Chapter 739
At the beginning of April, although the situation in the Central Plains eased, the parties did not relax.Even though Cao Ziyan was only in one state, he knew that if he didn't do anything, Tianwei would still be the fish on Tianhua's board.But in the face of the shrinking of Tianhua's troops, he did not dare to start the war lightly, so as not to spoil this rare one-year period.Therefore, there are only the other two parties for him to choose.It's a pity that the warships of the Qingping River Navy are gone, and they can no longer go south.Cao Ziyan could only choose to attack Tianyun, which occupied Jinzhou. Now that the main force of Tianyun has returned to China to fight for eternity, only 30 soldiers and horses remain in the Central Plains.Coupled with the fact that there is Tianhua in the north and the Gu family in the south, what Cao Jun has to face is actually less than 20 troops.

Only by winning the Golden State can Cao Ziyan have the capital to compete with all parties.Now, Wuyou in the north, as long as they form an alliance with the Gu family, jointly attack Tianyun, and use the bait to divide the two Jinlei prefectures equally, the Gu family will not agree.

As a result, Cao Ziyan sent envoys to Haizhou while mobilizing troops and horses, and the situation in the Central Plains became tense again.

At this time, Tianyun can be described as internal and external troubles.Ever since Eternal and Yunzhao invaded Tianyun last year, the whole of Cangzhou fell, and the coalition forces reached Yunzhou.If the over 30 troops hadn't returned in time, Floating Cloud City would have been besieged again.

Over the years, although Tianyun has made great progress in gunpowder and artillery.But Eternal has also purchased a large number of Tianhua artillery over the years, and he has been attacking cities and villages all the way, which can be described as overwhelming.

Tianyun's more than 30 soldiers and horses can only stick to some fortified city passes, and they cannot fight back against Eternity at all.As a result, the Eternal and Yunzhao coalition forces captured many counties and counties, and once again drove a large amount of cannon fodder to attack the entrenched passes and cities, and most of the southwest of Yunzhou was corrupted.

Fortunately, the reinforcements from the Central Plains finally arrived, and the situation gradually tilted towards Tian Yun.At this time, Tianyun's military force gathered in the country has reached more than 60.But the Eternal Alliance was not to be outdone, and mobilized another 50 soldiers from China to help in the battle, and the number of troops reached more than [-].

More importantly, Cangzhou Xuezhou and a quarter of Yunzhou fell into their hands.As a result, Tianyun lost a lot of people and resources, and suffered heavy losses.With a huge amount of supplies and a consumable population, the strength of the Eternal Alliance has greatly increased, and it is no longer so easy to drive out the rogues.

This time, the Eternal Alliance seems to be preparing to occupy the captured area for a long time. Cangzhou is all divided into Yunzhao Kingdom, while Xuezhou and the southwestern part of Yunzhou belong to Eternity.Both sides have sent officials to govern, trying to build these areas into a stable rear.

The two sides can only start a brutal tug-of-war in Yunzhou, and no one can take half a step back.At this time, Tianyun was suffering and couldn't tell. On the one hand, he had to deal with the chaos in the country, and on the other hand, he had to maintain the status quo in the Central Plains.It's not that he is reluctant to give up the new land in the Central Plains, but that he can't give up now.Tianyun's country has been corrupted, and most of all resources have been transferred to the Central Plains.If the two states of Jinlei were abandoned, it would be impossible to sustain it based on domestic background alone.All can only maintain the domestic situation by continuing to draw blood from the Central Plains.

And this was the reason why Cao Ziyan decided to attack Tianyun. The people of Jinlei and Leizhou were already suffering terribly under Tianyun's exploitation.Its rule in the two places can be said to be crumbling, and it is time for him to take the opportunity to recover.

So, in May, Cao Ziyan reached an alliance with Haizhou to provoke the Battle of Jinzhou.The situation in the Central Plains has only been peaceful for more than a month, and then it became turbulent here.

But at this time, Tianhua did not make any movement. All the troops retreated to the two prefectures of Zhongqing and Qinghai. The more than 60 troops adopted the rotation system, and only 30 troops were retained, distributed in the three places of Huazhong and Qinghai to guard against movements in the south.

At this time, Lin Yifan had already arrived at the Yanzhou Naval Base to inspect the construction of the navy.

Liang Shicheng was very excited about His Majesty's tour of the naval base.Immediately accompanied him and patrolled the naval base to answer his questions.

After Lin Yifan looked around, his face showed unswerving expression, and he said with emotion: "This naval base is still too simple. I asked repeatedly, but the cabinet still didn't pay attention to it, so that after two or three years, it still didn't make much progress. .”

Regarding Lin Yifan's complaints, Liang Shicheng did not dare to answer casually, and could only pretend that he did not hear them.However, he was really dissatisfied with the cabinet in his heart, and often only half of the appropriation applications submitted were finally implemented.The reason is that the army needs countless money and food to fight on the battlefield, and the navy can take it slowly if there is no war.

Lin Yifan also knew that the cabinet had difficulties, so he could only complain, but could not reprimand them.So he turned his head to look at Liang Shicheng, and said with a smile: "But don't worry, I have already won 500 million taels of military expenditure for your navy, which is enough to double the size."

Liang Shicheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, with these 500 million taels, the navy can build more warships, buy more artillery, and guard the sea for thousands of miles for Tianhua."

"Haha, as long as you have the heart." Lin Yifan smiled, "By the way, I was in the capital last month and made a formal decision. In August, I will lead the army to crusade against Dongyang. Your navy must make preparations as soon as possible. do not."

Liang Shicheng was shocked when he heard the words, and thought to himself, as expected, His Majesty decided to march east, but he didn't expect it to be so fast and so urgent.

Therefore, Liang Shicheng said in a dilemma, "Your Majesty, the navy now has only more than 300 intact warships, and by August, there will only be four or five hundred ships. There is also a shortage of crew members, which urgently need to be resolved. Half a year, right? too fast?"

Lin Yifan smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I have already made preparations. For this Eastern Expedition, I will mobilize all the ships in the inland river, temporarily merge them into the naval order, and fight across the sea with the army. Now the Dongyang Navy has suffered heavy losses. With our naval strength , is enough to crush them. Now your most important task is to recruit and train the crew with all your strength, so that they are familiar with sea navigation as soon as possible. At the same time, I have already planned to build this place into a naval training base and establish a naval academy. All future Navy officers and men will go out from here. As the first generation of the navy, you shoulder very arduous responsibilities. General Liang, I have high hopes for your navy, and I hope you will not let me down."

"I will do my best to live up to your majesty's trust." Liang Shicheng was surprised and happy, and hurriedly bowed.He never expected that His Majesty's visit would give him such a big surprise.If a training base and a naval academy will be built here, then as the No. 1 admiral of the navy, all the naval officers and soldiers who go out from here in the future will be taught by their navy.From now on, he will be No.1 in the Tianhua Navy.

"Okay, then you can accompany me on board to have a look. I want to know about the lives of the soldiers on board." Lin Yifan nodded, looking at the warships parked in the harbor.

(End of this chapter)

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