Chapter 300 No Serum

Zhao Yifan thought for a while, and immediately remembered who this person was.

It is Zhuzi, the younger brother of the old mountain man.

"Pillar, right? What's wrong?"

Zhao Yifan asked hurriedly.

"Doctor, there is no anti-viper serum in Y City."

Zhu Zi cried and shouted on the phone.

"Where are you now?"

Zhao Yifan understood immediately, "I'll go find you."

"Doctor, we're in the phone booth at the entrance of Y City Hospital."

Zhu Zi said anxiously.

"Okay, I'll go there right away, just wait a moment."

Zhao Yifan hung up the phone, and Lu Jiaxuan and Feng Bo quickly asked, "What happened, Mr. Zhao?"

"There is no anti-viper serum in Y City."

Zhao Yifan simply explained: "That pillar called for help."

The two of them knew the seriousness of the matter immediately, and took a breath.

"Why is there no anti-viper serum?"

Lu Jiaxuan frowned and said, "The hospital in City Y is too bad!"

"Nowadays everyone basically lives in the city, and there are fewer and fewer cases of being bitten by poisonous snakes. Moreover, serum is not part of the standing medicine. In addition, the storage conditions of this product are very harsh, and the shelf life is short. Changes in temperature can easily cause qualitative changes, only those big hospitals and professional counterparts, and research institutes with storage equipment will have serum."

Feng Bo explained: "City Y was originally a county-level city, and it is normal to have no serum reserves."

"Mr. Zhao, do you have a solution?"

Lu Jiaxuan turned around and asked Zhao Yifan.


Zhao Yifan nodded and said, "Using traditional Chinese medicine and some methods can also achieve the effect of detoxification, but it's just a little more troublesome."

"Then let's go quickly."

Feng Bo said quickly.

The three of them took the cable car down the mountain, and after leaving the scenic spot, they took a taxi and rushed to the Y City Hospital.

"Doctor, doctor!"

Getting off the car at the entrance of the hospital, Zhao Yifan immediately saw Lao Shanmin and Zhuzi sitting under the big tree next to the telephone booth. Zhuzi also saw Zhao Yifan and others, and immediately waved to them as if seeing a savior.

"Don't other hospitals have anti-viper serum?"

Zhao Yifan walked over quickly, and asked casually while checking the condition of the old mountain man's arm.


Zhuzi said with a mournful face, "The ambulance took us down the mountain. After the accompanying doctor recognized the snake as a viper, they contacted the hospital in Y City along the way. They finally found a serum, which was anti-five-step down serum. Not right."

"Where's that foreign devil?"

Lu Jiaxuan was a little puzzled when he saw that there were only Zhu Zi and the others.

When mentioning foreign devils and Lin Li, Zhu Zi gritted his teeth angrily. If this bitch hadn't lost the snake medicine, how could his brother's life be in danger?

He said: "When the bitch heard that there was no serum, she whispered a few words to the foreign devil, and the two left directly. I don't know where they went."

"It must have gone to other cities to find serum."

Feng Bo guessed it right away, and said angrily: "This is a bit too much, this big mountain man was bitten by a snake because he was trying to catch a snake for Olabi. The spirit of communism should also be taken with him, why did he leave without saying a word?"

"That's right, as the saying goes, if you're sick and feel sorry for each other, this doctor is too unethical."

Lu Jiaxuan also spoke indignantly.

Zhao Yifan ignored their indignation and carefully observed the old mountain man's arm.

Right now, the old mountain man's arm has become black and purple and swollen, and there is still a faint stench from the wound. The wound he cut before has not scabbed, and black blood is still oozing slowly.

This is because the snake venom destroyed the blood circulation function of this arm, destroyed the coagulation mechanism, and caused the rapid decrease of platelets.

From the shoulder down, the whole arm was in a state of edema, fully swollen two or three times than the normal arm, which was very scary.

Zhao Yifan had previously sealed the acupoints on the shoulders of the old mountain man with aura, and used external interference to seal the poison of the poisonous snake in the old mountain man's arm.

The advantage of this is that it can prevent the toxin from spreading to the heart, and buy time for the old mountain people to inject serum for detoxification.

But things in the world are often like this, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that the toxins are trapped in the arms and cannot be diluted and dissipated through the blood circulation. Over time, the toxins in the arms will damage the arms more and more.

This was originally a thing that could not have the best of both worlds.

It’s like, if the water in a pool is polluted, if the pool is not sealed, then all the pools next to it will be polluted, but if it is blocked, the water in the pool will be polluted by then. It became a stench that could not be clarified at all.

If you don't control the snake venom and let it approach the heart continuously with the blood circulation, when the poison attacks the heart, there is no need to treat it at all, even Daluo Jinxian can't save it. In that case, the injuries all over the body will not be as old The arms of the mountain people look so terrifying.

At most, the whole body is blue and swollen.

"Let's go back to the hotel first."

Zhao Yifan thought for a while and said, "Mr. Lu, I'll write you a prescription. You go and get some medicine, let them cook it for you, and then buy some gauze, alcohol, and a baking lamp."

Lu Jiaxuan blurted out, "Why don't you go to the hospital? There are all kinds of medical equipment there."

"Are you stupid?"

Feng Bo gave Lu Jiaxuan a white look, and said, "His current snake venom cannot be treated by the hospital. No hospital will accept such a patient!"

Lu Jiaxuan suddenly realized, he gave a dry laugh, changed the subject and said, "Mr. Zhao, will your prescription work?"

Zhao Yifan went to the phone booth, asked for paper and a pen, wrote the prescription on it, handed it to Lu Jiaxuan, and said, "It should be almost usable, but it's just a little slow in terms of time. Remember, this medicine needs to be used civilly and military It needs to be fried for six hours."

"okay, I get it."

Lu Jiaxuan nodded, took the prescription and went to the pharmacy to get it.

After taking a taxi, Zhao Yifan, Feng Bo, Lao Shanmin and others came to the hotel they had opened earlier.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhao."

Laoshanmin and Zhuzi came to the room and sat down, thanking Zhao Yifan again and again.

"It's nothing, the doctor is the heart of the parents."

Zhao Yifan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't stop thanking me. I've thanked me hundreds of times along the way." He wasn't exaggerating.

Laoshanmin and Zhuzi are both villagers living at the foot of the mountain. They have no education and no money. They can only earn some money by doing some coolies. The two of them wanted to live, and even gave them money to buy medicine.

This kind of behavior moved Laoshanmin and Zhuzi so much that they didn't know how to thank them.

Of course, Lao Shanmin also proposed to give Zhao Yifan money.

But it was rejected by Zhao Yifan.

If it wasn't for the 2 yuan before, the old mountain man would not have taken the risk to catch the snake. This money can be regarded as the exchange of his life. How could Zhao Yifan accept it?

After climbing the mountain for a day, Feng Bo was also a little tired. After staying for a while, he went to the next room to rest.

After being bitten by a snake, the best time to inject serum is within two hours, once more than two hours, the toxin will attack.

Right now, two hours have passed since the old mountain man was bitten, and the toxin has begun to fully attack.

The whole arm turned black, and the stench became stronger and stronger. What made the old mountain man even more horrified was that he felt the itching on his arm, so he couldn't help scratching it lightly.

With this scratch, a piece of flesh on his arm fell off on the spot, which frightened the old mountain man. What was even more frightening was that he didn't feel any pain at all, as if it was more itchy than before. He hurriedly closed his mouth Zhao Yifan said, "Doctor Zhao, what's wrong with me?"

Zhao Yifan opened his eyes, glanced at him, immediately understood, and said, "Did you scratch your arm just now?"

"It's really itchy, I can't control it."

The old mountain man nodded.

"This is the snake's venom coming out completely."

Zhao Yifan said: "If you continue to scratch, I guarantee that there will only be one bone left in your arm." What he said was not an exaggeration, but a fact.

The old mountain man and Zhuzi gasped.

Zhao Yifan thought for a while, put his hands behind his back, took off the gold hoop, turned it into a gold needle, walked to the old mountain man, and said, "I'll give you a few needles, so that you will feel better." Saying that, he Put the golden needle in, and gently push it out a few times.

Strange to say, the old mountain man immediately felt that all the itchy sensation on his arm disappeared in an instant. He admired Zhao Yifan's medical skills and said repeatedly: "Thank you, Dr. Zhao."

"You're welcome."

Zhao Yifan waved his hand, smiled faintly, and said, "Old man, you have been delaying this time for too long, so even if I pull out the snake venom for you in a while, I'm afraid you will have to recover for about a week before you fully recover. Within a short period of time, try to use this arm as little as possible, especially heavy work, understand?"

"Well, I see."

The old mountain man nodded again and again.

After it got dark, Lu Jiaxuan returned to the room with a casserole that smelled like herbs, as well as gauze, alcohol, and a baking lamp.

Zhu Zi volunteered to help, but Lu Jiaxuan waved his hand and refused, and said with a smile: "Forget it, let me help Mr. Zhao, anyway, I know more than you, if you really want to help, just go down Buy some lunch boxes and bring them up, I've been running all afternoon and haven't had dinner yet."

Only then did Zhuzi come to his senses, apologized repeatedly, and ran downstairs to buy a lot of food.

It seems that at least two or three hundred yuan will be spent.

For the old mountain people and the pillars, this was already a very precious meal, and they used this method to express their gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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