The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 710 Returning to the Central Plains

Chapter 710 Returning to the Central Plains
In Koradi, the capital of Wukaner, Mu Dan broke more than a dozen precious glass products one after another, and the sound of roaring resounded inside and outside the palace.

The defeat in the Battle of the Western Regions, and the entire army of more than 20 soldiers and horses were annihilated. For Wukaner, it was like a bolt from the blue.This is the second time they have been defeated by the same country, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were also captured.Before, only nobles and middle and high-level generals were redeemed in China, and ordinary soldiers and slaves were abandoned.Even so, it also cost the country a lot of money.Now, the 20 soldiers and horses who went to the Western Regions were captured again, and the domestic military resources suddenly became tense.It's not that there are no young and middle-aged people who can be recruited, but soldiers with combat experience suddenly become scarce.Most of the 25 soldiers and horses for the expedition to the Western Regions this time are elite, many times stronger than the soldiers and horses that attacked Tianjiguan back then.

At this time, the southern and western countries have been ready to move, harassing the border from time to time.Once they know that 20 soldiers and horses have been lost in the country, they will become even more unscrupulous.At this time, half of the country's combatable soldiers have gone, and their strength has been greatly reduced, and they cannot effectively deter the countries at all.

what to do?Mu Dan's eyes couldn't help turning red. If he wanted to redeem the 20 troops, the money in the treasury alone would not be enough.Join the Shayier Khanate again to attack the Western Regions?At that time, the country will be empty, just for the southern countries to take advantage of the void.The only way out now is to throw down face, send envoys to Tianhua, and humbly beg for mercy and redeem the army at a low price.

Although Mu Dan has a violent temper, as a monarch, he still understands which is more important.He knew that if he sent an envoy to plead, the other party would definitely offer very harsh conditions.He is ready to grit his teeth and accept, as long as the country is not touched, he is willing to accept any conditions.

Therefore, he immediately convened all the ministers to discuss, and finally decided to send an envoy to Tianhua to redeem the prisoners of war at all costs.At the same time, he was extremely annoyed at Huo Muer's disadvantage in fighting, and immediately ordered all members of his family to be arrested and demoted to slaves.

At the beginning of July, Lin Yifan finally returned to the capital. After visiting his family, he immediately summoned his ministers to discuss the post-war reconstruction of various places.

Today, the area controlled by Tianhua has suddenly doubled in size.In the Central Plains, the Zhongqing and Qingzhou prefectures have been firmly controlled by Tianhua. After more than a year of governance, although they are on the front line, there are hundreds of thousands of troops standing in front, and they will no longer suffer from the war.Order began to be restored everywhere, and the people were able to live and work in peace and contentment.Under the severe crackdown by the government, the gentry of the two states also learned to be obedient, temporarily dormant, and did not dare to make trouble at will.Given that the two states are still at the front line, the cabinet has no plans to implement the Hengshan system for the time being, and everything focuses on stability.

And after Mobei was destroyed a year ago, the soldiers and horses stationed there successively wiped out the Mobei rebels entrenched in various places, and vigorously promoted the state and county system, which has now begun to show results.According to the cabinet's plan, the Mobei people in the two prefectures of Mobei will be scattered and resettled separately, and mixed with the surrendered Donghu people.At the same time, the cabinet also vigorously migrated the people of the Central Plains to Mobei, but with little effect.Faced with the harsh environment there, most of the people in the Central Plains are unwilling to move there.At present, only some criminals and captives can be exiled to reclaim wasteland.But its proportion is still very low, which is very unfavorable to Mobei's rule in the long run.

As for the newly included so-called Beiting Grassland, it can only be temporarily appeased and stabilized as much as possible.When the time is right, the Hengshan system will be implemented.

Regarding the restructuring of the Western Regions, the cabinet has no objection. If it is not for moral reasons, they have long wanted to abolish the countries in the Western Regions and fully control the territory of the Western Regions.Now, through the war of the Four Kingdoms' attack on China, all the countries will be wiped out, and there will be no one in ten.The Western Regions are like a blank sheet of paper and can be planned arbitrarily.

According to Lin Yifan's temporary plans for the Western Regions, the cabinet made a decision to formally implement the plan to abolish states and establish prefectures and counties after making up for it.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs immediately dispatched officials at all levels to take up important positions in the Western Regions to rebuild the government of the Western Regions and assist Governor Murong Kang in governing the Western Regions.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs plans to transfer the hundreds of thousands of refugees it has collected from the plan of migrating to the grasslands to migrating to the Western Regions.Also, when the Four Kingdoms attacked the Western Regions, the Central Plains people who had already settled there, the cabinet also decided to persuade them to return to the Western Regions and give them sufficient compensation for the losses they suffered in this war.

There are also people from the Western Regions who were dispersed due to the war. The government will adopt the decision of resettlement on the spot and will not repatriate them to their own country. , the subjects of various countries live together.

The Ministry of Educational Affairs and the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda decided to establish a school and a publicity department in the Western Regions as soon as possible, so that the scripts in the Western Regions have the same text, the same pronunciation, and the ceremonial costumes are the same as those in the Central Plains, so as to strengthen the Western Regions' sense of belonging to the Central Plains culture.

The Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Agriculture also quickly dispatched personnel to participate in the reconstruction plan of the Western Regions, striving for a few years to restore the prosperity of the Western Regions.

The rest of the ministries also launched actions one after another to support the development of various affairs in the Western Regions.

This is both a moral move to win the hearts and minds of the people, and it is also a move to reopen trade between East and West.After completely controlling the Western Regions, the strategic depth of the Central Plains will be greatly expanded.Just like the previous battle of the Western Regions, if it weren't for the presence of the Western Regions, the Four Nations Alliance would have already reached Shazhou.Lin Yifan also couldn't calmly go to the Western Regions to quell the chaos after conquering Mobei.At that time, the Seven Kingdoms' attack on China will become a crisis of life and death for Tianhua.

Regarding the two Western countries that participated in the attack on China, the cabinets had different opinions. Some argued that they must be severely punished in order to hurt them and let them remember their lessons so that they would not dare to commit crimes again.Some people think that Tianhua's center of gravity is in the Central Plains, and it is not appropriate to form an enmity at this time, but to compromise with each other and quickly stabilize the western border.

Lin Yifan was also quite hesitant about this, because he was indeed very angry at the betrayal of the two Western countries.However, the battle situation in the Central Plains has begun to change, Tianhua must concentrate on coping, and it is impossible to transfer manpower and material resources to the Western Regions.But now the initiative is on his side, holding hundreds of thousands of captives from the two countries.No matter whether it is a fight or a tie, the opponent's chips are not as many as his own.Everything will be decided after the arrival of the envoys of the two countries.

Therefore, Lin Yifan temporarily shelved this topic.Staying at home for another two days, and after getting over the pain of lovesickness, he immediately led his army to Zhongzhou to join Luo Yi.

The news of Lin Yifan's return from the Western Regions could not be hidden from Cao Ziyan and Tian Yun's eyes and ears in Tianhua.Soon, the news of the defeat of the four countries in the Western Regions quickly spread back to all countries.

When Cao Ziyan and Bai Yunting received the news, they immediately ordered the frontline army to stop attacking and to guard against the strong enemy in the north.

(End of this chapter)

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