Tianyuan Fenghuajing

Chapter 81 The Collusion Was Broken

Chapter 81 The Collusion Was Broken
The next day.

When Lin Jinyan was hunting yesterday, he suffered a serious injury to his arm.After Mu Yun found out, she spent the whole night blaming Lin Jinyan for being careless.Today, he was not allowed to go hunting in the mountains, and let him follow her to the store to guard.

After arriving in the store, Mu Yun didn't let Lin Jinyan do any work, but let him sit and watch.

Lin Jinyan had no choice but to hold a stool and sit in front of the store, acting as a nursing home.

At noon, before it was time for lunch break, Ji Ge hurried to Mu Yun's shop, saw Lin Jinyan sitting stupidly at the door, pulled his sleeves, and pulled him away.

Seeing that Ji Ge is his brother-in-law, Lin Jinyan didn't stop him, and followed his strength to an alley.

The two confront each other.

"Have you heard the rumors in the village?"

Lin Jinyan frowned and asked:

"What rumour?"

Seeing that he didn't seem to be pretending to be ignorant, Ji Ge said suspiciously:

"There are rumors in the village that you have been entangled with a rich lady surnamed Chen. You have been chatting in the mountains and forests, and you have done some secret deeds."

Although Ji Ge didn't spend much time with the Lin family, he knew that Lin Jinyan was an upright person.It's just that the rumor has been circulating for more than a day, and no one has come out to clarify it. He was puzzled by Lin Jinyan's attitude, so he came out to ask him.At this moment, seeing Lin Jinyan frowning tightly, he believed him even more, and told him the content of the rumor clearly.

Lin Jinyan listened and explained:

"Yesterday morning, I did meet Chen Mo, but I only talked to her a few words. She has been entangled with me. I have expressed my feelings to her many times. It is estimated that this rumor came from her. "

Ji Ge has completely believed Lin Jinyan at this time, nodded and said:
"I don't know if Mu Yun and Da Niang know about this matter? If you don't stop the rumors as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will ruin the reputation of your Lin family."

Lin Jinyan smiled and said:

"It's not the first time the Lin family has suffered from this kind of splashing of dirty water. If they spend a lot of time trying to stop the rumors every time, wouldn't it mean that the Lin family will not even have the energy to eat. Mu Yun believes in me, and I will Believe her, we don’t care about such innocuous little rumors, let it go. If we react violently, others will think it’s true, and we’re just trying to cover it up.”

Ji Ge heard him speak so easily, but he was not relieved.From his words, it can be seen that what the Lin family has suffered is far worse than this kind of rumor, otherwise Lin Jinyan would not be so light-hearted.

Thinking of the fact that the Chen family in Anjia Village always framed the Lin family, he couldn't help but wonder: Are the Chen family and the Lin family destined to have entanglements?
The two chatted for a few more words before turning back to the shop.

Seeing them coming back, Mu Yun let go of her suspended heart, and said with a smile:

"What are you two whispering? How did I not know that your relationship is so close?"

The two men looked at each other, and both saw disgust in each other's eyes.They knew it was not easy to show their disgust in front of Mu Yun, so they all nodded in embarrassment.

Mu Yun knew that they didn't fully accept each other, the previous sentence was just a joke, seeing their embarrassment at this moment, she couldn't help being a little funny.

She shook her head, turned around and continued to work, leaving Ji Ge and Lin Jinyan staring at each other.

In the afternoon, Ji Ge had nothing to do, so he invited Lin Jinyan to have a drink together.

Lin Jinyan accepted it openly, and the two of them had three glasses of wine in the restaurant, and their relationship became much closer, and there were inevitably some intimate things between the conversations.

Friendship between men is easy to build. As long as they drink together and overcome difficulties together, they are brothers who can be handed over to their backs. They don't have as many worries and suspicions as women. Even if they are betrayed by someone they trust, they will only If you sigh and don't know people clearly, you will make new friends.

Ji Ge learned more about Mu Yun through Lin Jinyan's mouth. On the one hand, he was grateful to Lin Jinyan for trusting him, and at the same time, he also thanked Lin Jinyan for everything he had done to Mu Yun, although Lin Jinyan did not clearly state that he helped Mu Yun. He sacrificed her, but a person like Ji Ge who has been beaten in the officialdom for a while can naturally hear his sacrifice.

He has fully approved of Lin Jinyan's brother-in-law, and said with a smile:
"Brother-in-law, I offer you a toast."

Lin Jinyan suddenly heard him call him that, although he was a little surprised, he responded with a smile and drank the wine in his glass.

When Mu Yun was about to close the door, they were already supporting each other, drunk and talking good things about each other.

Mu Yun couldn't help shaking her head, and pulled the two drunks into the carriage.

It is probably because Lin Jinyan often hunts, injuries have become a habit, and the body's self-healing ability is very strong, but in a day and a night, Lin Jinyan's arms can be as sharp as before the injury.

Although he repeatedly assured that he would not be injured, Mu Yun was still worried and asked him to only hunt some prey in the morning and go to her shop to rest after selling them at noon.

Seeing that he really couldn't beat Mu Yun, Lin Jinyan could only agree.

He was very sweet in his heart, because Mu Yun cared about him so much.

But in such a good mood, he disappeared when he went to Mu Yun's shop at noon.

There was a lot of noise in front of the store, and a group of people pointed at Mu Yun and said she was wrong.Surrounded by the crowd, there was also a woman who fell to the ground.She was crying loudly, as if Mu Yun had done something unforgivable to her.

He didn't rush in to protect Mu Yun, but walked to the side of the delivery guy who was standing blankly at the door of the store, and asked him in a low voice what happened.

The delivery guy was startled when he heard the voice, and then he saw that the person who came was the boss's husband, so he told the whole story of the incident.

It turned out that the woman sitting on the ground was a maid from some house.I went to the store to buy braised meat in the morning, but I was picky and picky. Some said the meat was too fat, and the other said the skin was too thick. It took more than half an hour to pick and choose.

Mu Yun has been patiently explaining to her, talking about the skills and nutritional value of eating braised meat.The maid finally took a big bag, but didn't give any money, turned around and ran away, Mu Yun was stunned for a moment, got up to chase, but the maid suddenly fell to the ground and broke her knee.

She turned around and scolded Mu Yun, saying that Mu Yun pushed her and hurt her knee, she just forgot to pay the money accidentally, Mu Yun is so vicious and so on.She cried and threw the silver taels she was wearing on Mu Yun's face.

When the people around heard it, they all remembered the incident of being chased by the merchant because they forgot to give the money temporarily, and felt the same way, thinking that it was all Mu Yun's fault.

After hearing this, Lin Jinyan felt sorry for her, but instead of being impulsive, he thought of a way.

After living with Mu Yun for so long, he gradually understood that force cannot solve everything.

And Mu Yun was hit on the face with silver, and there were fine wounds on her face, and she had to face the censure of everyone at this time.

If it was a girl from an ordinary family, she would definitely cry at this time, explaining sharply that she did not do such a thing.But Mu Yun was different after all, she stood where she was, looking coldly at the crying maid.

Seeing her sharp eyes, the servant girl was scared back to tears, but she always remembered her responsibility, sobbing and pretending to be still crying.

At this moment, Lin Jinyan saw the lo mei scattered on the ground, and then looked at the silver taels that were thrown on the ground. He had a plan. He first discussed with the delivery man, and after confirming that the other party could handle it, he quietly walked into the crowd , seemingly inadvertently said:

"Oh, it seems that the money this girl brought is not enough to pay?"

"Since I have brought such a small amount of money, I still have to choose an hour. If it sounds good, it's carefulness, but if it's bad, it's nitpicking, right?" The guy said loudly before the crowd became commotion.

At this time, we can't find out if Mu Yun pushed the maid, because in such a situation, no matter what Mu Yun says, she will be exposed by the maid's clever words, and everyone may think that she is shirking responsibility, and even more despise her.

Mu Yun also knew that at this time people should know that this girl had ulterior motives, so she said:
"Don't make any excuses. Since you are a maid of a rich family, you must know what your master likes, but when you came, you didn't say anything, you just picked and picked, and the people who lined up behind you to sell lo-mei, Several of them have been worn away by your moji, the one standing in the crowd now, you have been waiting behind her for at least a quarter of an hour, do you think she is shopping, or finding fault?"

The man suddenly became the focus of everyone, a little nervous, but reacted very quickly, and said:

"I waited for a quarter of an hour and there was an extra cup of tea. This girl doesn't seem to be selling marinade, and she doesn't seem to understand what is going on with marinade, and she also said that the color of the meat is wrong. Hehe, it is made of red marinade. Things, can't they be reddish?"

At this point, the wind direction has changed.

The servant girl said sharply:
"You are with this woman, you were bought by them!"

The girl didn't realize that she had made a big mistake. Mu Yun had made this mistake before, so she was very cautious in dealing with the problem now. The reason why she delayed for so long just now was because she was thinking about the risks brought by various methods. It's just that Lin Jinyan started to help her before she made a decision.

When the person who bought the brine heard it, he snorted coldly:

"I originally believed you too. But little girl, it's unbelievable for you to doubt other people's character just out of your mouth." The man shook his head, turned around, and didn't intend to participate in this matter any more. , "Who am I? Everyone in this town knows. If you question me like this, I doubt what your intentions are."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the maid indifferently.

"I...I'm not...I just arrived in the town and I'm a maid in the Chen residence. It's my fault that I don't recognize Mr...."

When she heard what the man said, she was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder split.She is just a little maid. If she offends a big shot, she will be beaten lightly. If she gets involved in other things, she may be kicked out.

Although the Chen family was not extremely rich, they treated their servants very well. She was reluctant to part with the welfare of the Chen family, so she wanted to ask for that person's forgiveness.

However, that person had already walked away, ignoring her at all.

"The maid of the Chen residence..." Mu Yun pondered.

Knowing who the enemy is, she has a way to deal with it.Lin Jinyan naturally knew everything about Mu Yun, and although Mu Yun had never met Chen Mo, from Lin Jinyan's impatient expression every time, he also knew that this woman was difficult to deal with, and she was not too shy compared to Yanwu.

Moreover, this woman is smarter than Yan Wu, she knows how to use Yan Wu, and also knows that if she wants to marry into the Lin family, she must have Lin Jinyan's heart, so she put a lot of effort into Lin Jinyan.

This incident didn't seem to be what she thought, it was her and Yan Wu's conspiracy.

"Miss Chen's family actually came up with such a way to deal with me, it's really hard work."

"It's not what my miss thinks, it's that..."

The little maid was originally trapped in the bitter pool of offending others, but when she suddenly heard Mu Yun's disdainful exclamation, she subconsciously retorted, and only halfway through the sentence did she realize that she had slipped her mouth.Originally, when she was going out, Yan Wu repeatedly emphasized that Mu Yun's stereotyped words were so powerful that she should never argue with her directly.

As a result, she was careless for a moment and fell into the trick.

The crowd booed for a while. Even if Miss Chen didn't think of this method, the person who finally came to implement it was Miss Chen's maid. Who couldn't see the trickiness in it.

They all thought that Miss Chen's face was gentle and virtuous, but they didn't expect that she would frame others secretly.

The little maid continued to argue, but no one listened anymore, and they all shouted to escort her to the government.

At this moment, Ji Ge was about to visit Mu Yun, seeing the chaos, he personally arrested her.

Lin Jinyan walked out from the crowd, and Mu Yun smiled and took his hand.

"You really made progress, you dare to save me even though you are wounded." There was no blame in Mu Yun's tone.

He laughed:
"It's just a lip service, it's not as good as your eloquence."

Mu Yun's nose was pinched by him, as if to prove what he said, she opened her mouth and bit those two fingers, and grinded them with her canine teeth.

Lin Jinyan touched her soft tongue, and his eyes darkened.

She quickly moved away, winking at him mischievously.

He didn't chase after him, stood where he was, and said silently:
Go back to clean you up at night!
(End of this chapter)

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