Chapter 849 Full Attack
"As General Dennis said just now, if our army captures the Khanate of Shayer, your country will definitely resist to the death." Lin Yifan said solemnly, "For the sake of the millions of people in your country, I hope the general can assist our army to take down Shayer Khanate." Iyer Khanate."

"Haha!" Dennis couldn't stop laughing, "Even if I surrender and get captured, I won't surrender to your country. Does Your Majesty think that I will agree to such a treasonous act?"

Lin Yifan looked at him coldly, and said with a sneer: "Of course I know the general will not agree, but this time, I am not here to persuade you, but to blackmail you."

Dennis' face sank slightly, "What does your majesty mean?"

"Hmph, as I said before, after this battle, all 30 captives of your country are in my hands, and their lives and deaths depend entirely on the general's thoughts."

Dennis's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Lin Yifan angrily, "Your Majesty, your country has always prided itself on benevolence and righteousness. If you kill and surrender, it will definitely arouse the hearts of all countries. Your country will also lose its reputation."

"Hey, the benevolence and righteousness in our country are only for friends. For the enemy, there is only cruelty." Lin Yifan said in a deep voice, "This time, your country has raised unjust soldiers, and you are still talking about benevolence and righteousness with me? What a joke!"

With that said, Lin Yifan walked to the table, picked up a letter, and said with a cold snort: "I'm not afraid to tell the general that I'm not interested in your country's land during this western expedition. But in order to eradicate future troubles, I'm going to go to Issue a kill order."

Lin Yifan walked up to Dennis and stuffed the letter into his hands, "The so-called extermination order means that our army will implement a scorched earth strategy on your country's territory, and all people and things will be wiped out. From then on , the thousands of miles of the Shayier Khanate will become a blank land."

Dennis' face was pale, and he looked at the bloody letter in his hand tremblingly. Finally, he couldn't help it, and collapsed on the ground, "Your Majesty, please, please let the people of the Khanate go, they are innocent."

"Under the war, who is not innocent, and who should not die?" Lin Yifan looked at him coldly, "General Dennis, you are the only one who can save them now, I hope you think twice."

Dennis let out a long sigh, and tore the letter into pieces, "I hope that your Majesty will obey you."

More than ten days later, the captives of the Khanate who were doing hard labor in various places were escorted one after another. After some screening, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were gathered and belonged to Dennis.

Then the army set off and finally stepped into the land of the motherland.But this time, instead of returning, they betrayed.However, they have no choice.Once the Tianhua army is betrayed, not only hundreds of thousands of captives will die, but also the entire Khanate people will face annihilation.

What's more, they only have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and they can't control the situation at all. Even if they choose to flee to their homeland, they can only watch the Khanate fall.

Only by fully assisting the Tianhua Army and maintaining the stability of the occupied area can the common people suffer less from the war. Even if they are cast aside by the people of the country, they can only bear it silently.

In mid-October, the Tianhua Army, which had assembled more than 20 troops in the Wahada area, finally launched a full-scale attack on the Shayer Khanate.

At this time, Ulutus had fled back to the capital city of Alabak, and there were less than [-] remnants around him.Coupled with the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the capital, the total force is not even [-].

Just above the court hall, amidst chaos.The new bad news came that the Tianhua army actually crossed the Tianji Pass, counterattacked into the territory of the Khanate, and occupied the three major governor-generals in the east in one fell swoop. The intention was very obvious.

Ulutu panicked immediately, and at the same time mobilized soldiers and horses from the south, west and north defense areas to help, and at the same time sent envoys to the Western Regions to seek peace.

However, before the envoys came to the Western Regions, the Tianhua Army took another action and aggressively attacked the central part of the Khanate.

With the previous lessons, Ulutus did not dare to rely on the city wall to hold on.One must know that the hot air balloons of the Tianhua Army can completely cross the city wall and bombard the city crazily.

More importantly, after this defeat, thousands of artillery pieces from the coalition forces fell into the hands of the Tianhua Army.With thousands of artillery pieces, even the city of Alabak could not stop the repeated bombardments of the Tianhua Army.

There was no other way, Ulutus could only order the people in the capital to migrate to the east, and he could only rely on the vast Aral Sea and the steep terrain around it to block the advance of the Tianhua Army.

Only in this way, most of the territory of the Shayier Khanate will be abandoned, leaving only the six governor-generals.But the situation is such that it is no longer up to Ulutus to choose.

Just when the Sayyer Khanate was facing a crisis of national subjugation, the situation in the southern Ukanr Kingdom was even more unoptimistic.

With the death of Sultan Mudan, the princes fought for the position of Sultan in full swing.Even if the Tianhua Army occupied the Kemir Heights, no one cared.

At this time, the Tianhua Army finally moved, and 15 troops came to the capital of Koradi.The princes fled in a hurry, and the capital of Wukaner was quickly captured by the Tianhua Army, and they occupied the three surrounding provinces in one fell swoop.

Finally, in the face of the fear of foreign enemies, the princes finally reached a compromise and formed the Wukaner Allied Army, gathering less than 20 troops to fight against the Tianhua Army.

The military situation of the two sides was quickly delivered to Lin Yifan.After careful consideration, he decided to continue his offensive against the Shayier Khanate until he completely captured the city of Alabak.

The Wukaner Kingdom, on the other hand, suspended its offensive and stood firm on Koradi City.At the same time, Lin Yifan will send envoys to negotiate with Wukaner, promising not to retaliate against Wukaner.But the territory currently occupied by Tianhua will no longer be owned by Wukaner.

Just as the Tianhua Army was advancing like a broken bamboo, an envoy was sent by the Xijinlang Khanate in the north.

When the envoy of Xijinlang saw Lin Yifan, he made a condition that he could not refuse.Sadhan is willing to exchange the Beiting Grassland for the territory of the Shayier Khanate.

Lin Yifan didn't dare to agree directly, and after temporarily letting the envoy go down to rest, he immediately ordered someone to bring the map, and compared it while thinking about the pros and cons.

There is no doubt that the Beiting grassland is sparsely populated and bordering on the bitter cold, its value is not as good as the territory of the Shayier Khanate.

However, winning the Beiting Grassland would also be of great benefit to Tian Hua.Without the Western Golden Wolf Khanate entrenched in the north, it will undoubtedly ensure the safety of the Western Regions and connect the Western Regions as a whole.

As for the Sayyer Khanate, although Lin Yifan coveted it, he was not very willing to annex it.For one thing, this place is too far away from the Central Plains, and if we want to control this vast territory, we need to invest more manpower and material resources.Tianhua's war in the south has just ended, so there is not so much human and financial resources invested here.

What's more, the Shayier Khanate not only has a population of more than [-] million, but its race is far from that of the East, which is not conducive to integration at all.Once it is absorbed, it will eventually be a hidden danger for future generations.

(End of this chapter)

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