Chapter 797 Procrastination
At the beginning of December, Bai Yunyi, who couldn't wait for Tianhua's promise, suddenly panicked.Although Tianhua has not taken any action so far, but the series of conditions proposed before for losing power and humiliating the country have not been responded to, so Tianhua's army may invade Tianyun at any time.

Therefore, he immediately sent envoys to Huayuan City, hoping to actively facilitate this agreement and buy time for Tianyun.During this period, he had to continue to maintain a huge army to guard against Tianhua's invasion.But now that the wartime control has been removed, various supplies in the army have begun to become a little tense.If the troops cannot be reduced as soon as possible, they can only collect taxes from the people again.And this is undoubtedly a disaster for the people of Tianyun.It is extremely unfavorable for him to stabilize the domestic situation.

Soon, in late December, the envoy of Tianyun finally arrived in Huayuan, requesting to meet Emperor Tianhua.

But at this time, it was reported that Emperor Tianhua had suddenly contracted an illness and was bedridden, so it was inconvenient for him to meet with him.Only Xie Ming, the vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was arranged to negotiate with him.

The entire negotiation lasted for more than ten days, and Tianhua added many conditions on the original basis.There are many direct attacks on Tianyun's lifeline, and the Tianyun envoy has to argue with them and try their best to reduce Tianyun's loss.

However, the intent of preliminary negotiations is considered settled.But after submitting it to Jiang Yunchuan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, another change was made, which wasted six or seven days.

Then it was submitted to the cabinet for discussion. As a result, the cabinet members were very divided and debated endlessly for nearly half a month.

The Tianyun envoy waited anxiously, urging him every day.However, Tianhua officials asked him to wait patiently. After the cabinet deliberated, he had to submit it to His Majesty the Emperor for a final decision.

At this time, the Tianyun envoy finally understood that Tianhua had no sincerity in negotiating.What he is doing now is simply delaying time.I'm afraid Tianhua has already begun to dispatch troops and prepare for war.

Therefore, the envoy of Tianyun hurriedly wrote a letter, ordering people to quickly send his judgment to Floating Cloud City and submit it to His Majesty, so that he can quickly strengthen his combat preparations to welcome the coming of the war.

Just as the envoy Tianyun expected, during this period, Tianhua was secretly dispatching troops. 15 troops stationed in various parts of the Central Plains began to gather in Leizhou.There are also 20 reserve soldiers from all over the north who are rushing to Quyang Pass in Shazhou to join Zheng Han's troops.

At this time, Tian Yun was also anxiously waiting for the messenger's reply.It's already a cold winter, and the demand for supplies is increasing, whether it is the military or the civilians.Due to the lack of food and clothing, there are already many villages among the people, and people have died of freezing and starvation, which has caused turmoil in various parts of the country.

Bai Yunyi also wanted to persuade them to donate a batch of food and supplies from the dignitaries to relieve their urgent needs.But what he didn't expect was that these dignitaries, relying on their support, didn't pay attention to him as the emperor at all, and they just refused to share a little food and supplies.

In this regard, Bai Yunyi has nothing to do. He can't afford to offend these dignitaries.Now that he has just ascended to the throne, his position is not yet stable, and he urgently needs the support of all the powerful.

In order to solve the problem of redundant troops, Bai Yunyi proposed to reduce the number of troops, which was undoubtedly opposed by everyone.It's a joke, now that they have managed to control part of the military power, how can they be allowed to be weakened?What's more, now that Tianhua's intentions are unclear, how can he abolish his martial arts at this time?
Therefore, Bai Yunyi bluntly said that the imperial court no longer has a huge supply of food, grass, and supplies. If the ministers want to maintain their military strength, they should solve the military supply problem by themselves.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, what?The soldiers and horses of the imperial court were even allowed to be raised by themselves, why?Besides, how could they afford such a huge force?

Anyway, in the end, the officials decided to abolish 40 old and weak and maintain [-] troops.After Tianhua agrees to the agreement, it will be abolished.Although this move can't solve the problem, it can finally alleviate the predicament a little bit, and Bai Yunyi can only agree first.

As for the common people, we can only let them endure for the time being, and then appease them after Tian Yun gets through this crisis.

Time soon came to January, and the letter sent from Tianhua finally arrived in Floating Cloud City.When Bai Yunyi read the contents of the letter, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Bai Yunyi hurriedly convened a court meeting to discuss this matter.The ministers are also helpless about this, for example, there is a huge disparity between the national power of Yun and Tianhua today.Coupled with these days of slack, the country is not yet ready for a battle with Tianhua.

What made everyone even more troublesome was that, even though Tian Yun could resist Tian Hua's large-scale mobilization of troops this time, he couldn't last long.Because of the lack of military supplies, it is no longer enough to support their long-term resistance.During the negotiation, everyone thought that Tianhua would definitely accept Tianyun's conditions, so that they no longer limited the military's expenses, and even some dignitaries secretly embezzled the military supplies.

The food, grass, and materials that the military can support now are less than three months old.Once sold out, it will collapse across the board.

Bai Yunyi once again asked the dignitaries to donate money, food and materials to relieve the national crisis.But everyone talked about him one after another, and didn't answer his faults at all. Bai Yunyi was so angry that he roared sharply above the hall, but it was still of no avail.

Although very angry, but the preparations that should be made, still have to be done.Bai Yunyi immediately sent an order to Zhang Yi and Ma Kuiming, ordering them to prepare a countermeasure.At the same time, all the treasuries were used to transport the materials to the northern camp where Ma Kuiming was located.As for Zhang Yi, now that he has divided the three counties, he is like a country within a country, and Bai Yunyi can no longer control him, so naturally he will not send him supplies for nothing.

It is a matter of Tianyun's life and death, and Bai Yunyi can no longer sympathize with the power of the people and win the hearts of the people.Immediately issued an order to collect taxes in advance.As long as this tax is collected, the tax for the second half of the year will no longer be collected from the people.

In good times, or in times of peace, the common people tighten their belts and still get out.But after a lot of trouble last year, the people are almost completely destitute, and there is not much food left in their homes, and some have even run out of food.

When the imperial court came to collect taxes again, many families could only flee everywhere, or sell their children and daughters.Even in some places, riots began to appear, and the rioters rose up one after another, attacking the local government and the local dignitaries.

Bai Yunyi had to dispatch troops to suppress everywhere.Seeing that the Tianyun chaos is about to break out, the dignitaries from all over the country have formed villages to protect themselves.Some far-sighted dignitaries even secretly contacted Tianhua in an attempt to maintain their family interests after Tianyun's destruction.

At this time, the number of troops stationed in Leizhou reached 35.The number of scouts at various passes in Leizhou began to increase significantly, and the scout teams from both sides began to fight fiercely in the mountains.

Not long after, Quyangguan also stationed 20 soldiers and horses, gathered [-] troops, and began to advance towards Fengzhou.One after another, urgent letters were quickly sent south.

(End of this chapter)

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