulled the trigger, "Da da da da da da da!"The remaining half of the shuttle bullets stuck firmly into the crowd, and immediately dispersed the group of people! !No one dared to rush up rashly anymore!It wasn't until Matthew's M249 machine gun stopped roaring that it began to rush upwards frantically again.And at this time, the terrorists in the village also rushed over!A chaser of about 150 people was formed.Intensive gunshots hit Matthew's side and made a whizzing sound!

"Matthew! Retreat!" Marx's voice came from the headset, and Matthew immediately rolled back on the spot, avoiding some shooting angles, stood up and ran.

Through the optical collimator on the M4, Wang Zheng stared at the mountain road above without blinking, and saw that Max, who had thrown away his auspicious suit, appeared in his sight and was rushing towards his direction nimbly.Within ten seconds, Matthew's figure also appeared at the top of the mountain road.The two ran down one after the other, desperately.

Because Marx was in front, he was the first to run over and hid behind a dirt bag.Matthew followed closely behind, and ran down after a while.After finding the bunker, he pointed his gun at the top and said: "The number of the enemy pursuing is about 150 people, but the terrorists in several villages are also rushing to the mountain, and the number will be even more!"! !

As soon as the words fell, Murphy quickly said: "Let's try to delay the enemy here a little bit! Buy time for Danny!" ! !
"Received" "Received!!!! Just as Wang Zheng finished his answer, he saw several terrorists appearing on the small road above, and said immediately: "The enemy is coming"! As soon as the words fell, the index finger of his right hand Then he squeezed the trigger fiercely, "Da da da"!! A few short points in a row, directly overturned the four terrorists in the lead. But the terrorists behind rushed up one after another. Facing Wang Zheng and others People's hiding place, opened fire frantically.

A few bullets landed on the tree trunk where Wang Zheng was hiding, and the sawdust flew horizontally, making a "bang bang" sound. Wang Zheng shrank back slightly, and the barrel of the M4 protruded from the other end, " Da da da da da". . .launched a counterattack again! !Because there were a lot of terrorists at this time, a dozen of them were immediately knocked down by his bullets again! ! !
Murphy, Matthew, and Marx were also braving the hail of bullets, shooting at the terrorists frantically. "Da da da" "Bump"! The sound of "whoosh" rang out around everyone.After Marx clicked on a terrorist, he suddenly yelled: "RPG!"!! Everyone didn't care who fired the rocket, and hid behind the bunker deftly, lowering their heads.At the same time, there was a sound of "Woo! Shout..." in the air, and a rocket pulled white smoke and hit the ground not far in front of Matthew, making a "bang" sound. ! !

Note: "Everyone supports it!!"! !

(End of this chapter)

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