Military training starts, my operation show turns the whole audience

Chapter 125 The welcome party is about to begin!

Chapter 125 The welcome party is about to begin!
What's under the girl's skirt?
I believe this is a puzzle that all normal-oriented men are fascinated by.

And right now, this student from Tianhe University of Finance and Economics, Jin Xidao, from Nanbangguo, is infinitely approaching the truth of this puzzle.

Unfortunately, it is only infinitely close.

As if time stood still, Jin Xidao opened his eyes wide the moment Lin Chen stepped out, concentrated all his energy, and focused his gaze on Lin Chen's plaid skirt fluttering in the wind.

"Higher! Higher!"

The narrow-eyed man shouted crazily in his heart.

He had never been so concentrated in his life, so that he didn't even notice whether Lin Chen's feet were running towards the board in his hand.

He only saw the long, slender, white legs wrapped in silk stockings suddenly lift their knees, turn their hips, and kick out, the girl's mysterious zone that has been covered by the pleated plaid skirt is about to come out!

"Hurry up and kick it out!!!"

"I can't wait any longer!"

I saw that white thigh wrapped in silk stockings lifted higher and higher, and at that eternal moment, time seemed to stand still.

"I see! I see!"

"That's black safety pants???"



"Damn Xia people!"


"Which guy who killed a thousand swords invented safety pants?!"

Feeling very upset at any time, but Jin Xidao has no chance to think about this issue carefully.

In the next second, the black soles of the beautiful girl's uniform boots came towards her, and the yellow-haired squinted eyes felt black before her eyes, and then there was no more.

A violent impact hit his already flat face firmly, leaving an obvious black shoe print.

Squinting his nose, which was originally not high, was tilted to one side at a strange angle, and his chin was the same, tilted in the same direction as his nose.

In the next second, bright red blood gushed out of his nasal cavity and mouth, painting half of his face red.

Lin Chen's move is a classic technique in Sanda, stepping forward and kicking sideways.


A thick muffled sound echoed near the campus monument, and even the audience in Lin Chen's live broadcast room could hear it clearly.

All the onlookers were stunned.

what's the situation?
What happened? !
Lin Chen even covered his mouth, pretending to be pale, and exclaimed in a sweet voice;

"Senior, yes. I'm sorry!"

"I, me, me. I didn't do it on purpose!"

"You lifted the board too high for my feet to reach, so I accidentally kicked you in the face."

"Senior, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Lin Chen pretended to be concerned and ran over.

Just based on the distorted nose and chin on the opponent's face, Lin Chen can conclude that this guy's nose bridge and chin bone have been destroyed.

With such a face, I am afraid that Nanbang Ouba's idol halo will not be able to save him.

There was an instant explosion in the live broadcast room.

"Hahahaha, that's it?!"

"Long experience, really long experience."

"A black belt in taekwondo was kicked bloody by a little girl? Am I right?!"

"Screen recording, screen recording, such a good show can't be missed!"

"I said, isn't that man just pretending for dramatic effect?"

"No way? The blood on his face is also a dramatic effect?"

"Damn it, I can't see it, our Orange Goddess is so powerful?"

"Sanda, Goddess Jubi has practiced Sanda!"

"I just practice Sanda, just now, the taste of Sanda is too strong!"

"Really? The goddess is still a martial artist?"

"I'll go, not only is he beautiful, but he can also fight? I love it!"

"Prickly roses are the best!"

"There is an image of the heroine in the martial arts novel!"

"Users come to split melons every day to give away skyscrapers*1!"

"It deserves it! Why do you want to see my orange goddess disappear? This kind of thing, kick him to death!"

"So happy, so happy!"

"Hey, if you can see the bottom of the orange goddess's skirt, what's the harm in being kicked?!"

"Woooooo Goddess kick me kick me!"

. . . . . .

Lin Chen looked at Jin Xidao lying on the ground with a "concerned" expression, and asked repeatedly:
"Senior, are you alright?"

"Although it was a mistake, I didn't use much force in that kick just now. It should be fine, right?"

Hearing this, Jin Xidao endured the severe pain and tried his best to say that he was fine, but the severe pain in his jaw made him unable to speak, so he could only nod desperately.

I'm fine!

Just now this is a big deal!
I can take ten more blows! ! !
. . . . . . . .

After this battle, the Taekwondo Association of the University of Finance and Economics was completely popular.

Previously, in the recruiting session of the club during the military training, it was only embarrassing in front of freshmen, but this time, it was embarrassing in the live broadcast room with over one million popularity under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Soon, the Taekwondo Association of the University of Finance and Economics became a hot search term on the Internet.

The Taekwondo black belt president was kicked in the face by a girl live!

Beep, Douyin, and Weibo are all covered by this video.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the ridicule that has been attracted.

In particular, Tianhe University of Finance and Economics has an official account on Bizhan and Weibo.

Netizens who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement have left messages under the various feeds of the official account of the University of Finance and Economics, expressing their ridicule in their hearts.

"This guy can't have kidney deficiency, can he? He was kicked like this by a girl!"

"Hahahaha Da Nan Bang's national skill, I laughed so hard!"

"To be honest, I have also practiced Taekwondo before, and I have been kicked on the head a lot, but it is not enough to be kicked like this?"

"The most important thing is, this guy still wears a black belt around his waist! Isn't this black belt too watery?"

This video was so widely worn that it even alarmed the taekwondo team members of the national team.

"@天河财经大学, is the black belt of your school's Taekwondo Association really obtained through a grade test? The authenticity is doubtful!"

Some students who were oppressed by the Taekwondo Association of the University of Finance and Economics all went to Weibo to complain:

"The guy who was kicked into a pig's head in the video is an overseas student from Nanbangguo!"

"This guy claims to be the national team of the South China National Basketball Association. He's from the Tigers. He's an orthodox Taekwondo black belt!"

"As soon as this guy came to our school, he became the president of our school's Taekwondo Association by air, without going through any selection process!"

"Not only do they occupy a large amount of training resources in our school, but they also crowd out other combat sports clubs!"

"Fuck, is there such a thing?"

"A mere university club, where does the courage come from?"

"Bah! A weak chicken society, really takes itself seriously?!"

"@天河财经大学, does your school really not take the rights and interests of domestic students seriously?!"

"Does the senior management of the University of Finance and Economics have any PY transactions with this club?"

"I can't stand it anymore, my fist is hard!"

"@天河财经大学, why does your school tolerate such an arrogant and domineering association?!"

. . . . . .

In the office of the principal of the University of Finance and Economics, the principal Liu Huaqiang slammed the desk in front of him, and the teacups on the table almost flew up.

"Damn it, it's a disgrace!"

Principal Liu's mood at the moment is really extremely bad.

The previous two waves of girls spread rumors on the Internet for no reason, and were taken away by the people from the Cloud Network Security Department, which has already caused great damage to the reputation of the University of Finance and Economics.

Now what the hell is going on like this.

Have I not watched the almanac recently or what?
Suppressing the anger in his heart, Liu Huaqiang signed a document on the dissolution of the Taekwondo Association.

"I really made a wrong step, wrong step!"

"I really shouldn't have anything to do with Xu!"

The reason why the University of Finance and Economics was so protective of the Taekwondo Association before was to be precise because it was protecting this Nan Bangzi named Jin Xidao, not because of anything else, but simply because Xu Shuqing, the president of the student union, took a fancy to this Nan Bangzi.

And Xu Shuqing's father contributed a lot to the construction of the University of Finance and Economics. To put it bluntly, it was purely a relationship of interest.

Now that Xu Shuqing from the student union has already entered, why am I so full that I still keep these bastards?

It must be disbanded!
That night, the documents stamped with the school seal were posted.

"Hahaha I laughed so hard!"

In dormitory 203, Jiang Changgeng and others watched the video of Jin Xidao being kicked into a pig's head by Lin Chen in front of the computer screen and laughed non-stop.

"Brother Chen, this kick is handsome! Is this also a move in Sanda?"


Lin Chen nodded, and took out a bottle of Sprite from the pile of snacks beside him. After deflated, he took a sip.

"This is a classic move in Sanda, stepping up and kicking sideways."

I haven't finished the snacks and drinks I got from Tianhe Longge last time.

"Fuck, it's amazing! I want to learn it too!"

"By the way, Brother Chen, let me ask you something?"

"Speak up if you have something to say, and let go of your fart if you have something to say."

"That's right. The jk you wore at noon is so beautiful, it's really not enough buddy just to show that Nan Bangzi!"

"That's right, Brother Chen, the three of us haven't seen it up close yet! How about wearing it once and showing us?"

Deng Jun and Hua Chengfeng also echoed with squinting smiles.

After Lin Chen finished his business in the afternoon, he went back to the dormitory and of course changed back into a camouflage uniform.

Looking at the three LSPs in front of him, Lin Chen shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, seeing that you are still cooperating during this period of time, I will let you feast your eyes on it."


The three of Jiang Changgeng let out cheers of victory.

"By the way, Brother Chen, send the Buddha to the west, a good person will do it to the end, since you have to wear it, how about meeting our requirements?"

"Requirements? What else do you want?"

Lin Chen looked at the three grandsons warily.

Based on his understanding of these three grandsons, there must be nothing good!
"That's right. I really want to learn that side kick. Brother Chen, can you put on that JK and demonstrate it to me again? Put on the stockings too."


"Also, don't wear safety pants!"

"This anti-human invention, throw it away!"

"Go away!!!"

"Do you want me to put on that suit and let you experience for yourself the feeling of a broken jaw?!"

Although Lin Chen also hated things like safety pants, it was for him as a boy.

In the case of wearing women's clothing, I refuse to be seen naked under the skirt! ! !

The next day, September NO.15, was the last day of military training.

After half a month of training, the time to review the training results has finally arrived.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the sun was just right, and the freshmen gathered on time. In the stands of Changsheng Stadium, the principal, school leaders, and a group of instructors had all arrived, and the military parade was also played through the loudspeakers on the stadium.

"Hello students!"

"Hi principal!!!"

"The students have worked hard!"

"Serve the people!!!"

After the principal inspected, the chief instructor picked up the loudspeaker and said loudly:
"Column start!"

"Go together-go!"

Following the orders of the instructors, one after another, the phalanxes passed the reviewing platform one by one with precise steps, showing the results of the half-month training.

"To the right - look!!!"


The neat goose steps stepped on the runway of the stadium one by one, making a sound of stepping.

Even if you close your eyes and just listen to the sound of the steps, you can tell that the queue is walking very neatly.

The instructors looked at the phalanx passing under the stands one by one, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Especially when the phalanx from the Technical Class [-] of the Software College passed by, all the onlookers were stunned.

I saw a girl with short hair holding her head high and her chest high, walking in front as a pacesetter. She was heroic, her eyes were sharp, her right hand was raised high in salute, her left hand followed the pace of her feet, following the rhythm of the military parade march, she took a flawless goose step, leading the The square team behind them walked slowly.

Even the chief instructor who had high requirements for the military parade couldn't help nodding in praise.

"It's a good walk. It took half a month to practice like this. It's amazing, it's amazing!"

The principal and several school leaders also nodded:

"Well, I didn't expect that the team from the School of Software performed so well. Director Li, let me see. For the front page photos of our school's military training report, let's use the photos of the Technical Class [-] of the School of Software. Tell them to take more pictures. "

One morning, after the review was over, the principal stood on the stand and delivered a speech. The instructors who had been with him day and night were about to say goodbye. In the audience, many students silently wiped their tears.

But Lin Chen doesn't have time to be sentimental here, he has more important things to do.

After the review, he and Ji Yao hurried to the Mirror Lake Theater without having time to eat, and made final preparations for the evening's welcome party with the girls from the dance club.

"Yaoyao, Lin Chen, are you here? Come on, come on, let's hurry up and rehearse!"

President Yang Qiuyue greeted.

The welcome party starts at 09:30 p.m. and ends at [-]:[-], a total of two and a half hours.

Although it is only one o'clock in the noon, it is still early for the party to start, but there are already many people in the Jinghu Grand Theater, not only the dance club, but also other students who have programs at the party, all rushed to the party, everyone looked very nervous, They are all hurrying to make final preparations for the evening performance.

In a blink of an eye, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. In the backstage lounge, Yang Qiuyue was making the final mobilization with the members.

"Everyone, the time to test the results of our half-month practice is coming!"

 Thanks to book friend 854***355; Xi Xiaole's monthly pass!Thanks for the support!

(End of this chapter)

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