Unlimited Special Forces

Chapter 104 Another way out

Chapter 104 Another way out
Chapter [-] Another way out
Mason and Xie Fu were also on the two-person submersible, heading towards Alcatraz.The rest followed him and moved forward.When they got close to Alcatraz, Wang Zheng and others put the submersible on the reef.

Wang Zheng saw Mason through the oxygen mask, and waved at himself and others in front.Wang Zheng swam over at a faster speed, and after 1 minute, Mason stopped beside a pipe, stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Wang Zheng nodded, made a follow-up gesture to the team members behind, and entered the pipeline first.

According to the book, this pipe is used for water storage, so Wang Zheng walked forward for a while, and there was obviously an upward slope, but going upstream in the water was much less labor-saving than going horizontally and downstream.It didn't take long to reach the end, Wang Zheng slowly raised his head out of the water, and saw that the room was very dark, but no one said "safe" through the radio!Then came to the middle of the house.I took off my diving gear, because it was already dark at this time!In addition, there is no light in this room, so Wang Zheng directly put on the night vision device.Looking around, I could see the whole picture of the house thoroughly.There is a huge water pump on the left, but it is full of rust, and it seems to be a scrap product.And the corners and corners of the house have been covered with cobwebs.

As soon as the rest of the team members came up, Wang Zheng was already holding a gun, covering everyone in exchange for equipment.Especially since neither Gooseby nor Mason's gear is waterproof!So the two men wrapped their weapons in waterproof bags.It's going out now!
Wang Zheng said it was a cover, but in fact it was just a habit, because he observed that there was no entrance and exit in the whole room, just a big iron cover with the outline of a door, which was locked from the outside.

When everyone was ready, Wang Zheng turned his head to Mason and said, "You said you escaped here back then?"!
Mason smiled and said, "That's right! It's here!"After finishing speaking, he walked to the place where the fire kept flashing beside him, and said: "Here!! I hope the frequency has not changed!"! !

Wang Zheng looked down, "Okay!"The flames splashed in this corridor, if he had come out from here back then, then this old man would be really awesome!Said: "Okay then! Go outside from here and open the door of this house"! !

Mason nodded and said, "But as ordered! Sir!"!After finishing speaking, he stared at the flame in the pipe, muttering something in his mouth in a low voice!All of a sudden, Mason seemed to have regained his youth, and he quickly got into the pipe full of flames. He seemed to have calculated the flames accurately. Every time he turned over, every time he stopped, there would be flames spraying past him! !But he himself was unharmed!
Wang Zheng squatted next to the pipe, watching Mason dodge inside!I couldn't help but secretly praised it. After a while, Wang Zheng stood up and said, "He went out!"
Not long after the words fell, the big iron door "clicked" and was opened from the outside!Wang Zheng walked out first and said, "Well done! Veteran"! ;yes!No matter how old a soldier is, even if he is 80 years old or dead, he is still a soldier!
A mercenary hurriedly walked in at the Alcatraz General Hammer's temporary combat command center and said, "General! The radar shows that there is a plane approaching from the east, but it disappeared soon!"!
General Hammer raised his head, looked at the other party with those blue eyes, and said: "Ask the patrol team to search at various key points, and set up a motion sensor, and report at any time!"! !

"Yes, General!"The special soldier walked in again within 10 minutes after leaving, and said, "General! We have searched every key point! No one has been found sneaking in, and the motion sensor has no response!" !

Hanmer said calmly: "I understand their methods. I have arranged personnel at various points. They must have come in! In addition, I asked Sergeant Ke to bring a few people as a maneuver, ready to support everywhere at any time!"! ! . . . . . . . .

Mason looked at Wang Zheng and the others and said with a smile, "Welcome to Alcatraz!"
Wang Zheng walked past him, "Captain! That's the way into the tunnel!"Corporal Jack pointed to a pipeline not far away.

Mason said: "Nowhere! I didn't come from anywhere at all!"!
Corporal Jack said: "This is where you can enter the tunnel!"
Wang Zheng said "Wait" and asked: "Mason! Are you sure you are going the right way! You know that the blueprint shows that only this place can enter the tunnel"? !

Mason shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course! I'm not so old yet!"!
At this time, time was running out, but Wang Zheng stopped instead, thinking about it carefully, and the reason was still the same - Mason's daughter! ! ;Even if he wanted to escape, he would never watch San Francisco, where his daughter lives, being attacked by VX gas missiles!Unless he is a cold-blooded animal! , but apparently Mason is not!Otherwise, his request would not be as simple as meeting his daughter! !
Thinking of this, he shook his head at Jack and said, "Listen to Mason this time!"!Wang Zheng has a very high prestige among the SEALs!Besides, he is the leader of everyone, so no one objected!The rest have cooperated with Wang Zheng for many years, and of course they will choose the captain's order!This is not Wang Zheng's blind obedience based on some bastard's spirit!This is mutual trust between teammates!
Still the same sentence, these current special forces can survive on the battlefield again and again, what is the reason?It is mutual trust between comrades in arms!

Mason said: "You are not the same as those people in Shangfeng!"!After all, he led the crowd to the other side!Wang Zheng also replied, "It's different! I'm just a soldier!"! !

By the way, which way did Mason escape from?This is the road that Mason has chosen now; from here you can also enter the tunnel, but not from the direction of the underground water pipe!Originally, Alcatraz held prisoners. In this world, as long as they are prisoners, they must be "reformed through labor". Of course, the name may be different!But work is necessary!
This road is the road leading to the underground mine dug by the prisoners!Along the way, Mason led Wang Zheng and the others through several "mouse holes"!Finally came to the underground mine!
After Wang Zheng came out, he looked around!After saying "safe", the rest of the people also got out one after another!Mason leaned against one side of the wall and said, "Mr. Lieutenant, the upward well is ahead, and the tower is there! This time it's our expert's turn!"
Wang Zheng understood what Mason meant! , When they came, everyone found several places where missiles were erected through the thermal imaging pictures taken from above. The tower Mason mentioned was one of them.

Wang Zheng nodded with his gun in hand, and said: "Jack! Gascoigne, protect Gusby! Let's go up!"!
Note: I hope everyone will continue to support! !Friends who have not collected please collect it!Thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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