God: I joined the chat group, strengthened by billions of times

Chapter 198 Piercing the Bronze Portal of Chaos

Chapter 198 Piercing the Bronze Portal of Chaos

"Don't make random guesses. We can't possibly know the thoughts of this kind of existence."

"Senior, how should we choose?" After hearing this, Qing Yanjing asked what she cared most about.

"Let it be! If you find that the momentum is wrong, which prayer you can recite, after all, it will do no harm to you."

After Guilao finished speaking, he escaped into Muchen's body again.

After Qing Yanjing listened, she also understood Guilao's meaning.

"Chen'er, you should first cultivate in the Futu Ancient Clan, I'm going to discuss it with those clan elders."

After Mu Chen finished speaking, Qing Yanjing turned to leave, looked at the sky outside, and finally could only sigh.

Muchen also understands that now that chaos is approaching, his mother is doing this for his own good, and now Muchen can only hope that his father is fine.

After all, he had also heard about what those crazy believers did.

In another piece of chaos, Li Jie's avatar turned into an evil god that crazily polluted the world, and behind him, the polluted and distorted polluter like endless grains of sand followed in Li Jie's footsteps.

The second day after Li Jie's clone came into this chaos, he felt an inexplicable call.

When Li Jie felt it, he couldn't believe it, there was something calling him in this chaos.

You must know that he has never been in this chaos, and there is something that summons him and attracts Li Jie.

After Li Jie felt the call, he hesitated, not knowing whether to go to the place where he was summoned.

After all, this is not a safe place, if there is any danger, it will be over for me.

However, when the sense of calling became stronger and stronger, Li Jie also made up his mind where to go.

Even if it is really dangerous, what I lost is just an avatar, and it doesn't matter if it has any impact on the main body.

Li Jie flew along with this sense of calling, and everything he encountered on the road was polluted and distorted by Li Jie.

Li Jie even encountered other evil gods, but Li Jie didn't step forward, and those evil gods didn't bother to talk to Li Jie.

Along the way, countless worlds and endless creatures turned into Li Jie's fanatic believers. These believers are like sand, densely packed, and people don't know how many there are.

When Li Jie came to the place where he was summoned, he didn't see anything, only the tumbling chaotic air, like a raging polar current, kept rolling and roaring.

"Well, it's strange, the summon I clearly felt is here? Why didn't I find something that summoned me?"

Li Jie looked at the roiling and roaring chaos, and frowned, wondering what went wrong.

Just when Li Jie was thinking about something in a daze, in the roiling and roaring chaotic atmosphere, countless pairs of scarlet eyes exuding madness opened.

The moment these eyes were opened, Li Jie could feel the breath of endless madness and the resentment that seemed to destroy the world.

After Li Jie felt this aura, he looked into the tumbling and roaring chaos, and saw pairs of scarlet eyes.

"I feel it. Is this monster calling me? But what is it? It doesn't have the breath of evil gods, but it gives people the illusion of endless resentment."

Li Jie looked at this monster that merged with this chaos, thinking in his heart.

"No matter what, try it first."

Thinking of this, the crazy believers behind Li Jie, who were like grains of sand, rushed desperately into the chaos.

The monster that merged with the chaos didn't move when so many believers from Li Jie rushed over.

When these crazy believers rampage inside the monster's body, nothing happens.

This monster seemed to be just a projection, it couldn't move at all, and it couldn't even control itself.

Seeing this scene, Li Jie was also relieved, but he still had a feeling of panic in his heart, as if he was being targeted by some unknown existence.

Li Jie came in front of this monster, and stretched out his hand to grab the tumbling and roaring chaotic air.

Li Jie touched the Primal Chaos Qi that could directly tear apart the ruler's body without any protection, and the Primal Chaos Qi could only make a sound of gold and iron in Li Jie's hands.

Li Jie felt the power contained in this chaotic atmosphere, and finally discovered that these chaotic atmosphere contained monstrous resentment.

Even he was dared to check the memories contained in these grievances, as if he would be swallowed as long as he checked.

This is what Li Jie intuitively gave him, so Li Jie is now thinking about what it is that summoned him here.

Li Jie looked at those countless pairs of scarlet eyes. The more he looked at these things, the more Li Jie felt like an evil thing recorded in the Infinite Sutra.

It is described that after the death of the enlightened person, due to the endless resentment, the original filth of all things in the world is contaminated, the true spirit and soul are transformed into endless resentment, and the formed spirit has the power of immortality.

This is the description of the evil spirits. As for whether the evil spirits are strong or not, it is conceivable that the strength of the evil spirits can be known from the initial filth.

There is also the title of the enlightened person, who is the ancestor of one way, a terrifying existence that can almost command thousands of laws of the way.

The original filth was only formed when the world was opened up. No matter how you think about it, this evil spirit is boundless and terrifying.

Just when Li Jie was thinking, a huge and borderless bronze portal suddenly appeared in front of him, piercing through the chaos and appearing in countless chaos.

What followed was the endless resentment, which moved countless strong men.

Seeing the bronze portal, Li Jie wanted to escape, but his body suddenly couldn't move for some reason, and he could only watch the bronze portal slowly open.

Inside the bronze portal, through the endless darkness, Li Jie saw endless corpses, as well as the bloody water that was constantly turned over.

The coercion left on every corpse here is tens of thousands of times stronger than the strongest Ye Mengjiad that Li Jie has ever seen.

This place is like the tomb of the strong, the place where the endless strong from the heavens are buried, and the final destination of all living beings.

Li Jie saw that the broken true spirit that could kill him with that ray of breath was shivering, as if he was hiding from something.

This true spirit seemed to have sensed Li Jie's gaze, and turned his head to meet Li Jie's gaze.

Through the portal, the broken spirit seemed to see Li Jie, and opened his mouth to say something, but Li Jie couldn't hear him at all.

In the end, a trace of fear suddenly appeared on the face of the true spirit, and a black mist rolled up the true spirit and began to chew.

(End of this chapter)

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