Chapter 717

In mid-November, the military information sent from Floating Cloud City was finally delivered to Bai Yunting.

As soon as he finished reading, Bai Yunting felt that his breath was stuck in his chest, and he was so stuffy that he panicked.His face was red, he was shocked and angry.

"Damn it, damn the Eternal Army!" Bai Yunting roared angrily, barely propped up in front of the table, staggering.He never thought that the Eternal Army would join forces with Yunzhao to raid Cangzhou from the smoky south.And the tens of thousands of Eternal Army in Xuelong Mountain are just bait.It's ridiculous that I thought I had the chance to win, but was fooled by the eternal Takumi Yuki instead.

Today, there are only about 30 soldiers available in the country.The Eternal and Yunzhao coalition forces have reached 40 troops.If Cangzhou is not lost, it can be blocked with an army of 30.But once it enters Yunzhou and the plains are everywhere, it is difficult to resist the ravages of the eternal cavalry.

Tian Yun and Eternal Blood Sea have a deep hatred, and have a grievance for a hundred years.Wherever the Eternal Army passed, it was a piece of corpse.In this military report, Bai Yunting has already seen that more than a dozen cities in Cangzhou have turned into ghosts and ghosts, and at least hundreds of thousands of people have died.

what to do?Bai Yunting only felt deeply powerless.In the letter, Hu Chengjing earnestly asked him to immediately withdraw his troops and return to aid. Compared with the Central Plains, the domestic headquarters is the fundamental.But he was not reconciled, and he could not bear to occupy the Central Plains. If he retreated like this, all his efforts in the past year would be wasted.

The most hateful thing is the Gu family in Haizhou. Although Bai Yunting has already offered a good enough condition, the other party has been waiting for the price, waiting for Tianyun and Tianwei to compete.

If there is no eternal matter, Bai Yunting can still deal with the Gu family with all its strength, but now, it is too late.

Therefore, Bai Yunting immediately summoned all the generals to discuss and decided to send 20 troops back to the country to quell the chaos.In order to make up for the lack of troops, it is necessary to rely on the troops of the Gu family.

For this reason, Bai Yunting immediately made a decision to cede the two counties in the south of Jinzhou to the Gu family in exchange for the assistance of the other party's 20 troops.

When the Yunjun mobilized 20 troops to withdraw westward that day, the Tianhua Army immediately noticed it and immediately launched a fierce attack on the Tianyun Army.

The Tianyun Army, whose strength was reduced, had to support it with all its strength, and retreated while fighting, giving up several county towns in Jinzhou and retreating to the county towns.

In late November, after taking over the two counties of Jinzhou, Gu's army immediately led the army northward to help Tianyun. Only then did they manage to block Tianhua's offensive, and the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

At this time, Lin Yifan, who had already approached the city of Haodu, also received the information from Tian Yun.Eternal large-scale army of more than 30 soldiers is divided into two groups, one is to contain 20 Tianyun troops in Xuelong Mountain, and the other is to join forces with Yunzhao to penetrate directly into Tianyun's confidants from Cangzhou in the south.

However, when Lin Yifan saw what the Eternal Army had done in Cangzhou, he couldn't help frowning, and his heart was burning with anger.He really hoped that Eternity could attack Tianyun and force Tianyun to retreat.But such a brutal act of eternity made him feel very uncomfortable.The people of Tianyun, in the final analysis, are also the people of the Central Plains, Chinese compatriots.Eternal's move undoubtedly touched Lin Yifan's backlash.

Therefore, he immediately notified Luo Yi in a letter to suspend the offensive against Tian Yun and give him more strength to deal with eternity.At the same time, he managed to send someone to sneak into eternity, and went to warn Tuo Muxiong, telling him to restrain himself and not to harm innocent people.

Through this incident, Lin Yifan had made up his mind that the alliance with Eternity would come to an end.Whether based on national sentiment or because of interests, Tianhua and Eternal are doomed not to continue to maintain a good relationship.

Withdrawing his worries about the situation in Tianyun, Lin Yifan finally focused his attention on the city in front of him.In front of him is Haocheng, the capital of Cao Ziyan after the founding of the country.After several years of operation, the city is now impregnable.There are hundreds of thousands of troops gathered in the city, and it is really impossible to take the city with only 20 cavalry in his hands.

But even so, Lin Yifan still led the army, showing off his might under Hao City.He does not seek to seize the city, as long as the army gathers here, the entire Cao army will be attracted.It is better than running around Weizhou to contain all kinds of soldiers and horses.

Now that the army is approaching the city, Lin Yifan still misses his old enemy who has been fighting with him for more than ten years, so he sent someone to the city to pass the news, asking to meet Cao Ziyan before the battle.

The news was quickly sent to the palace, and Cao Ziyan called all the ministers to discuss countermeasures in surprise.

The ministers naturally tried their best to dissuade them, after all, it would be too risky to meet before the battle.

But Shen Li supported the meeting between the two emperors, and he could take advantage of this opportunity to persuade the other party to withdraw their troops. Even if it failed, he could gather the army and delay the time.

After weighing the pros and cons, Cao Ziyan finally decided to meet this old opponent whom he had feared for ten years.

So, after negotiation between the two parties, they finally met at a place five miles away from the city.And the Tianhua army will temporarily withdraw ten miles to show their sincerity.

In a pavilion five miles away from Hao City, both sides brought dozens of guards to the pavilion.

After not seeing each other for ten years, the two looked at each other with emotion.In Lin Yifan's eyes, the Cao Ziyan in front of him didn't have the vigor and vigor of ten years ago, but in his thirties, his hair was already grizzled, and he looked old.

And Cao Ziyan was even more surprised than Lin Yifan. Ten years later, he hadn't changed much, except for a thick beard on his lips, which made him more mature.Although fighting all the year round made him look unwell, he was not as haggard and aging as he was due to the state affairs.

"Brother Cao, I didn't expect that after ten years, you would have changed so much." Lin Yifan couldn't help sighing, it was really hard to compare the current him with the former him.

The corners of Cao Ziyan's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a wry smile: "My good brother has been like a day for ten years, and his face remains the same. As a brother, I can't compare to you."

"Hehe, Brother Cao has worked too hard for state affairs, it's time to rest."

"How dare you slack off in the face of a great enemy? If brother Xian really wants to rest for brother, how about retreating temporarily?"

"Um, haha, the world is still uncertain, so I dare not slack off." Lin Yifan's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "As long as Brother Cao is willing, not only can he have a good rest, but the world can also recuperate as soon as possible."

"Hmph, if my virtuous brother is willing to retreat, the world will naturally be at peace." Cao Ziyan sneered, "It's just that my virtuous brother's appetite is too big, so be careful not to break your teeth."

Lin Yifan still smiled lightly and said: "In order for the people of the world to get rid of the suffering of the war as soon as possible, I have to walk around even if I can't eat. If Brother Cao understands the overall situation, he should be able to see the current situation clearly. The world will be divided for a long time, and the world will be united for a long time. Unification is the general trend .I, Tianhua, inherit the destiny from the top and respond to the common people from the bottom. It is a matter of time before the world is unified. Brother Cao still wants to disobey the will of heaven and resist the trend?"

"Haha, brother, did you invite me here just to persuade me to surrender?" Cao Ziyan laughed loudly, with a trace of disdain on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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