Chapter 712 Introducing the Wolf
In the first ten days of August, Luo Yi led an army of 30 to Jinzhou, and formally declared war on the Tianyun Army.At the same time, Lin Yifan personally led 20 cavalry into the hinterland of Cao Jun, aiming directly at Haodu.

When the news came, Cao Ziyan hurriedly ordered the frontline troops to retreat to the city immediately, and sent envoys to Tianyun to form an alliance to resist Tianhua.

Fortunately, although Weizhou is located in a plain, there are dense rivers and Yangtze Rivers, and dense and dense cities.Tianhua is all cavalry here, which is not conducive to attacking the city and pulling out the stronghold.

After discussing with everyone, Cao Ziyan felt that the focus of Tianhua's battle should be on Tianyun's side.For his Tianwei Empire, it is more to restrain him.

Although Cao Ziyan is only in his 30s now, he looks much older, with a little more gray hair on his head.Since he ascended the throne and founded the country, the situation has been worsening day by day.It originally occupied more than half of the Central Plains, and its strength is second to none.Up to now, there are only parts of Weizhou and Jinzhou left, and their strength has declined severely.Both Tianhua and Tianyun are on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, Cao Ziyan has had trouble sleeping and eating in the past few years, and under anxiety, his whole body has also become much weaker, and he still has the high-spirited look of the past.

"My dear friends, since Tianhua is determined to attack Tianyun, do we have a clever plan to cut off these 20 cavalry?" Cao Ziyan's face was slightly flushed, his eyes were bloodshot, but he looked around the ministers with a look of expectation. . "As long as these 20 cavalry can be eliminated, Tianhua's strength will be greatly damaged, and our army can just seize the opportunity to seize the Zhongqing and Qingzhou states and restore its strength again."

All the ministers secretly looked at each other, with a wry smile on their faces.At this time, does His Majesty really think that he can stand up?How could those 20 cavalry be so easy to destroy?

"What? Don't you even have an idea?" Cao Ziyan slammed the throne and shouted angrily.Blood was surging, and he couldn't help coughing a few times.

Finally, his eyes fell on Shen Li, his confidant, "Shen Aiqing, tell me, what should we do?"

A thin layer of sweat suddenly appeared on Shen Li's forehead, and he had no choice but to stand up bravely and say, "Your Majesty Qizuo, I think that if Hua takes the lead in attacking today, the balance of power in the Central Plains has been broken. What they have to face is the siege of three parties. Our army, Tianyun Army, and Haizhou Gujia Army have more than 100 million troops, while Tianhua only has more than 50. As long as we rely on the dangers of cities, mountains, rivers and rivers, we will be able to resist Tianhua's invasion. When he is exhausted, This is the time for our three-party counterattack."

"Hmph, with our millions of troops, can't we counterattack Tianhua immediately?" Cao Ziyan was dissatisfied and said angrily.

"Well, Your Majesty, the four countries in the Western Regions used to have millions of soldiers, but the result is also obvious. Under the offensive of the Tianhua Army, they were finally defeated." Shen Li smiled wryly, "I think our army should stand by and wait for change." , don’t give Tianhua an opportunity. If today’s Hua’s whole country has been fighting for more than a year, how much manpower and material resources have been consumed? There is also a huge expenditure for the newly occupied territory. As long as we delay it for a period of time, Tianhua is bound to run out of money, so we can only retire and recuperate. At that time, I will also be able to temporarily slow down, recuperate, and accumulate strength."

"These are all strategies for success. What I want is the way to make progress." Cao Ziyan shouted impatiently, "If you keep on guarding, it is not Tianhua who can't survive first, but us. In the past few years, fighting every year, Weizhou has already been overwhelmed. If we can't open the situation, I, Tianwei, will definitely die. Shen Aiqing, dear friends, at this time of life and death, we must not sit still and wait for death."

"Your Majesty, I heard that there is a country outside the East China Sea, called Dongyang Country. Although this country is not big, its people are quite strong. Maybe you can send people to lobby and promise a lot of money so that they can send troops to support them." At this time, a A minister stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Dongyang Kingdom?" Cao Ziyan frowned. He had heard a little about Dongyang Kingdom.During the Tianwu Dynasty, the other party even sent envoys to pay homage to him.But in the end, because they refused to be ministers, they broke up unhappy and had no further contact.Therefore, he really doesn't know much about this Dongyang country.However, if it can be allied with it, there may be a turning point. . . .

"Absolutely not." Just when Cao Ziyan's heart was moved, Shen Li immediately stood up and scolded: "Dongyang is an overseas barbarian who has coveted our Central Plains for a long time. How can we collude with it? Your Majesty, the Dongyang wolf is ambitious, and must not compete with it." The union, otherwise, will be backlashed."

Cao Ziyan immediately lowered his face, "Shen Aiqing, I, Tianwei, have already reached this stage, do I still need to worry about Dongyang's ambitions? What's more, a small country, how could it have the strength to offend me in the Central Plains?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know that this Dongyang country violated our Central Plains as early as a thousand years ago. After the defeat, it learned the etiquette and system of our Central Plains and kept accumulating strength. Hundreds of years later, when our national strength in the Central Plains weakened At that time, they invaded the Central Plains again, and then drove them away with great difficulty. Later generations repeatedly invaded by crossing the sea, forcing the current dynasty to implement the policy of closing the country, and only then did the sea troubles be banned." Shen Li said in a deep voice, "Now This country is isolated overseas, and I don't know about the great chaos in the Central Plains, if they know about it, they will definitely invade it."

"Hehe, Mr. Shen is too worried." At this time, the minister sneered, "Now that I have the power of gunpowder and artillery in the Central Plains, can the barbarians of Dongyang defeat us by relying on swords and swords? Contact them this time, It's just to contain Tianhua, I really don't have any hope for their combat power."

"Master Qiao, the Central Plains is the business of our Central Plains people, how can we allow foreign barbarians to step into my Central Plains land?" Shen Li reprimanded.

"Hmph, Mr. Shen, it seems that it was your idea to contact other countries to attack China before? Why can't you contact Dongyang now?" Qiao Yue snorted coldly.


"Okay, I've made up my mind, this time I'll contact Dongyang and attack Tianhua together." Cao Ziyan shouted angrily, "Shen Aiqing doesn't need to say more, Qiao Aiqing, this contact Dongyang, I will leave it to you to be in charge. Dongyang came across the sea to help."

"I obey the order." Qiao Yue hurriedly bowed.

Cao Ziyan looked around at the ministers, and said in a cold voice: "This contact with Dongyang is not because I want to lure wolves into the house. It is really due to the current situation. But dear friends, rest assured, after defeating Tianhua, I will definitely drive Dongyang to the Central Plains, so that it will not be contaminated. A bit of the land of the Central Plains. Alright, retreat!"

After speaking, Cao Ziyan stood up first and hurried back to the harem.

Shen Li stared blankly at the throne, unable to speak for a long time.The situation in the Central Plains is getting more and more chaotic, which is really not a blessing for the people of the Central Plains.The reason why they were able to contact the seven countries against China before was because these seven countries were far away from the Central Plains and would not endanger the safety of the Central Plains at all.But Dongyang is different. Once it crosses the sea, it directly sets foot on the land of the Central Plains.Originally, the Central Plains was already a battle for hegemony, but now it has rashly entered a foreign power.Tianwei will lose orthodoxy, lose popular support, and be castigated and cast aside by other parties.In this way, how can Tianwei gain a foothold in the Central Plains?

(End of this chapter)

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