Chapter 743
In mid-June, Tianyun began a large-scale migration in the land of the two Jinlei states.Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to leave their hometowns and migrate to Tianyun territory.And many aristocratic wealthy households in the two states were also raided by Tianyun, and countless money, food and treasures were robbed.All of a sudden, Jinlei two prefectures were full of mourners and riots continued.

And Tianyun seems to have broken the jar, ignoring the life and death of the people in the two places.After looting countless supplies, they immediately began preparations for the withdrawal of the army.

The army began to shrink step by step, giving up many counties.Naturally, the Cao and Gu families were not polite, and immediately led their troops to take over the important areas of the city.

Facing the vacated counties in the north of Jinzhou, the Tianhua Army was at a loss for a while. While sending people to Jinzhou to check, they reported the situation to the cabinet.

When Lin Yifan learned of this, he immediately understood Tian Yun's intentions.It seems that Tianyun is really planning to withdraw from the Central Plains completely, but before leaving, he deliberately disgusted them once.

With Tianyun doing this, the people's livelihood in Jinlei Prefecture will be even more miserable.After anyone takes over, they have to invest a lot of manpower and material resources in order to maintain local stability, establish order, and restore people's livelihood.

After Lin Yifan thought for a while, he immediately ordered that the Tianhua army go south to take over the vacated counties and counties, and recruit people from all over the place to move to Tianhua, instead of occupying and pacifying them.He didn't want to spend a lot of effort to rebuild these counties at the critical moment of the Eastern Expedition.It is better to relocate the people in the area to the grasslands or the Western Regions to supplement the shortage of Chinese population in the two places.

Then, he immediately ordered the [-] troops resting in Huazhou to go south to the north of Leizhou to gather and stand by, ready to take over the entire territory of Leizhou.For Leizhou, he had to accept it in its entirety and spend manpower and material resources on rebuilding it.Only by occupying Leizhou can Tianyun be firmly suppressed in his country, and there will be no chance to send troops to the Central Plains.At the same time, relying on Leizhou, it can threaten Cao Jun to the east and contain Haizhou to the south, which can be described as a strategic location.

In late July, the Tianyun Army in Jinzhou had all withdrawn. At this time, the entire Jinzhou was divided up by the three forces. Cao Jun occupied most of the eastern and central parts and took half of the territory of Jinzhou.The Haizhou Army occupies the counties and counties in the southwest, and owns [-]% of the land in Jinzhou. As for Tianhua, it only occupies the remaining northern counties.

In early August, the Tianyun Army finally began to withdraw from Leizhou.The two armies of Cao and Gu began to reorganize their troops, preparing to jointly seize Leizhou, and exchanged the land of Leizhou for the Gu family to occupy the southern Jinzhou territory.

But the Tianhua army was faster, and before Tianyun could withdraw from Leizhou, a hundred thousand cavalry took the lead in attacking and took down the counties in the central part, and even rushed to the rear of the Tianyun army. Tianhua's banner.

Cao and Gu's family never expected that Tianhua's speed would be so fast. When they were still marching in the east of Leizhou, Tianhua's army had already completely captured the counties in the central part, and sent troops to the south to capture the cities in the south.

When the two armies came to the central area, they saw a Tianhua banner on the top of the city, and there were only dozens of Tianhua defenders standing on the top of the city triumphantly, shouting loudly: "You are already late!" Now, here is my Tianhua Earth Mirror, you must wait an hour to leave, otherwise you will start a war against my Tianhua."

When Cao and Gu's armies heard the words, they couldn't help being furious, and they all begged to teach Tianhua a lesson.

But how dare the generals of the two armies dare to do this. Once they attack this city, they will probably face hundreds of thousands of troops behind it.This time, the three parties have reached a tacit agreement to seize the city that Tian Yunkong released, and they will never compete.Now that the central part of Leizhou is occupied by Tianhua, it can only be blamed that their speed is too slow, and they can't even occupy a single word.

As a result, the tens of thousands of troops who were the vanguard had to retreat in embarrassment, retreated to the eastern part of Leizhou, and turned to attack south.

However, there were not many cities left for them, and it didn't take long before they encountered a city with the Tianhua flag planted, and there was nothing left to seize in the southwest.

So far, the Tianhua army has occupied [-]% of Leizhou's territory in one fell swoop, leaving only the eastern region still in the hands of the Haizhou army.But in this case, the scene suddenly appeared embarrassing.Because the eastern part of Leizhou does not border Haizhou, it is impossible for the Gu family to occupy this enclave.

At this time, instead of obtaining the Leizhou that Cao Jun had promised to the Gu family, it was occupied by Tianhua instead.This made the Haizhou Army occupying the southern part of the Golden State reluctant to give up the Golden State.

The agreed alliance soon broke down.Cao Jun was not satisfied with only occupying half of the land in Jinzhou, and his eyes quickly shifted to the south where the Gu family was entrenched.After the threats and lures had no effect, Cao Jun soon declared war on Haizhou, attacking the southern part of Jinzhou with all his strength.

The Gu family also quickly counterattacked. Since the eastern part of Leizhou could not be defended, they directly gave it to Tianhua in exchange for a large amount of weapons and equipment.Then he mobilized all the troops in the state, stocked up with Jinzhou, and vowed to fight Cao Jun to the end.In Qingping Hanoi, the Haizhou navy continued to harass the north bank of Weizhou, forcing Cao Jun to leave a troop to deal with the opponent.There is no way, and even with all the naval forces, Cao Jun is extremely passive in water warfare.

At this time, Tianhua had already put all his energy on the Eastern Expedition. After occupying Leizhou, he dispatched 15 soldiers and horses to garrison all parts of Leizhou.He also appointed General Feng as the Jiedu envoy of Leizhou to govern Leizhou.

Relying on the prestige of General Feng, all parts of Leizhou quickly stabilized and began to accept Tianhua's rule.

However, after the Tianyun Army withdrew to the country, its strength increased greatly, and an army of 30 immediately rushed to the battlefield.With the support of this new force, the situation began to reverse to Tian Yun.

After learning that Tianyun abandoned the Central Plains and mobilized 30 troops to deal with them with all their strength, the Eternal Alliance Army immediately became cautious, and began to shrink its troops in an all-round way, changing from offense to defense.

In mid-September, at the Yanzhou Naval Base, the [-] troops had practiced sailing for more than three months, and had basically gotten used to it.

For this Eastern Expedition, Lin Yifan did not mobilize too many troops. First, there was a shortage of ships, and second, because of crossing the sea, soldiers were more expensive than many.Although the Central Plains has temporarily ceased fighting, no one knows if there will be any accidents during Tianhua's Eastern Expedition.Therefore, Lin Yifan used [-] soldiers and horses as the Eastern Expeditionary Army to attack Dongyang.

In late September, Lin Yifan visited the harbor in person. This time, he will serve as the commander in chief and go to Dongyang to interrogate the crime in person.

However, in a few days, 600 warships left the port first, followed by more than [-] transport ships, sailing into the sea mightily.

Lin Yifan stood at the bow of the flagship ship, looking at the vast and boundless ocean, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "People often say that the shore of the land is the land of the king, but I feel that this is not enough, and the sea of ​​thousands of miles must also be included. In the king's land, it is thought that the empire is screened. In the future, there will be ships patrolling and stationing in the sea area, just like the land border, to prevent the invasion of Dongyang from happening again."

When Liang Shicheng heard the words, he immediately replied solemnly: "My minister obeys the order, and our navy will protect the sky and thousands of miles of sea and territory to the death."

(End of this chapter)

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