Chapter 741

Among the flower demons, there are also countless examples of wanting to be with humans. In order to become a human, they would not hesitate to lose their demon body and become a human, but the end result is that there is only one end. They can't bear the pain of skinning and body replacement, and they are in pain. up.

Aru is the most cultivated among the flower demons, and she has cultivated a demon pill in her body. If she cultivates well, she will no longer be a lowly demon, but can possess powerful power. She can not only protect herself, but also change at will. aldult.

But now she wants to give up what she has now, just for the sake of a human being, and she also wants to shed her demon body and become a human being, which is really stupid.

All the flower demons in the garden are trying to persuade Chang Mengru that they don't want her to do stupid things, and don't want her to hurt herself for a man.

But Chang Mengru was not moved at all, she has never found the life she wanted, the life of being a flower demon is very boring, watching the flowers bloom and fade every day, day after day, year after year, she Really enough.

If you can be an ordinary human being and spend the rest of your life with the person you like, this kind of life should be complete.

"Thank you, I have already thought about it, and I will not regret it."

Chang Mengru looked at the flowers in the garden with a slight smile on her face, but she didn't regret her choice.

While speaking, a knife suddenly appeared in her hand, and the cold blade glowed with a cold light, which made people twist their minds.

"Aru, Aru..."

"No, don't do something stupid.

"Aru, I hope your choice is right."

Countless flowers in the garden swayed their bodies, their voices came and went, trying to stop Chang Mengru, but as their voices gradually became quieter, Chang Mengru cast a spell to seal them all, preventing them from seeing her now like this.

How easy is it to lose the demon body and become a human?The process is not only cruel, but also extremely painful. If you can't stand it, you will be killed by the pain.

A drop of cold sweat fell on her forehead, Chang Mengru pursed her lips, but she didn't intend to give up.

Raising her hand, she drew those knives along the face, and made a big cut with a "tear" sound, and immediately blood gushed out of her face, and she couldn't help but snorted coldly.

To remove the demon body and replace it, the first step is to peel the skin, tear off the original flesh, drain the demon blood in the body, wait for the new blood circulation to fill the whole body, and then wear the peeled flesh back.

The whole process is extremely painful, and if you can't persist, you will be killed by the pain.

No one can disturb you during the process. After the new blood fills the whole body and the flesh is worn back on the body, the demon power and spiritual power on the body will stitch the skin and the body together. It looks like there is no trace of scars, and the demon power and spiritual power will disappear completely. , Only after success can one become a human being.

But after the wound has just been sutured, it cannot be touched by anyone, and the pain in the body is still there, so you have to rest well. Finally, when the wound heals and the pain is no longer, you can truly become a human being.

The wound on her face was cut open, Chang Mengru dropped the knife, stretched out her hand to grab the skin on her face, and then gently tore along the wound.

A face was completely red with blood at this moment, and she couldn't help but screamed, tearing off her face and head, leaving only a large piece of red flesh and blood on the whole head.

Her body kept swaying, and she fell limp to the ground all of a sudden, but her body was still moving, she reached out to pick up the knife on the ground, and cut a big gash in her chest.

Bright red blood spurted out, dyeing her pink clothes red all of a sudden, the whole person has completely turned into a blood man.

(End of this chapter)

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