Chapter 766
When the news of Lin Yifan's escape from danger spread throughout the army, the morale of the Tianhua Army rose in vain.With the surrender of the 20 Haizhou Army, the 30 Tianhua Army in Leizhou and Jinzhou advanced all the way and took the entire Golden State in one fell swoop. 60 troops encircled Weizhou and marched towards Cao Jiahao City.

When the news spread to Haocheng, Cao Ziyan couldn't help but fainted immediately, and he slowly woke up under the full rescue of the imperial physician.Suppressing the discomfort of chest tightness and shortness of breath, he immediately held a court meeting and asked the ministers for good advice.

But all the ministers were obsequious and couldn't say a single suggestion. Cao Ziyan was so angry that he cursed trash, but he had nothing to do with these people.Now that Tianwei has reached the point of life and death, there must be no chaos inside.

Bad news came one after another. Now not only all the land of Jinzhou has been occupied, but also all the counties and counties in Weizhou have been continuously eaten away by the Tianhua army, and some even opened their doors and surrendered directly.At this moment, Tianwei seemed to be melting continuously like winter snow seeing the sun.

Could it be that Tianhua really belonged to the destiny?Why no matter what kind of crisis he faces, he can solve it easily, and even turn the crisis into an opportunity.However, the Tianwei he established has gradually collapsed. From occupying most of the Central Plains, it is almost impossible to keep Weizhou now.

Up to now, there is no force in the world that can contain Tianhua anymore.With the surrender of Haizhou, Tianyun is still entangled with Eternity. As for the barbarians from all directions, they have already been defeated by Tianhua one by one, and even died.Based on his mere state, his army strength is only 30, and he cannot resist at all.

After retiring from the court, Cao Ziyan returned to the harem disappointed.At this time, he was already desperate, and ordered to keep the sent military information, and he didn't want to hear any bad news anymore.

At this time, all the ministers were also in panic. As officials of the Tianwei Dynasty, they would inevitably be liquidated after the war.Even if they escaped, the Central Plains would be owned by Tianhua from now on, so where could they escape to?
In mid-June, an army of 50 troops finally approached the city and surrounded Haocheng.Standing on the city wall at this time, all the defenders looked weak.The densely packed army stretched for more than ten miles, and they couldn't see the edge at a glance. Countless artillery were pushed to the front of the formation, all aimed at the city wall, making people feel cold all over.

However, the Tianhua army didn't seem to be planning to attack the city immediately, and after setting up a camp under the city, there was no movement.

At this time, Luo Yi had already led a group of generals to the Qingping River to welcome Lin Yifan.

Not long after everyone rode their horses and stood by the river, they saw a shadow of sails appearing on the river to the east, heading towards the mouth of Shangshui.

Not long after, a big ship docked at the shore, and the familiar Qilin Guards came out in a file and deployed their defenses on the shore.Finally, a familiar figure appeared on the boat and slowly walked down the planks.

When Luo Yi and the others saw this, they knelt down on one knee excitedly, and shouted in unison: "The last general is waiting to welcome His Majesty."

Lin Yifan hurried up, helped Luo Yi up, and said to the crowd with a smile, "My dear friends, please get up quickly."

"Your Majesty, are you alright? I heard that you were ambushed at sea, and I am really anxious." Luo Yi looked Lin Yifan up and down, and asked carefully.

"Haha, I'm fine." Lin Yifan pointed at Lian Haiping beside him, and said with a smile, "It's thanks to the commander of the Haizhou Navy, General Lian, who understands the righteousness and leads the troops anyway, otherwise I would really be in danger."

"Your Majesty's absurd praise, the end will be terrified." Lian Haiping hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "This is His Majesty's holiness written all over the world. I have been admiring it for a long time. How dare I follow the traitor and offend Your Majesty?"

"General Lian Gaoyi, Luo has made a note." Luo Yi immediately bowed his hands to Lian Haiping and said solemnly.

Lian Haiping's heart moved, and he immediately knew the identity of the general in front of him. He turned out to be Luo Yi, No. 1 in Tianhua's military, and the father of the current empress. He was extremely powerful.To be able to get his gratitude now would be of great help to his position in Tianhua in the future.Can't help secretly happy in my heart, and hastily said a few words of humility.

Next, after the two sides greeted and introduced each other, Lin Yifan asked about Qu Tianhua's situation.

When he learned that the two wives in the palace had trouble sleeping and eating all day long, he couldn't help feeling guilty.If I had known earlier, I should have sent a letter back as soon as possible to let them know.As for the turmoil around Tianhua, Lin Yifan didn't worry too much. With Tianhua's current strength, no one could afford to stir up trouble.

Just when Lin Yifan asked about the recent progress of the army, a group of people on the boat were escorted off the boat by the Tianhua Army, and staggered ashore.

When Luo Yi was wondering, Lin Yifan pointed at them as if showing off his spoils, and said triumphantly: "This man in strange clothes is the former Dongyang Emperor, and now I have captured him and abolished his honorary title. One is the Patriarch of the Gu family, the master behind the scenes in Haizhou, you must have known him too. And this fat man is a puppet supported by the Gu family, a collateral descendant of the Tianwu imperial family."

Emperor Dongyang looked up at Lin Yifan, then stood with his head down, slumped.Patriarch Gu saluted Luo Yi and the others with an embarrassed expression, while the fat man looked at Luo Yi and the other generals with a look of horror, trembling and shrinking back, not daring to look at them again.

After the three were taken away, Lin Yifan rode on a fast horse, followed Luo Yi and others to leave first, and rushed to Haocheng camp.

A day later, with the sound of high-pitched horns, countless soldiers of the Tianhua Army gathered in front of the camp.But at this time, they didn't know what happened at all, but the trumpets had been sounded, and everyone had to line up and wait.

The change of the Tianhua army immediately caused panic in the defenders of Haocheng, thinking that the opponent was about to attack the city, they immediately made a mess.However, after a long time, it was delayed to see the opponent attack, but everyone lined up neatly. I don't know why?

At this moment, from the southern camp, there was a sudden cheer that shook the sky, resounding like rolling thunder, resounding through the sky and the earth.Everyone looked to the south curiously. After a while, a cavalry rushed to the front of the formation. The leader was guarding this group of very dazzling unicorn guards, and behind them, the generals headed by Luo Yi lined up. Follow left and right.Whether they know each other or not, everyone knows that the person at the front is their Tianhua Monarch.

"Long live Your Majesty! Heavenly splendor is victorious!" When Lin Yifan galloped his horse in front of the southern camp, tens of thousands of troops immediately shouted loudly, and they all fell to their knees to welcome the emperor.

Without saying a word, Lin Yifan led a group of cavalry and ran around the south camp to the west camp.Immediately afterwards, cheers erupted from the direction of Xiying.Then came Beiying, and finally Dongying.Lin Yifan ran around the city of Hao, allowing the 50 troops to see with their own eyes that their emperor was still alive and well.Through this move, the morale of the Tianhua army has risen again. If there is an order, I am afraid that Haocheng will be defeated in a single battle.

(End of this chapter)

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