Chapter 773 Tribute Exploration
In mid-August, the nearly two-year war between Tianyun and Eternity finally came to an end.The two sides began to evacuate their troops and horses from each other, leaving only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to monitor each other.

Tian Yun quickly deployed the vacated troops to the border of Leizhou and Fengzhou to fully guard against Tianhua's invasion.And Eternity also returned to the plateau, focusing its forces on the border of the Western Regions.

However, after the two countries had arranged everything, they found that Tian Hua was motionless, and there was no sign of increasing troops to Tian Yun.

Regarding this, Tian Yun was both helpless and delighted.Although it was because of Tianhua that he had to bear the shame of ceding the land, no matter what, Tianhua's silence was to give Tianyun a chance to recuperate.The later the war started, the better it would be for Tian Yun.

At this time, within Tianhua, the land of the three states is being consolidated in an orderly manner, with a truce to restore the war losses of the past few years.

At this time, Lingnan Kingdom and Liyue Kingdom in the south suddenly sent envoys to congratulate them, and asked themselves to be vassal states of Tianhua Fan.

This move caught Tianhua by surprise. Originally, in their plan, the southern countries had already been included in the crusade list.But now, he actually took the initiative to send an envoy to join him, which made Lin Yifan hesitate.

The other party seemed to admire and reverence Tianhua, and as soon as he unified the Central Plains, he couldn't wait to come over to proclaim his vassal.In fact, it was just to test Tianhua's attitude towards them.If you agree, that's fine. Anyway, the southern countries have long been accustomed to being vassal states of the Central Plains. As long as the status quo can be maintained, the country can be preserved for a long time.If he refuses, he will understand Tianhua's wolfish ambitions, and he will definitely unite with all parties to resist Tianhua.

Although the southern countries are weak, they are very difficult to deal with.It is located in a hot and smoky place, and it is difficult for soldiers from the Central Plains to adapt to the environment.As a result, in the past dynasties, the Central Plains dynasty often spent its national power, and it was difficult to conquer the southern countries.Even if it is conquered, it is difficult to assimilate its people due to perennial rebellion. After the final national power declines, it can only withdraw from the land and adopt the strategy of screen the vassal to win over.

Tianhua is a powerful country in the north, and it is particularly uncomfortable with the southern climate.Therefore, Lin Yifan has recruited a group of Haizhou troops, trained them to adapt to jungle warfare, and will serve as the main force for the Southern Expedition in the future.But this is not something that can be accomplished overnight. For the battle in the south, it can only be ranked after the recovery of Tianyun.

But now that the southern countries are so obedient, Lin Yifan has no choice but to respond.But once he agreed to make it a vassal state, he would not be able to find an excuse to attack the country in the future, unless he offended Tianhua.Otherwise, if the name is not right, the words will not go well, and it will inevitably be opposed by the people in the country, and even damage the credibility of the Tianhua court.

After discussing with the cabinet, Lin Yifan decided to agree to the request of the two countries, granting him the titles of King of Lingnan and King of Leyue respectively, and he will be a vassal of Tianhua forever.

But at the same time, the border between the two countries will be open to the outside world, allowing the people of the two countries to travel and trade.Moreover, the two countries must send their sons as hostages to accept the influence of Central Plains culture.

Regarding this, the two countries have no objection at all. As long as the Central Plains agrees to the canonization, the security of the country can be guaranteed, and this is the purpose of their visit here.They believe that the Central Plains Dynasty is a group of people who pay attention to the face of the country. As long as they pretend to be harmless, they can basically continue safely under the protection of the Central Plains Dynasty.

However, they never thought that Tianhua was different from the previous Central Plains dynasties, they were more pragmatic.Although this time he had no choice but to agree to the request of the two countries, but in other respects, it was a relentless aggression.

From now on, the culture and goods of the Central Plains will be able to enter the borders of the two countries without any scruples.One is to infiltrate the Central Plains culture into the people of the two countries, so that they can slowly accept the influence of the Central Plains civilization.One is to use the abundant commodities in the Central Plains to impact the domestic markets of the two countries and rob each other of their wealth.When the two countries find it unfavorable, they will inevitably stop it.Then, Tianhua can use this as an excuse to attack the two countries.

And the eldest son staying in Beijing is a good card in Tian Hua's hands.After defeating the two countries in one fell swoop, he can support the eldest son to succeed to the throne, temporarily stabilize the situation in the two countries, and use the barbarians to control the barbarians.In the end, it slowly erodes and completely incorporates the two countries into the territory of the Central Plains.

The envoys of the two countries, who didn't know anything about it, took Tianhua's generous reward and returned home happily.Tianhua, on the other hand, began to formulate a set of annexation plans for the southern countries, and slowly opened his fangs to the two countries.

After dealing with the affairs of the two countries, Lin Yifan's eyes fell on the information recently sent by the shadow guard.He has always been brooding about the leak of the inner ghost that the army returned from Dongyang.After returning, it was not mentioned to anyone.Instead, they secretly dispatched two blood and shadow guards to thoroughly investigate the matter of the inner ghost.

With limited clues, Lin Yifan only knew that Cao Ziyan was in collusion with the inner ghost, but after Cao Ziyan set himself on fire and died, this secret was completely broken.Fortunately, when the two guards chased and killed the Cao family's black-clothed guards who fled, they got an important clue.Tianhua's inner ghost was contacted by a black-clothed guard commander. As long as he found this black-clothed guard, he could find out the identity of the inner ghost.

Now that the shadow guard has locked his target in the capital, he most likely wants to contact the inner ghost and seek asylum.

Lin Yifan was quite surprised by this, he didn't expect this black-clothed guard to be astute, and he thought that the most dangerous place was the safest place.Previously, most of the blood and shadow guards were distributed in the territory of Weizhou for investigation, and they never thought that this black-clothed guard would hide in the capital.

At this time, Yuan Jin, the Commander of the Shadow Guards, and Huang Wuan, the Commander of the Blood Guards, had already gone to Beijing to personally handle the matter.

The two quietly came to the imperial study and reported the progress of the recent investigation to Lin Yifan.After a series of investigations, the target has been locked in a private house in the capital.Now the elite troops of the two guards have been secretly lurking in the middle of the capital, waiting for the opportunity to start operations, so as not to startle the snake and make the inner ghost aware of it.

Lin Yifan listened to the report of the two with a solemn face, with mixed feelings in his heart.Now it has been confirmed that the inner ghost is an official in the court, and it is very likely to be one of the high-level officials.These people are all old people who followed him to fight the world. He really didn't want anyone to choose to betray at this time.

But if the inner ghost is not eliminated, it is definitely a huge hidden danger for Tianhua.Maybe in the future, it will be a disaster for the Chao Gang.

"Very well, you will gather your people tonight and prepare to attack. You must take down the black-clothed guard and interrogate the identity of the inner ghost." Lin Yifan said in a deep voice. "At the same time, dispatch people to monitor all officials, and report immediately if there is any change."

"The minister waits to obey the order." The two immediately took the order and retreated.

Lin Yifan did it for a while, then ordered someone to call Guan Peng, the deputy commander of the Qilin Guard, and discussed for a long time in the imperial study.Afterwards, Guan Peng walked out of the imperial study room with a solemn face, and quickly headed for the Qilinwei Camp.

(End of this chapter)

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