Chapter 199 Ma Hongjun and Oscar

Tang San didn't know anything about it, if it was before, he would definitely choose grilled sausage carefully.

But Tang San wanted to show off in front of the country, so he spent money to buy two grilled sausages and ate one of them.

The other one was naturally given to Gu En, but Gu En shook his head and said, "Eat it yourself, I don't really want to eat grilled sausage,"

Tang San didn't think too much, and directly ate his two grilled sausages.

Then Oscar on the side was very excited to see it, and insisted on giving Tang San two more to taste, even Gu En's one.

Gu En repeatedly declined, he didn't dare to eat grilled sausage.

Although it is said to be the martial soul of a food soul master, its shape and appearance are really unflattering.

At this moment, a person suddenly broke into here.

This man had a bunch of red cockscomb-like hair on his head, and his body was still fat, wearing a waistcoat.

It was Ma Hongjun, the current Ma Hongjun looked like an ordinary fat man.

The pinch of red cockscombs on the top of the head is very conspicuous, and there is a heat emanating from his body. If someone gets close to him, he will feel that he is very hot.

Ma Hongjun looked at Oscar who was selling grilled sausages, and then said: "Oscar, why are you selling sausages again, who wants to eat you, you two are new here, I tell you, don't eat his sausages !"

Ma Hongjun said seriously from the side, but at this moment Tang San was stunned.

He didn't understand what Ma Hongjun meant, and then asked: "This brother, you said you don't want to eat his sausage, why is that?"

Ma Hongjun looked at the bitten sausage, hesitant to say it.

And looking at Hong Jun's hesitant eyes, Tang San suddenly felt a little bad.

Gu En asked at this time: "This sausage should not be poisonous, why can't it be eaten?"

It must be non-poisonous, Tang San can confirm, after all he is an expert in poisoning.

Seeing that the two cared so much, Ma Hongjun could only speak out in the end.

"Oscar, you cook a sausage for the two of them on the spot."

The bearded Oscar said with some coyness, "Isn't that bad?"

Ma Hongjun looked at him speechlessly and said: "Do you still want to keep these two brothers a secret? They should be new students we just joined, otherwise it is impossible for young people to come to our Shrek Academy, and the dean and I I said hello."

In desperation, Oscar could only open his hand to use the martial spirit, and then shouted: "Super recovery sausage!"

Then a sausage appeared in his hand, looking at this sausage?

Tang San looked at the sausage he had already bitten into, and finally threw the sausage into the trash can beside him with a look of disgust.

After seeing the sausage being thrown away, Oscar said with a sad expression, "No! My sausage, that's my sausage!"

Tang San said speechlessly: "If I knew it was you who made it like this, I would never eat it!"

Gu En said embarrassingly at the side: "Your martial spirit is quite interesting, but the shape is a bit strange, no wonder you want to roast it.

Brother, don't be too disgusted, this friend's martial soul is a food martial soul, which is a very rare martial soul, and his sausage is definitely not just for eating, it should have other effects. "

Gunn finished.Only then did Tang San realize that after eating this sausage, his spirit power recovery speed seemed to be accelerated.

Moreover, although most of the injuries he had received in the martial arts competition with Gu En that day had recovered from the medicinal wine, there was still a little bit of recovery that hadn't recovered. After eating this sausage, they all recovered.

Tang San asked in surprise: "Can your sausage restore my soul power?"

Ma Hongjun on the side also said: "Of course, Oscar is our genius food soul master, and his sausage is full recovery attribute.

It can restore both physical strength and soul power. If you are injured, you will recover soon after eating this sausage. "

Gu En smiled, and then said: "I guess the only shortcoming is that the appearance is not flattering, otherwise you wouldn't stop us from eating it."

Oscar said dejectedly at the side: "My sausage is obviously so delicious, why do you all dislike it so much, I am a food soul master!"

Hearing what the other party said, Tang San also realized that what he did just now seemed to be wrong, but he threw it all away, and it was impossible to find it in the trash can.

At this time, Gu En took out a dagger from the space backpack and handed it to Oscar, saying: "This is an apology, my junior brother was too offensive just now, I hope you will not be angry.

I made this item yesterday. Although it is just a small sword, its ability is quite useful.

It can give your attack a blood-sucking effect, and it also increases penetration. Basically, soul beasts under ten thousand years old can be executed with it. "

This was forged by Gu En with that piece of refined iron yesterday, after the competition with Tang San.

He casually threw Tang San's piece of iron into the warehouse by himself, and Gunn knocked it casually twice when he had nothing to do.

After hearing the effect of this sword, Tang San was even more surprised, he didn't expect his senior brother to have such ability.

This is the master's unique forging technique, depicting runes, and after possessing the runes, the sword will gain magical power.

Tang San's eyes were full of envy, and at the same time there was a desire, he wanted to obtain this kind of rune forging skill.

On the other hand, Oscar was a little puzzled, is this little thing really that powerful?
After receiving the weapon, Oscar suddenly felt that his strength seemed to have strengthened a bit.

This sword continuously provided him with a special warm current, which made his physical strength much better. It was really amazing.

It's a bit like eating a food spirit, and it's provided continuously.

"I'm used to being offended, but I really like this little sword. Thank you for giving it to me. What's its name?"

Oscar held this little sword and liked it more and more, and then asked Gunn about the name of this sword. She felt that such a powerful weapon should have a very powerful name.

"As long as you like it, this sword was forged by me, and my blacksmith's nickname is Dolan, so it can be called Dolan's Sword."

"Dolan's Sword, that's a good name. If you break this shield in the future, let's call him Dolan's Shield, okay?"

Oscar held the short sword and moved closer to Gu En. With his bearded face, those who didn't know thought he was in his 30s.

Seeing Oscar and Gu En leaning together, Ma Hongjun scratched its comb and said, "I never thought that you could get so close to Xiao Ao, are you two going to take a stroll in the college next time?" ?

Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I can take you, Xiao Ao, let's take them around together. "

(End of this chapter)

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