The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 714 Take the initiative to attack

Chapter 714 Take the initiative to attack
At the end of August, Bai Yunting personally led a hundred thousand Imperial Forest Army to the Central Plains.

The news spread to Lin Yifan very quickly. At this time, he was leading an army to raid Weizhou without restraint.The army avoided the big cities with high walls and deep walls, and specially selected those low and fragile cities to attack. Within a month, they captured more than a dozen county towns and one county town.

However, because of going deep into the enemy's territory, the captured cities can be said to be blooming everywhere, and it is impossible to effectively rule at all.Therefore, Lin Yifan could only post relocation notices after occupying the city, listing the various benefits of relocating to Tianhua, and trying his best to attract people who voluntarily relocated.

Not to mention, under the rule of the Cao family, the lives of the common people were very difficult. After seeing these notices, many people went to the Tianhua Army to enroll one after another.But more people are unable to leave their homeland, even if life is hard, they are unwilling to move elsewhere.

In this regard, Lin Yifan was not reluctant, and after looting the food wealth of the government and aristocratic families, he allocated some of it to help the common people.Firstly, to weaken the strength of the local wealthy families, and secondly, to win the hearts of the people.Anyway, it's not Tianhua's own food and supplies, and it doesn't feel bad to distribute them to the people.As for whether the gentry feel distressed, he doesn't care.

Therefore, Tianhua Army's reputation in Weizhou can be described as mixed.It also deepened the local gentry's fear of the Tianhua army, and they moved closer to the Cao family.The gentry, who were usually too stingy to give any food and grass, donated money, food and materials to Cao Jun, hoping to rely on Cao Jun to repel the Tianhua Army.Cao Ziyan was surprised by this point.

From Lin Yifan's point of view, these gentry clans are malignant tumors, and they will be liquidated in the future anyway. In this case, it is better to eradicate them one by one during the war, so that after occupying Weizhou in the future, it will also be beneficial to the rule.Of course, Lin Yifan didn't make things difficult for those more enlightened gentry who actively cooperated with the army. Although these people were gentry, they could still be won over.Slowly adjust, it is not difficult to become the new gentry that Tianhua needs.

When Lin Yifan was attacking a county, he finally received the information from Tian Yun.Knowing that Tianyun Emperor Baiyunting has personally conquered, his face could not help but shudder. It seems that Tianyun Kingdom is ready to put all their eggs in one basket.Most of the country's military forces have gathered in the Central Plains, which is really a big deal.

In fact, Lin Yifan also understood Tianyun's situation. His country originally occupied a corner of the Central Plains, with a population of less than ten million and a territory of only four prefectures. Most of the three prefectures were in the wild and sparsely populated.If Tianhua completes the unification of the Central Plains, then they will be Tianyun next.If he wanted to have a chance of survival, Tian Yun would have to take over half of the Central Plains and gain tens of millions of people, so that he could have a chance of fighting Tian Hua in terms of strength.Otherwise, Tianyun, who is under siege from three sides, will be captured by Tianhua sooner or later.

However, isn't he worried about the Eternal Army in the rear?Lin Yifan couldn't help showing a little bit of doubt, he didn't believe that Bai Yunting would not have the slightest defense against Eternal, and he didn't know what cards he had not revealed.

However, Lin Yifan felt that now even Bai Yunting had personally conquered and left the country.In any case, this is the best opportunity in eternity.With Takumi's personality, he shouldn't turn a blind eye, right?
As for Bai Yunting leading an army of 50 to join the battle in the Central Plains, Lin Yifan didn't have much worry.Although there are only more than 30 soldiers and horses in the Central Plains now, there are only more than 50 against Tianyun.However, the Tianyun Army occupies one and a half of the state, and every place needs to send troops to garrison them. There are only [-] million people who can be used to fight the Tianhua Army.What's more, Lin Yifan didn't have other trump cards. Now, the grassland has been basically calmed down, and tens of thousands of troops are quietly moving south, and they have already arrived in Mingzhou and are lurking.As long as the time comes, they can quickly go south and arrive at the battle situation.

There is also a group of [-] troops from Huazhou, which has assembled on the border of Leizhou, and can join the remnants of the Leizhou army at any time, cut off the return path of Tianyun, and wipe them out in the Central Plains.

In mid-September, Bai Yunting finally led his army to Jinzhou, and the Tianyun Army with more than 60 soldiers finally had the confidence to start a formal contest with Tianhua.

The Tianyun army changed its defensive normality, and instead took the initiative to attack the Tianhua position.

Today's Tianyun has both gunpowder and artillery.Although compared with Tianhua, there is a certain gap in terms of power and range.But no matter what, the war patterns of the two sides have begun to converge.The Tianhua army can no longer take advantage of the huge difference in hot and cold weapons to gain an absolute advantage like it did against the surrounding alien races.

The bombardment in front of the formation by both sides was very tragic.But the two sides have already had a way to deal with this, and there are not many casualties.It is more about the destruction of defense facilities and psychological suppression.

After completing the saturation attack, the Tianyun Army began to move forward.Now they also have the Exploding Ballista, but instead of using flint impact to explode, they use matchlocks.A pack of explosives was tied in the middle of the crossbow, and after the match was lit, it was launched.When it fell to the enemy's position, the matchlock burned out and exploded immediately.

It's not that Tianyun doesn't want to make a giant crossbow like Tianhua, but it's a pity that the craftsmanship has not yet reached that level, so he can only temporarily use a simple matchlock to ignite it.There is a huge flaw in this, because the matchmaking is unstable, it is very likely to go out during the flight, or explode in advance, or even be easily extinguished by the opponent after falling into the enemy's line.

But Tianhua's giant crossbow is different. Not only is the rate of fire doubled, but the probability of triggering an explosion is also much higher than theirs. More importantly, the range of the giant crossbow is a hundred meters longer than Tianyun's. distance.Therefore, when Tianyun launched the giant crossbow, when Tianhua launched it at about 200 meters, he had to travel a hundred meters at about 300 meters and take great risks before setting it up to fight back.

The infantry spread out as much as possible and launched a charge, just to avoid being concentratedly killed by shells and explosions.After rushing to a distance of [-] meters, the bows and arrows of the Tianhua Army began to show their might, sweeping the battlefield with a radius of [-] meters intensively.

Holding the huge shield, the Tianyun army began to slowly gather into groups, and finally assembled into a formation.Within 50 meters, a dense battle formation was formed to charge the Tianhua defense line.

The defensive measures at this time have been shattered by artillery fire, and it is difficult to resist at all.The Tianhua army had already assembled, and when Tianyun was within easy reach, they immediately stepped out in unison and marched forward in a uniform manner.He stood within the broken line of defense, ready to fight.

"Kill!" The Tianyun Army, who had finally rushed to the front of the formation with great difficulty, suddenly let out a sharp roar, and slammed into the Tianhua Army formation one after another.

"Grenade ready, throw!"

The grenadiers in Tianhua's back row immediately ignited the grenades in their hands and threw them at the Tianyun army who rushed up.

"Boom boom boom!" Countless gunpowder smoke rose from the Tianyun army formation, and the originally dense battle formation suddenly became sparse.

At this moment, a row of Tianyun soldiers in front suddenly revealed the explosives tied to their bodies, and a short matchlock was burning.

Seeing these soldiers rushing forward with indifferent faces, they let the spears pierce through their bodies, grasped the shafts of the spears with both hands, and rushed to the Tianhua army formation with all their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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