Chapter 801 Battle for Yuling

In early April, the Eternal Army finally arrived at the Tuolingjiang Naval Station. After several days of transportation, the entire army was finally sent to the north bank.

With an order, more than 20 eternal coalition troops began to step into the deep mountains and dense forests.This coalition army consisting of tens of thousands of Eternal Army and one hundred thousand Cloud Summoning Army has no fear of high mountains and dense forests. One generation has lived on the plateau, and the other has lived in the depths of the southern mountains. The ability to climb mountains and mountains is naturally very skilled.And this is why Tuo Muxiong chose to break through here.

While the Eternal Army was detouring in the dense forest, the battle at Yuling Pass was also in full swing.After a month of shelling, the walls of Yuling Pass have become incomplete, and there are broken walls everywhere.

During this period, after each shelling, the Tianhua Army would organize its troops to attack Yuling Pass.The musketeers approached the pass wall, braved the opponent's artillery fire and explosives, and formed a scattered array, relying on the terrain to launch shooting, killing and injuring the enemy's vital forces.

Although due to the terrain, only a thousand troops were deployed each time, but through continuous attacks, the Tianyun Army suffered heavy casualties. In just one month, nearly ten thousand soldiers died under artillery fire and gunfire.

Even so, Ma Kuiming still ordered the army to stick to the ruins and stop the Tianhua Army.Behind Yuling Pass, a new pass has been erected.This will become Ma Kuiming's second line of defense against the Tianhua Army. Before this line of defense is completed, he must hold on to this ruined Yuling Pass.

As time passed, Zheng Han felt both admiration and anger at Tian Yun's tenacious resistance.He originally wanted to use this battle to win Tianyun first.As long as he gets the merit of destroying the country, he will be granted the title of duke.You know, because he was unable to participate in the Battle of the Central Plains a few years ago, he could only sit back and watch Qin Yuanhao and Hou Mingfeng, who used to be his equals, both obtain the title of duke.And he is still just a superior waiting, subservient to them.No matter what, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Finally, in this battle to destroy Tianyun, Lin Yifan put the main force on his side, hoping that he could take Tianyun directly and make great achievements.On the other hand, Qin Yuanhao acted as a restraint, firmly holding back Zhang Yi's army.

At this moment, Zheng Han was already very anxious. If Qin Yuanhao could not break the situation here, but allowed Qin Yuanhao to defeat Zhang Yijun and enter Tianyun's heart, then the achievement of destroying the country would belong to others.

Therefore, he issued an order for a decisive battle. In any case, Yuling Pass must be captured within ten days.

The artillery began to be erected less than one mile away from Yuling Pass, risking being bombarded by the opponent to strengthen artillery suppression.Then the musketeers rushed under the wall and started shooting with the opponent's archers.The spear soldiers and sword and shield soldiers took the opportunity to leap up the broken wall and start a desperate struggle with the Tianyun army.

All of a sudden, arrows rained down, muskets blared, swords intersected, and there was a huge roar from time to time, blood and flesh spattered.The battle lasted from morning to evening.On the broken wall, there are broken corpses everywhere, and the blood is stained with remnants.In the end, under the indiscriminate attack of the Tianyun Army using artillery regardless of the cost, the Tianhua Army had to retreat temporarily.

In this day's battle alone, the number of casualties reached tens of thousands.The Tianhua Army, which had suffered minor casualties, also suffered nearly 4000 casualties in this battle, a total of more than one month's casualties.

Zheng Han looked at the battle damage report in his hand, and couldn't help but tremble slightly. Although the 4000 troops compared to the 30 army were nothing more than a drop in the bucket.But he still felt very heartbroken, but that's the way war is, you can't help being soft-hearted.

On the second day, the Tianhua Army launched a strong attack again, vowing to fight the Tianyun Army to the end.With the experience of the previous battle, the number of casualties on the second day finally dropped.While killing more enemy troops, try to protect yourself as much as possible.It is the basic requirement of Tianhua Army training.After each battle, everyone must summarize the experience and lessons learned in the battle to their superiors, and finally gather in the commander's account, and hand it over to the staff for analysis, and finally make corresponding arrangements.

On the other hand, the Tianyun Army did not have this tradition. After nearly [-] casualties, they found that the number of casualties on the other side was getting smaller and smaller, while their own side was getting more and more, and their morale plummeted.The generals have requested to withdraw from Yuling Pass and go to Xinguan to garrison. At least Xinguan can withstand the enemy's charge.

Hearing these discouraged words, Ma Kuiming couldn't help being furious, and immediately ordered his men to drag out these generals who feared war and cut them down.Then he ordered the army to continue to stick to Yuling Pass and not to retreat.

It wasn't that he didn't want to retreat, but that Xinguan was far less solid than Yuling Pass. If he retreated to Xinguan, the time he could last would be even worse than this dilapidated piece of broken walls.The new pass can only be used as the last pass, blocking the Tianhua army for a while.It's just delaying time for the withdrawal of the army.

What's more, Ma Kuiming has already learned that the Eternal Army is rushing to the rear of Fengzhou, and now he must stick to Yuling Pass to buy time for the Eternal Army to outflank the Tianhua Army's rear.No matter how heavy the casualties are, we must persevere to the end.

Day after day, corpses littered Yuling Pass, and blood flowed into streams.Seven days have passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, the Tianhua Army lost nearly 2 horses, while the Tianyun Army lost more than 6 horses.Yuling Pass has been turned into ruins, and the troops of both sides are fighting fiercely in this pile of rubble.

In the end, the Tianyun army couldn't hold on any longer. After a defeat, Ma Kuiming had to lead his army to retreat, and set up city defenses at Xinguan to stand ready.

On the same day, the Chinese army rushed to the new pass, looking at the pass, their morale was slightly depressed.Originally thought that this battle was about to be won, but I didn't expect that the next level will be established after the level, when will this be the end?

Zheng Han also didn't expect that Tianyun built a pass in the past month or so. Although it looks rather simple, it is still a pass after all, and its defensive capabilities cannot be underestimated.At the same time, I was also annoyed for a while. I originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but I didn't expect that the war seemed to have returned to the original point.

There is no way, Zheng Han can only order the army to stop here, set up artillery again, and start bombing Xinguan.Although Xinguan is not as good as Yulingguan, it still takes some time to smash down the pass wall.He was extremely anxious at this moment, and if he continued like this, Qin Yuanhao might have already won the victory.

At this time, Zheng Han did not expect at all that behind them, a large army finally walked out of the high mountains and dense forests and arrived at Longshan County in the southwest of Fengzhou.Under the onslaught of the Eternal Army, all the counties along the route were lost. There were only less than [-] defenders stationed in the county towns. In addition to Fengzhou Xinde, the hearts of the people were not attached.No matter how brave the [-] Tianhua defenders are, they are still no match for the opponent's superiority in strength.In the end, all the Tianhua defenders were killed and the county was captured by the Eternal Army under the cooperation of the nobles and nobles in the city.

However, what the nobles who dedicated the city did not expect was that the Eternal Army didn't care about their surrender at all, and indulged the entire army in looting, burning and killing that night, alleviating the pain of the ten days of hard trek.

After one night, the county town was turned into a sea of ​​flames, and tens of thousands of people survived.

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(End of this chapter)

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