Chapter 147 Give You a History Lesson
"Teacher, I shouldn't have mispronounced this word. People with a little bit of historical knowledge should know what this word is pronounced, right?"

Zha Tao was full of complacency. Just now, when the teacher asked what can most intuitively reflect the living standards of the people in a dynasty, he was robbed of the limelight by others. He didn’t pretend to be coercive. He was in a hurry. When a "loophole" is found, of course we can't let it go, so we immediately start a wave of operations, trying to force back the ones that were not installed just now.

The old teacher looked at the pushy boy with a smile and said:
"Do you all think I mispronounced the word?"

Under the podium, several students replied:
"Teacher Er, you probably mispronounced it. As a unit of measurement, this word should be pronounced stone (dan)."

"Yes, teacher. In our high school textbooks back then, there were notes on classical Chinese, and what the Chinese teacher also said was to read dan."

"I think what Zha Tao said is right, maybe teacher, you remember wrongly?"

Seeing that his ideas were supported by so many people, Zha Tao showed a satisfied look on his face, and glanced at Lin Chen who was sitting in the corner of the classroom from time to time from the corner of his eyes.

Hehe, watch me!Feel free to focus on me!
Remember, my name is Zha Tao and I am a writer!

The man pretends to be aggressive, what are you trying to figure out?
Nothing more than a cool word.

Especially when there is such a super beauty like Lin Chen in the classroom, it's really not too cool to pretend to be aggressive in public and slap the teacher in the face!
I must have made a deep impression on her with my knowledge and being a writer?

"No, the teacher read correctly."

Just when Zha Tao was secretly complacent, the sweet female voice spoke again.

"When making a unit of measurement, it is correct to pronounce the word dan, but it is also correct to pronounce the word shi."

"And to be precise, even if it is a unit of measurement, before modern times, shi was the official and authoritative way of pronouncing the word, and dan has always been used by ordinary people with low levels of education. A polyphonic character is preserved."

Hearing this, Zha Tao was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, I've studied history for so many years, and this is the first time I've heard someone say that."

"Beauty, you don't want to make common-sense mistakes!"

"To shut up!"

Lin Chen said.

"I think you don't know how to pretend to understand?!"

Lin Chenyi had had enough of this self-righteous guy, a history class that was supposed to be good, but was disturbed by this guy, Lin Chen decided to slap him in the face!
"Student, you claim to have studied history for many years, so I would like to ask, for this word, have you read "Shuowen Jiezi"? Have you checked "Kangxi Dictionary"?"

"It's really not possible. Go to the bookstore in the school and spend a few dollars to buy a "Xinhua Dictionary" to look it up. Is it difficult?"

"If you think "Xinhua Dictionary" is not authoritative enough, then why don't you take out your mobile phone and open Baidu to look it up?"

This short-haired beautiful girl was so angry, Zha Tao never expected that this girl who looks pretty and looks like a girl who loves to study would be in this kind of place, challenging herself in the field she is best at, and was stunned for a while. Living.

Lin Chen continued:
"Forget it, let me give you a brief science introduction. In ancient times, since the Zhou Dynasty, stones have always been the reference used by people at that time to measure weight."

"In the Spring and Autumn Period and the pre-Qin period, the people of Zhuxia at that time were able to use craftsmen to carve stones into specifications as a tool for measuring weight. Therefore, from that time on, the measurement unit of one stone and several stones began to be used. It was adopted by later generations until the Ming and Qing Dynasties."

"During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the weight of one stone was equivalent to the current 120 catties, and the weight of a pole carried by ancient farmers was almost the same."

"So, since then, the folks have gradually replaced the official saying 'one stone of rice' with 'one dan of rice', so the expression 'one stone (dan) of rice' came into being in the form of dialects among the people."

"This name was used until the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, and was widely used in the Qing Dynasty."

"If you want to ask for evidence, there is a book called "Zi Gu" in the Qing Dynasty. In this book, the author laughed at the fact that the people at that time pronounced shi (shi) as shi (dan), saying that the current People are so uneducated that they read two thousand shi as two thousand dan."

"Including "Shuowen Jiezi", "Kangxi Dictionary" is also marked with homonyms. The pronunciation of dan, in some local dialects, represents stone."

"After hundreds of years of dissemination, the people have also accepted the pronunciation of dan, so in modern times, our "Xinhua Dictionary" has included these two pronunciations as polyphonic characters, and clearly stated in the notes, Its ancient sound reads shi."

"So, the teacher's statement of one stone (shi) rice is not only correct, but also more professional."

Lin Chen's words were quoted from the scriptures, logical and well-founded, and Zha Tao, who was so pushy, was completely speechless. The boy opened his mouth wide and stood there in a daze, unable to form a word for a long time.

"Wow! I just looked it up, and it's true! This word was really pronounced shi in ancient times!"

"I'm going. I always thought I could only read dan. Today is a good day!"

"I've learned it, I'll go and get my Chinese teacher in the high school group!"

Several students looked up relevant information on the Internet and found that what Lin Chen said was completely correct.

Lin Chen continued:
"Originally, arguing about this kind of thing is like "Kong Yiji", there are several ways to write the word fen in fennel beans. It doesn't make much sense. Knowing the knowledge reserve, you just keep showing off all day long, making you look really ridiculous."

"By the way, by the way, great writer, have you read "Kong Yiji"?"

Being slapped in the face by such a beautiful girl in front of so many people, Zha Tao's lungs were about to explode.

You must get your face back!

The veins on his forehead popped up, he raised his voice, and said in a voice that was almost roaring:
"Cut! You just put in a little bit more effort in articulating words, what's there to be proud of?! Studying history doesn't depend on deducting how many pronunciations a word has!"

This guy didn't know how to repent, and he still tried to win the round.

On the podium, the old teacher was also watching the fun with a smile, and didn't mean to interrupt them.

Now that things have happened, Lin Chen doesn't intend to save this self-righteous guy any more face.

"Hehe, you make it sound like you know everything else well?"

"Okay, let me give you a good history lesson today!"

"For example, as you said just now, the economy of the Song Dynasty was the first, and the people's lives were rich. The first half of the sentence is no problem. The economy of the Song Dynasty was indeed very developed, the treasury was full, and the court had a lot of money, but you want to say that the people's lives are good. , that's pure farting!"

"It's not just bad, it's miserable, very miserable."

"I didn't say this with my eyes closed. I can give you some evidence first."

"The old and the young come to the south depending on each other, and the southerners have no food for themselves in a good year."

"You claim to understand history, have you heard this sentence?"

"Of course I've heard this poem!"

Zha Tao was still stubborn.

"Really? Who wrote it? What's the name of the poem?"


Zha Tao couldn't answer, and before he pretended to be a force, he immediately showed his feet. He only felt that his face was burning hot at this moment.

"Let me tell you, great writer, this is the seven-character quatrain written by Wang Anshi during the Song Shenzong period, "Hebei People."

"With your literary accomplishment as a great writer, you probably don't need me to translate the meaning of this poem, right? If you really don't understand, just turn on your phone and search."

"The pottery is all the soil in front of the door, and there is no tile on the house."

"Ten fingers don't get muddy, Linlin lives in a mansion."

"This is what Mei Yaochen said during Song Renzong's time."

"Officials don't love farmers, and poor farmers make themselves busy."

"I don't know the autumn season, but I still have enough to lose to Taicang."

"This is what Liu Tun, deputy editor-in-chief of "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" said."

"A brief translation of the last two sentences means that after the farmers of the Song Dynasty have been busy for a whole year, they don't know whether the grain will be enough to pay taxes and go to the official warehouse after the autumn harvest."

"These are some descriptions of people's livelihood in the Northern Song Dynasty by people in history. Then let's look at the Southern Song Dynasty, which you advocated, with a high standard of living for the people."

"The ancient methods of carving and peeling are all prepared in this dynasty."

"That's what Zhu Xi said."

"The husband works hard to grow and suffers from hunger, but the old woman works hard to weave and has no clothes."

"It was written by Xu Zhao, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty."

"Even Song Xiaozong, the second emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, himself admitted that the Song Dynasty had heavy taxes and the people's lives were hard. I really don't know where you got the courage to say that the people in the Song Dynasty had a high standard of living?"


Zha Tao retorted loudly:
"I'm asking you to say that, so why are so many scholars, even many university scholars, talking about the Song Dynasty so well, and almost boasting about the Song Dynasty?!"

"You said it?! You said it?!"

Lin Chen sneered and said:
"What's the hurry? I'm about to give you a lesson."

"The reason is very simple, that is because they are all literati."

"But every literati yearns for the Song Dynasty, whether it is a real literati with real talents and learning, or a fake literati who has not read much but thinks he is very educated."

While talking, Lin Chen cast a disdainful look at Zha Tao.

"The literati in the Song Dynasty had a high status, so the so-called punishment could not be punished by a doctor. The cost of doing bad things for the gentry group is simply not too low!"

"During the 300 years of the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties, land annexation was serious, a large number of people were displaced, and peasant uprisings continued one after another. Even in the rich and prosperous Jiangnan, there was a character like Fang La. If people are really rich, how can there be people constantly? Rebellion? Is "Water Margin" made up out of thin air?"

"The fundamental reason is that the imperial court indulged the gentry class. These people oppressed ordinary people to the utmost. The key point is that the behavior of these people was still legal in the society at that time!"

"In the mouths of many literati, the cities of the Song Dynasty were developed, the people were rich, the speech was free, and the laws were perfect. People who say such things are either stupid or bad!"

"Are the cities in the Song Dynasty really developed? Indeed, Bianjing depicted in "A Picture of Shanghe During the Qingming Festival" is indeed prosperous and prosperous, but at your level, you must not know how the economic system of the Song Dynasty worked."

"The economic system of the Song Dynasty, especially in the Southern Song Dynasty, was to support a city with the strength of a country."

"Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty and Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty are indeed paradise on earth, with everything to eat, drink and play, and even takeaway services have appeared."

"But this is based on Zhao Kuangyin's policy in the early years to prevent the region from becoming bigger and posing a threat to the imperial court, so he asked the region to send all the necessary expenses to the capital Bianjing. of."

"Yes, the big capital cities are indeed prosperous economically, with music every night, but the local cities have tightened their belts, and food and clothing are problematic, let alone further development and construction!"

"You have used all the resources of a country. As the capital, you must be earning a lot of money. Is it justified if it is not prosperous?"

"As for what it looks like outside the city walls of the capital? You might as well ask the painters of the Song Dynasty why they only painted the capital Bianjing? Why didn't they paint the cities outside? Is it because there is not enough drawing paper? Probably not."

"The taxation of the Song Dynasty was the heaviest in history! Chao Shuozhi, an official of the Northern Song Dynasty, once said: 'Song Fu, service, ten times that of Han;' I did not make up this statement, it was recorded in Song History."

"In addition to the basic land tax, which is paid twice a year, there are also various salt taxes, shoe taxes, farm tool taxes, foot money, public money, etc. There are dozens of taxes!"

"Only you can't think of it, no court dare not accept it."

"This is a tax, which accounts for almost half of the annual income of the people of the Song Dynasty."

"By the way, there is also a poll tax, which adult men have to pay. If you don't want to do corvee or do coolies, then you have to pay more."

"Besides that, there are various principles. Have you read "Water Margin?"

"As for freedom of speech in the Song Dynasty? Let me ask you, why was Su Dongpo demoted?"

"Have you heard of the Wutai poetry case?"

"The so-called not being convicted for words is only aimed at a small group of speech officials. Aren't the cases of Huang Tingjian's stele and Chang Anmin's letter case all guilty of words? Husband', nearly fell to the ground!"

"You don't know these "basic" historical knowledge, do you? Great writer?"

At this moment, Zha Tao was completely dumbfounded. What Lin Chen said and the poems and historical materials he quoted were far beyond his cognition.

The only thing he can do now is to accept Lin Chen's dimensionality reduction blow with astonishment.

Lin Chen didn't intend to let him go, and continued:
"Su Shi, Huang Tingjian and others are still considered gentry class, even if they are talking nonsense, they will get into trouble, let alone ordinary people?"

"Do you know what the Imperial City Secretary of the Song Dynasty does? That's the Jinyiwei of the Song Dynasty! I don't need to say more about what it does?"

"As for the perfection of laws in the Song Dynasty, that's even more of a joke."

"The laws of the Song Dynasty can be said to be fully biased towards the gentry class."

"The law of the Song Dynasty stipulates that if a tenant offends the owner, he will be given a higher level than ordinary people; if the main offender is below the stick, it will not matter; if the tenant is above the pedestal, the ordinary person will be lowered."

"You probably don't understand, let me translate it for you."

"It means that as long as the tenant farmers dare to do things that harm the interests of the landlords, they will all be punished!"

"However, if the landlord injures the tenant farmer, he will be exempted from liability if the punishment is less than the rod!"

"Those who have been sentenced to more than imprisonment will be punished with a lower grade of execution. Don't you think it's funny?"

"The law of the Song Dynasty, on the other hand, was tolerant of the scholar-bureaucrat class, but it was harsh to ordinary people."

"All in all, in the Song Dynasty, landlords and rich people, relatives of the emperor, and literati and gentry, these groups did have a good life."

"But traffickers, fishermen, craftsmen, the days of the Song Dynasty can only be described as miserable."

"It's no wonder why many so-called literati are so yearning for the Song Dynasty, because in the Song Dynasty, literati could really run amok and oppress the people!"

"It's still the same sentence, those who can praise the Song Dynasty are either stupid or bad!"

"Papa. Papa."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, the teacher on the podium couldn't help applauding.

"Wonderful! It's amazing!"

"I didn't expect it! Young people nowadays, there are people like this classmate who can study history so thoroughly!"

"Student, what's your name? Which major are you in?"

"My name is Lin Chen, from the Software Engineering Department."

The teacher was slightly taken aback.

"Can software engineering students know so much about history? A child can be taught, a child can be taught!"

"Lin Chen. I will remember this name."

"Everyone, when we study history, we must be like this classmate Lin. We must go through serious and serious research, all-round, and multi-faceted scrutiny, like this student Lin. We must not rely on our own half-knowledge for a complex piece of history. History, draw conclusions hastily!"

When the teacher said this, he glanced at Zha Tao in the front row.

"Student Lin Chen's remarks on the living standards of the people in the Song Dynasty are completely in line with the conclusions of today's historians. She quoted classics, her thinking is clear, and she is knowledgeable. It is no exaggeration to say that her remarks just now have surpassed many colleges and universities. History teacher!"

"Even so, she still sits modestly in this classroom and listens to what others have to say. With this humility alone, please applaud Lin Chen!"

In the huge lecture hall, bursts of applause erupted in an instant.

From the moment Lin Chen entered the classroom, with her stunning beauty, she had already attracted the attention of all the students.

After the wonderful debate just now, everyone present was even more impressed by her talent.

"I didn't expect that! Lin Chen, the flower of the software department, is actually a talented woman who is proficient in history?! I can't tell!"

"Yeah, during the military training, I was just attracted by her beauty and her dancing posture, and thought she was just a vase! I was wrong!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you are beautiful, but your knowledge is so profound. It's really irritating to compare people to others!"

"Yes! God is so unfair!"

"Hahaha, that pushy guy, Cha Tao, right? He wanted to pretend to be aggressive in front of the goddess, but he couldn't, and was killed instead. I laughed so hard!"

"It's ridiculous to be a great writer. With this level, how can you have the courage to write a book?"

"I guess it's because you can't even sign the contract, right?"

"They don't understand, and they like to show off, and they like to cook and play. This kind of person is the most annoying!"

"Hey, I already took a picture of that part just now, and it will be uploaded on the Internet later, it will definitely be another wave of traffic!"

"Tsk! I took the picture too! I took it first! You are not allowed to spread it, otherwise it will be an infringement!"


"Oh, stop arguing, you post on Biz, I post on Weibo, you post posts, you post Douyin, isn't that enough?"

 Thanks to Edogawa Ke Nan for the reward!Thanks for the support!

(End of this chapter)

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