Chapter 252

monitoring room.

Several people sat in front of the monitor, looking at the clear picture ahead.

"Oh, your people are about to be ambushed." Li Battalion Commander Li looked at the blue team that was outflanking the front in the monitor, and a few people from the red team not far away were grilling and bickering. No one noticed the danger coming.

"Tsk tsk!" Battalion Commander Li sighed with emotion, his eyes smug with contempt, "So, it's nonsense for girls to participate in such a formal thing as an exercise."

Love to cry and fight, delicate and frail, poor vigilance...

Countless faults can be mentioned casually, without a single advantage, and the result of a head-on confrontation is self-evident.

"I would like to advise some people that it would be better for some people to think about how to comfort others later. Such a delicate girl, being eliminated on the spot, should not cry pitifully. I feel distressed when I see it."

Battalion Commander Li imagined that scene for a while, his heart beat a little fast, and his eyes became cloudy.


"It's true that we're going to lose." Wen Bai opened his slightly squinted eyes and looked at Battalion Commander Li.

Battalion Commander Li felt as if he was being watched by a ferocious beast, his whole body was tense, and he stood there not daring to move, for fear that the ferocious beast would pounce on him and bite off his neck.

very scary……

"Heh!" Wen Bai chuckled lightly, without the slightest smile in his eyes.

Battalion Commander Li felt the pressure on his body lighten instantly, but his face became more and more ugly.

A look, just a look.

With a look, Wen Bai forced Battalion Commander Li to shut up.

Battalion Commander Li blushed, looked at Wen Bai angrily, wanted to speak but dared not.

Wen Bai withdrew his gaze.

Battalion Commander Li leaned back on the chair all of a sudden, and in a short while, his clothes were already wet with sweat.

You're crazy, let's make you crazy for now...

When the final result comes out, you will lose completely. Let's see how arrogant you are...

Battalion Commander Li looked like he wanted to eat people.

"Look, what's going on here?" The base staff shouted, their voices full of surprise.

Everyone's eyes looked over.

In a short period of time, the situation on the monitoring screen has changed.

The person on the blue side is hung from a tree, and the person on the red side is sitting on a stone not far away.

How could the blue team lose?

The person from the red side actually won...

Battalion Commander Li shouted: "No, it's impossible."

"Overestimate one's ability." Wen Bai said, looking at the surveillance screen, a slight smile flashed in his eyes.

Good job girl!
Battalion Commander Li was still yelling, and quickly ordered people to adjust the monitoring screen backwards, so that he could see clearly what happened.


"The villain who attacked from behind, bah!" Zhao Yuanyuan spat at them.

Several people were hung upside down from the tree, shaking with the vines, slightly dizzy.

"Heroine, please forgive me..."

"Let's hang up first, and we'll talk when we're full." Han Yaning said, calling Zhao Yuanyuan, who was cursing, to come over, "It won't taste good when it gets cold, come and eat."

Zhao Yuanyuan immediately left behind those people and rushed over, took a bite of the chicken handed over by Han Yaning, with a happy smile on his face: "It's delicious."

"Ningning's craftsmanship is simply amazing." Sun Miaomiao took a bite and praised.

Song Chao's reaction was much more straightforward. Men would not come to those imaginary things, and ate them with big mouthfuls.

Fragrant, really fragrant...

"Leave me some..."


Several people hanging from the big tree looked down, looking at the few people not far away who were feasting and eating happily.

"Gululu!" The voice suddenly sounded.

Several people glanced at each other.

so hungry...

They looked at each other and immediately reached a tacit agreement.

"Hey..." One person shouted to several people under the big tree not far away: "I have the information you want to know here, put us down quickly."

"I still think chicken wings are better." Han Yaning said, raising his hand and tearing one off.

Zhao Yuanyuan was not convinced: "Obviously chicken legs are more delicious."

"Hey!" Han Yaning smiled, "It's just right, you eat chicken legs, I eat chicken wings, the two of us can't compete."

When Zhao Yuanyuan thought about it, she also laughed.

People from the blue side...

I'm so angry, but I can only smile.

The hostages from the blue side who fell into the hands of the red side had no right to choose. They quickly recognized their situation and quickly accepted the reality.

Han Yaning laughed and said, "I wish I had been obedient earlier, and we don't need to waste so much time, causing you to suffer for nothing."

The people on the blue side: "..."

You are right!
Han Yaning said, "Tell me, what do you all know?"

The people on the blue side were very straightforward, and directly said everything they knew, "We are just the outpost sent out, and that's all we know. I don't know the specific situation of the people in the rear now."

There was no secret worth hiding, so the confession was very straightforward.

Song Chao didn't believe it: "That's all?"

People from the blue side: "I definitely didn't lie to you, that's all."

Song Chao said: "You have said so much, but if you think about it carefully, it means that you have not said anything."

The people on the blue side looked at each other, blushing a little.

"Gululu..." The person on the blue side clutched his stomach and looked at the person on the red side, "We've told you everything we know. Before we are eliminated, can we let us eat our meat?"

Everyone brought dry food when they set off. The compressed biscuits are very satisfying, but the taste is a bit unspeakable.

The four-member team was startled when they heard the request made by the blue side.

Han Yaning said: "Yes, you can eat."

She baked a lot, originally to attract these people to come over, but now that people have caught it, it is a waste not to eat the baked goods.

Song Chao looked distressed.

Zhao Yuanyuan hesitated to speak, and looked at the barbecue full of reluctance.

so much meat...

Han Yaning was funny and speechless: "The two of you are enough. Isn't it just barbecue? When you want to eat, I will make it for you."

Zhao Yuanyuan laughed immediately.

Song Chao looked at Han Yaning adoringly: "Ning Ning, from now on, I'll be with you."

"Hi'er~" A full belch burst out uncontrollably, and after he was full, he looked happy, "Okay, let's do it."

Song Chao said, "I'll go."

"Hurry up." Han Yaning said.

Song Chao nodded, searched out the help buttons on several people in the blue side, pressed them one by one, and eliminated several people.

The four of them made a simple distribution, and continued on their way with the supplies looted from Lan Fang.

"Brother, don't take off your pants, at least leave me a pair of pants."

"Stop talking nonsense, don't be long-winded, or you will be stripped naked."

"Don't, at least leave some underwear and let me cover it up."

When the rescue soldiers at the base arrived, they saw a few men who had been stripped down to their underwear, hugging each other to keep warm. When they saw them coming, their eyes were excited and tears of gratitude flowed from their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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